Monday, February 11, 2013

IT News Head Lines (HardOCP) 12/02/2013

IBM Supercomputer Takes on New Role Watson, the IBM Jeopardy playing supercomputer, is turning its talents to the practice of medicine and one day may be Doctor Watson. Watson has been busy analyzing 1500 cancer cases plus millions of pages of medical records to be able to aid doctors in diagnosing the correct treatments for each patient's case. Comments Read More ...
More Java Patches Due Soon Since patching Java SE is such a hoot, Oracle is doing a mid-month encore. It seems in the rush to patch a vulnerability, several needed patches were not included. The good news here is if you skipped the updates on February 1st, everything will be updated at the same time on February 19th. Oracle has come under fire lately over Java, not only regarding vulnerabilities but also the fact that Java updates include third-party software, or as some critics call it, "crapware," such as the toolbar. Comments Read More ...
Finally Confirmed: An Asteroid Wiped Out the Dinosaurs A hotly contested theory of what actually caused the extinction of the dinosaurs has finally been confirmed by a team of international scientists. The date of the asteroid hitting the Mexican coastline was one of the points of contention which the scientists narrowed the timeline down to an 11K year period, removing speculation. Dinosaurs around the world can now rest easy in their rocky crypts, their killer has been confirmed. European and American scientists have re-tested debris from Chicxulub using state-of-the-art equipment and narrowed the asteroid impact down to a period of 11,000 years, between 66.03 and 66.04 million years ago — almost simultaneous with the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction. Comments Read More ...
Geeky Gifts for This Valentine's Day Okay, all of my geek brethren, it's time to remind you that Valentine's Day is right around the corner and your time to order a gift online is slipping away. Gizmag put together a small list of suitable geek gifts for your wife, girlfriend, boyfriend or all three of them together. Comments Read More ...
Move Over Roomba and Make Way for the Winbot If you like squeaky clean windows but really hate to do the work yourself, Ecovacs may have the perfect robotic tool for your house or office. The window-washing robot vacuum-clings to your windows and cleans them much the same way the Roomba cleans the floor, only from a vertical position. "There's no other robot like this on the market. And cleaning windows is a chore that you have to do, but nobody wants to do it." Comments Read More ...
Egyptian Court Orders Ban on YouTube for a Month As a reprisal for YouTube refusal to completely remove a trailer for a banned movie, the Egyptian Court has ordered a 30 day blockage of all YouTube access in Egypt. The movie in question was Innocence of Muslims, a film that caused riots in several countries last September. YouTube's parent company, Google, declined to remove the video from the website last year, but restricted access to it in certain countries, including Egypt, Libya and Indonesia, because it says the video broke laws in those countries. Comments Read More ...
Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 to Share App Development According to a new Microsoft job posting, the company is presently searching for developers to work on projects that focus on unifying the apps running on all Windows 8 platforms. Microsoft looks to start the inevitable universal adaption early on to save R&D time and resources. Developers wouldn't be the only beneficiaries of course. Windows Phone 8 users that have favorite apps could extend that experience to a Windows 8 tablet, laptop or desktop. Comments Read More ...
House Panel to Reintroduce Controversial Cyber Bill Just when you thought SOPA/CISPA debate was dead and buried, along comes a new push from the House Intelligence Committee to reintroduce the Cybersecurity bill for consideration. The recent cyber-attacks against banks and newspapers along with sensitive government agencies have given new life into privacy protection concerns, prompting a new look at CISPA. The bill was "developed in close consultation with a broad range of private sector companies, trade groups, privacy and civil liberties advocates, and the executive branch," according to the House Intelligence Committee leaders. Comments Read More ...
Did Curiosity Spot a Hunk of Metal on Mars? The Mars Rover has discovered an anomaly on the Martian surface. There are various theories as to what the shiny metal-appearing protuberance from a Martian rock formation may actually be and with further study and more pictures, maybe an answer will be forthcoming. I'm leaning toward the newly discarded iron game piece from the Monopoly board game. Comments Read More ...
Microsoft Sells Out of Surface Pro Reports were coming in from stores across the country on Saturday that the first day sales of the Surface Pro were extremely high and later in the day, reports were surfacing that the 128GB edition had sold out completely. Microsoft may have slightly underestimated the Surface's consumer demand. "Customer response to the launch of Surface Pro has been amazing. The Microsoft Online Store is currently out of stock of the Surface Pro. Our priority is to ensure that every customer gets their new Surface Pro as soon as possible. We are replenishing our supplies as quickly as possible." Comments Read More ...
Activision Says Destiny Not Releasing This Year A confirmation was made by Activision representatives on Friday that the expected release of Bungie's Destiny would not take place in 2013. Development is continuing and the release will probably occur in Q1 2014. Destiny is said to be an MMO-style title, and the series will be a trilogy with each game releasing one after the other with a year or two in between. Comments Read More ...
Apple Hires AMOLED TV Expert from LG Apple TV rumors aside, why the heck would Apple be hiring James Lee, LG's past senior R&D researcher for displays, if there wasn't a TV in Apple's near future? Sounds like a no-brainer connect the dots sort of logic in action. Rumor mill, start your engines: This obviously means that Apple is now working on an actual flat-screen Apple TV. Comments Read More ...
It's Sony's Fault the Xbox Exists According to Joachim Kempin, a 20 year Microsoft veteran and past President of Windows sales, the Xbox would have never seen the inside of a retail store if Sony had been a little nicer to Microsoft all those years ago. It turns out it was Sony's fault, simply because the Japanese company wasn't very friendly towards Microsoft, and Microsoft eventually decided they had to "stop Sony." Comments Read More ...
Available Tags:IBM , Java , YouTube , Windows 8 , Windows Phone , Windows Phone 8 , Windows , Windows , Microsoft , Activision , Apple , TV , LG , Xbox ,

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