Sunday, February 10, 2013

IT News Head Lines (HardOCP) 11/02/2013

Latest iOS Jailbreak Dubbed the Most Popular Ever In just a week or so since the release of the new iOS jailbreak, it was reported that the tool has already been downloaded by seven million users, making it the fastest jailbreak ever to be adopted. Evasi0n's arrival earlier this week was noteworthy for being able to jailbreak the most recent version of Apple's iOS 6 software, something that had already been accomplished, but came with numerous caveats. Comments Read More ...
Google Building New Corporate Aviation Facility Google has quite a collection of its own aircraft and soon will have a facility to house its fleet. Google will be building a 29 acre, $82 Million dollar complex at the Mineta San Jose International Airport. The proposal will go before the city council's Airport Competitiveness Committee later this month, Shery said, and hopefully to the full city council for a vote in April. Construction would take 18 months to two years. Comments Read More ...
Hapless Vista Turns 6, Shuffles Toward Obscurity According to most past users, Vista can't pass into obscurity fast enough to satisfy them. Rivaled only by the monumental flop of its not-ready-for-prime-time cousin, Millennium Edition. Microsoft, along with the majority of its users, have distanced themselves from Vista at warp speed. Since its 2009 peak, Vista has been shedding share, dropping 5.6 percentage points in 2010, 4.1 points in 2011 and 2.7 points in 2012. Comments Read More ...
Epic Games Closes Subsidiary Impossible Studios Epic Games has pulled the plug on its recently formed Impossible Studios, citing hard times in the gaming industry and trouble getting its first game, Infinity Blade: Dungeons, finished. The game has officially been put on hold for the present and will be revisited at a later date. Comments Read More ...
Taking Dell Private Just Hit a Speed Bump Stockholders to Michael Dell: Not so fast there, bucko. Negotiations on the price Michael Dell proposed to pay per share of stock has been challenged by an 8.5% stock owner as 'robbing the shareholders'. To make its point, Southeastern has promised litigation, proxy fights, and what it generically refers to as "available Delaware statutory appraisal rights." Comments Read More ...
EA Offers Fans Another Chance to Beta Test SimCity If you missed the opportunity to give the beta of the upcoming release of SimCity a spin, you are getting another shot at the chance for the one hour gameplay. As before, you will need an EA account for registration, which will be open until February 11th. Comments Read More ...
Dad Pays Teen Daughter $200 to Quit Facebook A Boston father decided to help his daughter break her addiction to Facebook the easy way: he bribed her. Offering monetary incentives is one sure fire way to insure that her account is deactivated and not used the remainder of the school year. Good plan, but does little to insure an alias account from being created. In the agreement (below), signed by both parties, the teen promised to deactivate the social network from this past Monday until June 26. In return, Baier will pay his daughter $50 in April and the remaining $150 in June, at the end of the five months. Comments Read More ...
Microsoft's Patch Tuesday to Fix 57 Security Bugs Yes, it's that time of the month again. The time for System Admins to earn their pay. Microsoft will be rolling out 12 updates addressing 57 vulnerabilities across the range of Microsoft platforms, five of which are classified as critical. The bugs stretch across a range of programs, including Windows, Internet Explorer, Windows Server, Microsoft Exchange, and Microsoft's .Net Framework. Comments Read More ...
Twitter Now Speaks LOLcat Another step backward in the development of the Internet. Twitter has adopted a new beta language option for testing. The I can haz Lolcat memes are being tested in Twitter feeds beginning last Friday. Of course, making Twitter fully LOLCat-compliant won't require much adjustment. There are already plenty of users who think they're composing text messages and save characters by writing "ur" in place of "your." Comments Read More ...
Eric Schmidt to Sell 42 Percent of Google Holdings Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt has filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission to sell off approximately 3.2 million shares of Google stock over a one year period. The sale is estimated to be worth around $2.5 Billion dollars to Schmidt. It was reported that Schmidt may be in negotiations to buy North Korea after his recent visit. Given Schmidt's changed role at the company and the amount of his wealth tied up in Google's stock, it was not unreasonable for him to diversify his holdings, said Wedbush Securities analyst Dix. Comments Read More ...
New Assassin's Creed Announced Ubisoft confirmed that a new Assassin's Creed is in the works and is tentatively scheduled to be released sometime prior to April 2014. Details are expected to be announced at E3 in June. Comments Read More ...
Microsoft Cancels Surface Pro Launch Microsoft has wisely taken the precautionary high road and cancelled the launch events associated with the release of the Surface Pro due to the ongoing Northeast blizzard. The launch may be a bust, but Microsoft plans to go ahead with the sales of Surface Pro on Saturday. "Surface Pro launch activities in NYC have been cancelled due to weather; our best wishes for everyone impacted by the blizzard," a Microsoft spokesperson tells BetaNews. Comments Read More ...
Bing May Have Revealed Secret U.S. Drone Base Bing may just have finally upstaged rival search engine Google, but at the same time may have rubbed the CIA the wrong way in doing so. It looks like Bing Maps discovered a secret CIA drone base in the deserts of Saudi Arabia. On the other hand, maybe Google really didn't really want to find this base at all. Comments Read More ...
Sony Video Game Album Nominated for Grammy In a first for the video game industry, the score from Sony's PlayStation 3 video game "Journey" has been nominated for a Grammy Award. It's just another indicator of the acceptance of video games as a serious medium by the Entertainment Industry. Comments Read More ...
'FarmVille' Could Be Coming to a Television Near You Are you ready for Farmville: The TV Series? Zynga is striking while the iron is still hot and taking the FarmVille brand to new markets according to the Wall Street Journal. The series has already made the big jump from Facebook to board game last year. "FarmVille is one of the most exciting brands out there today and its cross-platform opportunities are endless. I am thrilled to be expanding the brand with existing fans and also engaging a whole new audience" Comments Read More ...
Available Tags:iOS , Google , Dell , EA , Facebook , Security , Twitter , Microsoft , Bing , Sony ,

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