Thursday, February 14, 2013

IT News Head Lines (Rage3D) 15/02/2013

Rage3D A Server Guy walks into CES and finds a future game console in a server farm Remember the cute little Xi3 box ( everyone went mad for, tied to the Valve Piston box rumors at CES? Well they're more than a one-trick pony under the TV, they can power the data center too. The currently shipping X5A series uses AMD’s... Read More ...
Brutal Legend PC features include SSAA, SSAO, lots more The beta for the metalfest that is Brutal Legend is now ongoing via Steam ( If you're curious on exactly what to expect in the full PC version come launch day, details have been released, and mention SSAA, SSAO, improved shadows, better netcode, and... Read More ...
Battlefield 3 unofficial fix gets around Punkbuster issue Since yesterday, many players have not been able to join any ranked Battlefield 3 servers on PC. If you're one of them and are hankering to play while developer DICE and Punkbuster work on an official fix, right now you can utilize an EA-endorsed... Read More ...
Rage3D Kombuting, February 8th Edition This week, Kombuting discusses Office for Linux rumours, takes a look at next-gen consoles and talks about the big news about Valve and Bad Robot collaboration. And don't forget to play "The Cave"! *Rage3D Kombuting, February 8th Edition* ( Read More ...
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