Monday, February 11, 2013

IT News Head Lines (Overclockers Club) 12/02/2013

Overclockers Club Transcend StoreJet 25M3 1 TB External USB 3.0 HDD Review Transcend StoreJet 25M3 1 TB External USB 3.0 HDD Review Read More ...
Steam Greenlight Spotlight: Homesick Homesick is a first-person adventure game set within an abandoned building. You're a caretaker of sorts, but who you are and why are a mystery, unlocked as you play. In addition to exploring the building and solving puzzles to unlock new areas of the building, when you sleep, you're plagued by nightmares. A look at the trailers portray a game that's both serene in one moment and frightening and frantic the next. Homesick is inspired by games like Monkey Island, The Dig, and Myst. Developer Lucky Pause not only promises puzzles that "are hard, yet fair and sensible," but also multiple ways to solve puzzles and optional side puzzles that expand the story even more. The gameplay differs in the day time world and nightmare world, while solving puzzles in one world affects the other. You'll even acquire new abilities along the way to unlock puzzles, though details are sparse. Though it would be nice to know more about the gameplay, what really stands out is the 3D world Lucky Pause has created. For those that debate whether games can be considered art need look no further. The building you explore may be abandoned, but the detailed decor brings it to life. In addition to the art, the game also features an original soundtrack by an artist named Joy Autumn. If you're interested in Homesick, aside from simply voting Yes on Greenlight, roughly eight days remain on its already successfully funded Kickstarter campaign. In fact, two of the stretch goals have already been reached - more puzzles and story, including a roof level, as well as Oculus Rift support. If the last stretch goal of $22,000 is reached, a prequel game will be developed that will be unlocked after beating the main game.
Previous Spotlight: Knock-Knock. And don't forget to visit the forum thread. Read More ...
Microsoft to Patch 57 Bugs on Tuesday This Tuesday will see Microsoft release patches for 57 bugs for its software. This comes close to the record 64 bugs fixed on a Patch Tuesday in April 2011. The 12 security updates will address issues in Internet Explorer, Office, and several versions of the Windows OS. Five of the 12 have been deemed critical by Microsoft, while the remaining seven are classified as important. Be sure to grab the updates on Tuesday to keep your system safe if you use any of the affected software. Source: Computer World Read More ...
IBM Supercomputer Sets Sights on Cancer The IBM Watson Supercomputer rose to fame during a victory over the two most successful Jeopardy players in history. The performance of Watson has been increased by 240% since that appearance and its computing muscle is now being flexed for a different purpose, fighting cancer. Researchers at Sloan-Kettering have been using Watson to compile their research and analyze it for patterns that could help in the fight against the disease. The computer uses a cloud application owned by WellPoint which will be sold to others that wish to use it. Through the app, a patients medical records are compared against the results stored in the Watson database to make recommendations for treatment based on order of effectiveness and insurance coverage. Source: Ars Technica Read More ...
Available Tags:USB 3.0 , USB , HDD , Steam , Microsoft , IBM ,

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