Sunday, February 10, 2013

IT News Head Lines (Digital Trends) 11/02/2013

Digital Trends Meet the woman making brainwave control look more like meditation and less like the Matrix Our interview with Ariel Garten reveals the secrets behind the brainwave-controlled headband known as Muse and what to expect from mind-melded computing in the not-so-distant future .
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Five BlackBerry 10 games you can’t live without With the arrival of BlackBerry 10, gamers can sleep sounder. The new platform has the best game line-up we've ever seen and it's only going to grow from here. Get the scoop on our pick for the best BB10 games at BlackBerry World.
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DropTag tracks each time a package is dropped during shipment Providing a detailed set of data points as a package travels from sender to recipient, the DropTag Bluetooth sensor is designed to keep your shipping company honest and eliminate doubt during the damage claims process.
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DeLorean hovercrafts, roll-up TVs and more in this week’s Staff Picks You want to know all the best from around the Web in the past week, but you don’t want to have to look for it, right? Never fear. We’ve trolled the matrix to find the coolest, weirdest, and most interesting tidbits of the past seven days. Have at it.
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How to make Twitter lists Is your Twitter feed so flooded with tweets that it's become impossible to pick out the stuff you actually care about? Alleviate the problem with Twitter Lists.
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Jetsetter: Wii U game sales in the UK drop to 34,000 for the whole month of January This week in Jetsetter: More international delays for the PlayStation 4! An exclusive chat with Poland's BlooBer, creator of A-Men. Not enough Poland? How about a sequel for one of Poland's national icons? Finally a look at some sad Wii U game sales in the United Kingdom.
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Biggest Mobile News of the Week: iPhone Plus, MWC rumors, and Evasi0n We'll never let a slow news week slow us down as we bring you the best narratives in mobile news from this week. As we prepare for Mobile World Congress 2013, rumors swirl. Meanwhile, mobile's already changing the world and BlackBerry 10 may actually be a part of it.
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To Instagram or not to Instagram? That is the question The world is just waiting to be Instagrammed, right? Wrong. Turns out, different venues and authorities don't necessarily agree on the use of the photo-sharing network, and you might want to refresh yourself on Instagram etiquette before you get too snap-happy.
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Twitter can haz Lolcat speak? Twitter is giving the Internet its Valentine's Day present early this year by introducing a Lolcatz language option. The for-fun new feature lets you turn your Twitter accounts settings into a place of wonder, merriment, and indecipherable, adorable speak.
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Turbocharge your Roku with these tips, tricks and mods If you recently received a Roku set-top box as a gift or are simply looking to upgrade your cord-cutting lifestyle, check out this collection of tips and tricks that will supercharge the Roku set-top box.
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Technology is watching my every step, and I love it The latest fitness gadgets trumpet your exercise to the world – and use peer pressure to keep you moving.
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NYC residents can track snow plows online this weekend using PlowNYC Definitely helpful for NYC residents that absolutely have to get around the city this weekend, the government operated PlowNYC site will provide vital updates about the progress on snow removal street by street.
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Spotify app for Windows Phone 8 finally launches Three months after promised, Spotify finally released its Windows 8 app to the Windows Phone Store. The app is now available as a beta app for Windows 8 users.
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Available Tags:BlackBerry , Twitter , UK , iPhone , Windows Phone , Windows Phone 8 , Windows ,

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