Saturday, February 16, 2013

IT News Head Lines (HardOCP) 17/02/2013

[H]ard|OCP Week in Reviews Today is Friday and you know what that means! It is time once again for the [H]ard|OCP Week in Reviews! For anyone that might have missed them, we like to take a quick look back on the hardware evaluations and articles we posted earlier in the week. We kicked the week off with our evaluation of the GALAXY GTX 660 GC video card, followed by our Corsair Hydro Series H80i and H100i double header CPU cooler review. Finally, we wrapped things up with our review of the SilverStone Nitrogon NT06-Pro low-profile heatpipe HSF. Read More ...
Facebook Says Its System Was Compromised In January Facebook says that, although its system was compromised in January, no user data was accessed. The company went on to say it remains committed to being the only one that sells you personal information without your consent. Last month, Facebook Security discovered that our systems had been targeted in a sophisticated attack. This attack occurred when a handful of employees visited a mobile developer website that was compromised. The compromised website hosted an exploit which then allowed malware to be installed on these employee laptops. The laptops were fully-patched and running up-to-date anti-virus software. As soon as we discovered the presence of the malware, we remediated all infected machines, informed law enforcement, and began a significant investigation that continues to this day. Comments Read More ...
Google To Open Its Own Stores Aside from loitering, what would you actually do in a Google store? An extremely reliable source has confirmed to us that Google is in the process of building stand-alone retail stores in the U.S. and hopes to have the first flagship Google Stores open for the holidays in major metropolitan areas. Comments Read More ...
The WTF Video of the Day I want to know how this guy stumbled onto this. Was he jogging on the treadmill and dropped some change? Polishing coins on the treadmill in his mom's basement? Developing a girl repellent or anti-date device? Comments Read More ...
Never Have More Than Nine Browser Tabs Open Here's some good advice to pass on to your friends and family that always seem to have a dozen browser windows open at once. Open enough browser tabs and it doesn't matter whether you're running Chrome or Firefox or IE or Safari or Opera: your system is going to slow down and eventually your browser will crash altogether, quite possibly bringing your entire environment down with it. Quite aside from that performance drama, there are at least four obvious reasons why having multiple tabs open is pointless. Comments Read More ...
Best Buy Cutting 30-Day Return Policy In Half? You can almost hear the execs at Best Buy HQ right now...."The latest numbers show we are steadily hemorrhaging customers. Anyone have a good idea for getting more people to shop with us? What's that you say? Cut our 30-day return policy in half? That's GENIUS!!!" We've now heard from two separate sources at Best Buy that the electronics retailer is going to cut its existing 30-day return policy in half to only 15 days. According to one source, this policy change is going to go into effect on March 3. Comments Read More ...
Megaupload Trying to Avoid Court Procedures For those of you that are still following this whole mess, the United States Attorney's office has filed a response to Kim Dotcom's most recent allegations. The government claims Megaupload is just trying to avoid court procedures., the file-sharing website closed by the U.S., is trying to circumvent criminal procedure rules with claims including an accusation the government lied to get search warrants, prosecutors said. The website's claims are unfounded, they said in a filing yesterday in federal court in Alexandria, Virginia. The U.S. accused Megaupload of generating more than $175 million in criminal proceeds from the exchange of pirated film, music, book and software files when it shut the site last year. Comments Read More ...
The President Says We Need More Gamers During a Google+ fireside chat, the president said that the country needs more gamers. But...but...I thought we were all murdering psychopaths? Look at Mark Zuckerberg. I was sitting next to him at dinner a couple of years ago, and he said he taught himself programming primarily because he was interested in games. If we set programs in high schools that engage kids because they get it, they won't be just sitting there slouching in back of rooms while someone is lecturing. Given how pervasive computers and the internet is now, how integral it is in our economy, and how fascinated kids are with it, I want to make sure they actually know how to produce stuff and not simply consume stuff. Comments Read More ...
Recording SFX For Video Games This would definitely be a cool job to have. Well, unless that big ass tiger got loose. Comments Read More ...
Ouya To Impose Free-To-Try Policy Wait a second, I thought demos were supposed to be a bad idea? You know, the more I hear about the OUYA, the more I like it. "It cleans up the app store," she said. "It removes the confusion between a paid app store and a free app store. We also think it cuts down on the copycat games, where you have games that look like each other and one is paid but the other is free and you don't know what to do." Comments Read More ...
Meteor Strike Caught On Camera Just so you know, the meteor currently whizzing by the Earth is not responsible for this (as far as I know, meteors can't do a drive-by). This is probably just a coincidence and not a precursor to a larger meteorite invasion that will destroy the planet. Comments Read More ...
Skype Breaking Records Microsoft no doubt has to be happy with these numbers. Microsoft's Skype is making some serious headway into the international phone traffic scene. New data (PDF) from telecom market research firm TeleGeography shows that Skype broke records in 2012 by hosting the same amount of calls as one third of the world's phone traffic. Comments Read More ...
SilverStone Nitrogon NT06-Pro CPU Air Cooler Review We are back today with another CPU air cooler that is designed for Small Form Factor desktop computer systems. CPU coolers in this niche have come a long ways in terms of performance over the years and SilverStone has pushed forward its new Nitrogon Series design to be competitive in the market place. Read More ...
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