Thursday, February 14, 2013

IT News Head Lines (Ars Technica) 15/02/2013

Android 4.2.2 kills the Nexus 4’s unofficial LTE support Google giveth, and Google taketh away. Read More ...
Spanish police bust alleged “ransomware” ring that took in $1.34M annually Victims tricked into paying €100 "fine" from visiting illicit websites. Read More ...
New “FiberHouse” in Kansas City invites startups for a year, rent-free Famed early-stage investor Brad Feld, who bought house, holds new competition. Read More ...
Bigfoot genome paper “conclusively proves” that Sasquatch is real And it only took founding a new journal to get the results published. Read More ...
Georgia bill would ban photoshopping legislator’s head on porn star’s body “No one has a right to make fun of anyone,” according to Rep. Earnest Smith. Read More ...
HP to embrace Android for its tablets, pretend WebOS never happened Upcoming HP tablets will reportedly run Android on top of Nvidia's Tegra 4 SoC. Read More ...
Julian Assange files formal application to run for Australian Senate If WikiLeaks Party wins, supporters say Assange can designate a proxy. Read More ...
Microsoft suggests fix for iOS 6.1/Exchange problem: Block iPhone users iOS 6.1 hammering Exchange, dragging down server performance. Read More ...
Oracle summons “Ann Droid” in appeal of Java verdict Oracle insists Google's Android copied key Java code. Read More ...
EA exec: Backward compatibility unlikely for next console generation CFO also hints used games won't be around long in this world. Read More ...
Google Now’s contextual widget is live, ready to display the weather Android Jelly Bean users must update the Google Search app to get the widget. Read More ...
Man allegedly used identity theft to stick AT&T, T-Mobile with $8M bill US Attorney apprehended the one they say is behind over a decade of fraud. Read More ...
DoD mints new medal for drone pilots and cyber warriors Distinguished Warfare Medal for "extraordinary actions"—without being there. Read More ...
Malware attacks spike against Apple OS X users in China enclave The increase is further proof that users of any system are vulnerable to hacks. Read More ...
Simulation of a one-two punch that nearly destroyed the asteroid Vesta Computer model of major impacts reproduces most of Vesta's major features. Read More ...
Dell employees grumble about buyout as stock options are drowned Many stock-owning employees will be left with less than they had hoped for. Read More ...
GameStop: 60% of customers won’t buy console that doesn’t play used games Retailer continues to argue against stopping preowned game resale. Read More ...
Zero-day attack exploits latest version of Adobe Reader Adobe says it's investigating reports attacks are able to pierce a key defense. Read More ...
“iWatch” reportedly one of several wearable experiments from Apple New info suggests a large watch team with an actual product in the pipeline. Read More ...
Airport Extreme update breaks IPv6 tunnels, but here's how to fix it The fix shouldn't be intimidating for those committed to their IPv6 tunnels. Read More ...
Wi-Fi patent troll hit with racketeering suit emerges unscathed Cisco, Motorola, and Netgear teamed up to stop Innovatio IP from suing hotels. Read More ...
Hey Presto, Opera switches to WebKit Opera's browsers will now be based on Google Chromium. Read More ...
iFixit teardown shows Surface Pro is a tough nut to crack Magnesium-bodied tablet is chock full of screws 'n' glue. Read More ...
Apple drops prices for some Retina MacBook Pro, MacBook Air models Retina MacBook Pros also get a small processor spec bump. Read More ...
The future of mobile CPUs, part 1: Today’s fork in the road 2013 may be a big year for the evolution of smartphones and tablets. Read More ...
Available Tags:Android , HP , WebOS , Microsoft , iOS , iPhone , Oracle , Java , EA , Google , Apple , Dell , Adobe , Opera , MacBook , MacBook ,

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