Tuesday, February 12, 2013

IT News Head Lines (HardOCP) 13/02/2013

Hackers Broadcast Zombie Warning On TV I know I shouldn't have laughed, but I did. Now, when it really happens, people in Montana are going to be screwed thinking it is another prank. I hope you can live with yourselves hackers! Comments Read More ...
SilverStone NT01 Pro Low Profile Cooler The crew at eTeknix had mixed feelings about the SilverStone NT01 Pro low profile cooler they just reviewed. If you are in the market for a HSF for your HTPC, give this review a look. What I liked about the SilverStone NT01 Pro was that it had extremely high build quality. There are a few companies that stand out in the market place for having exceptional levels of quality, Be Quiet!, Noctua and SilverStone are probably the three best in my opinion. In addition to that the heatsink mounting system was top-notch, the fact you can mount the CPU cooler in four different ways and the mounting system is so easy to use and gives such a secure mount – well it is just excellent and more companies need to use mounting systems like this. Comments Read More ...
Carnegie Mellon Seeks Triple Damages in Marvell Patent Case Carnegie Mellon University, taking a page from the Apple playbook, is now seeking triple the $1.7 billion it was awarded by a jury last month. Carnegie Mellon University is asking a court to make Marvell Technology Group Ltd pay up to three times the $1.17 billion jury verdict that the chipmaker was ordered to pay in December for patent infringement. The university filed papers Monday in U.S. District Court in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, saying Marvell knew it was using Carnegie Mellon patents wrongfully and should pay up to triple damages as a result. Comments Read More ...
Microsoft's Data-Center Tab Tops $15B $15 billion on data centers? No worries, most of that probably came out of Bill's petty cash drawer. Comments Read More ...
Facebook Sued Over 'Like' Button By Dead Guy I had no idea that dead people could sue anybody. Beside, how do they know the dead guy even opposes Facebook's "like" button? It is being sued by a patent-holding company acting on behalf of a dead Dutch programmer called Joannes Jozef Everardus van Der Meer. Rembrandt now owns patents for technologies Mr Van Der Meer used to build a fledgling social network, called Surfbook, before his death in 2004. Comments Read More ...
Gates: Bing Is A Better Product Than Google While you may not be as fond of Bing as Bill Gates is, you have to admit, he seems like a pretty damn cool guy. During an "Ask Me Anything" session at Reddit, the Microsoft (MSFT) cofounder praised his company's Bing search engine as a superior alternative to Google, calling it "the better product at this point." Gates acknowledged he was biased in favor of his own company's products but still encouraged Reddit users to give it a chance since "the work to make Bing better has been amazing." Comments Read More ...
Lian Li PC-V700 Mid Tower Case Modders-Inc has the Lian Li PC-V700 mid-tower case on the review bench today. Overall it is a very positive review, here is a quote to get you started: For those of you that already know about the quality products that Lian Li makes you come to expect certain things like innovation and style. But those that may not have had the chance to experience it you are in for a treat as we take a look a the Lian Li PC-V700 Mid Tower Case or is it? Comments Read More ...
What Has Your ISP Done For You Lately? Talk about going above and beyond to satisfy a customer, one ISP in Ireland actually bought pizza for a customer just to keep them happy. Here in the states, Cox just gave its customers a huge 2x speed increase for free. What has your ISP done for you lately? Comments Read More ...
Watching Porn Is Bad For Your Smartphone I'm not sure who conducted this study but I find it hard to believe that "less than 1% of all mobile traffic is pornography." Maybe that number is people that admitted to watching porn on their phones. That sounds more believable. Mobile users don't check out porn sites often -- less than 1% of all mobile traffic is pornography. But when they do go to those sites, the risk of inadvertently downloading malware to their devices increases three-fold. That makes watching porn on smartphones a far bigger threat than viewing porn on a PC. Porn led to more malware on smartphones and tablets than e-mail spam, malicious websites, and fake apps combined. Comments Read More ...
Eric Schmidt Selling $2.5B Of Google Stock $2.5 billion? Holy crap, talk about a massive pay day! On second thought, he's selling off almost 50% of his stocks, I wonder if he knows something we don't? An 8-K filed with the SEC Friday indicates that Schmidt, who previously served as Google's chief executive, will sell up to 3.2 million shares — he owns 7.6 million — a stake worth slightly more than $2.5 billion at Friday's closing price of $785.37. Comments Read More ...
GALAXY GTX 660 GC Video Card Our evaluation of the GALAXY GTX 660 GC video card is online for your viewing pleasure. If you are in the market for a high performance, factory overclocked video card that won't break the bank, this review is for you. GALAXY has a factory overclocked NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 complete with a custom cooler. Today, we have it on our test bench to run against an AMD Radeon HD 7870 GHz Edition and an AMD Radeon HD 7850 to see which is the go-to card at the $200 price point now in the latest games with the latest drivers. Comments Read More ...
Cool Video of the Day It is mind boggling that no one has thought of doing this before. Pretty damn neat effect, don't you think? Comments Read More ...
FBI Employees Download Pirated Movies and TV-Shows The FBI downloads pirated movies? Obviously this is *cough* research *cough* for cases the agency is currently working on. BitTorrent is used by millions of people every day, even in places where you wouldn't really expect. New data suggests that employees at the FBI's Criminal Justice Information Services Division are sharing movies and TV-shows with the rest of the world. Is the FBI gathering information on BitTorrent users, or could it be that the feds harbor in-house pirates? Comments Read More ...
GALAXY GTX 660 GC Video Card Review GALAXY has a factory overclocked NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 complete with a custom cooler. Today, we have it on our test bench to run against an AMD Radeon HD 7870 GHz Edition and an AMD Radeon HD 7850 to see which is the go-to card at the $200 price point now in the latest games with the latest drivers. Read More ...
Available Tags:TV , Facebook , Bing , Google , Smartphone , GALAXY , GTX , Download ,

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