Wednesday, February 13, 2013

IT News Head Lines (Engadget) 14/02/2013

Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 with LTE gets gussied up in Garnet Red
Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 with LTE gets gussied up in Garnet Red
Samsung's just pulled back the curtains on yet another device clad in a shade of Garnet Red: the Galaxy Note 10.1 with LTE. According to the electronics giant, it's positioning the dark cardinal-colored tablet as perfect material for Valentine's Day, and thinks the device will particularly strike the fancy of the fairer sex. Come February 14th, the freshly minted tablets will be available for three carriers in South Korea, while a rolling release is penciled in for other markets across the globe. Filed under: Comments Source: Samsung (Translated), Samsung (Flickr) Read More ...
President Obama signs executive order focused on improving national cybersecurity
While the President is currently giving his State of the Union address (viewable on YouTube here), earlier today he signed an executive order intended to improve the network security of "critical infrastructure." As noted by The Hill, the order charges the National Institute of Standards and Technology with the task of creating a framework of best practices for operators in industries like transportation, water and health to follow, due in the next 240 days. The Department of Homeland Security is also heading up a voluntary program works with various agencies and industry groups to make sure the policies are actually adopted, and find ways to create incentives for that to happen. The order has arrived after cybersecurity legislation failed to pass through Congress, and has been rumored heavily throughout the last few weeks. The president called for Congress to pass legislation to prevent cyberattacks during his speech, and this order is reportedly meant as a step in that direction. The Wall Street Journal indicates many businesses want liability protection against attacks in exchange for following the guidelines, which would require approval form Congress in order to happen. It includes language accounting for privacy concerns as well, with agencies required to look over the potential impact of their work, and release public assessments. The DHS is to report in a year how its work impacts civil liberties and provide recommendations on mitigating such risks. There's a lot to read through, so you can check out the document itself embedded after the break, or wait for those various agency reports for more updates. Filed under: , Comments Source: The Hill, Reuters, Wall Street Journal Read More ...
Corsair pops the question, acquires Scotland-based Simple Audio
DNP Corsair acquires Simple Audio,
Scotland-based Simple Audio announced today that it has been acquired by American computer component maker Corsair. The five-year-old audio firm is best known in Europe for its networked set-top receivers, which are capable of sharing music from PCs, Macs, TVs, iPods and MP3 players. In an effort to expand its reach, Simple Audio hopes that this multi-million dollar deal will help bring its products stateside sometime this year. While there's no word how many doubloons Corsair shelled out, the company stated that it had been eyeing Simple Audio since 2010 and felt that it was the right time to make a move. To take a closer look at this acquisition, click through to the press release after the break. Filed under: , Comments Source: Simple Audio Read More ...
Engadget HD Podcast 336 - 02.12.2013
This week kicks off with a slew of set-top box news: Dish is shipping its Hopper with Sling DVR, the TiVo Mini DVR is available on Suddenlink and Roku's next media streamer just hit the FCC. Moving onto more modern concerns, second screen apps for events like the Super Bowl, the NBA All-Star game and the Grammys along with more conventional contenders like GetGlue are all over are mobile devices, but are we getting any use out of them? Press play to find out which ones we're happy with and much more. Hosts: Ben Drawbaugh (@bjdraw), Richard Lawler (@rjcc) Producer: James Trew (@itstrew) Hear the podcast Filed under: , Comments Read More ...
The Daily Roundup for 02.12.2013
DNP The Daily RoundUp
You might say the day is never really done in consumer technology news. Your workday, however, hopefully draws to a close at some point. This is the Daily Roundup on Engadget, a quick peek back at the top headlines for the past 24 hours -- all handpicked by the editors here at the site. Click on through the break, and enjoy. Comments Read More ...
LG reveals 5.5-inch Optimus G Pro design with curved glass
LG reveals 55inch Optimus G Pro design with curved glass
Clearly, a lot of us wanted LG to reveal the design of the 5.5-inch Optimus G Pro as quickly as possible: just a day after a teaser, we're looking at the complete picture. And it's quite a looker, by all counts. While it has the familiar digital cube pattern on the back, it's also using curved glass in black or white, which LG says produces a "2.5D" effect. Those other details that LG is willing to divulge are largely what we expected based on the Japanese edition, including a full HD (1080p) display and a quad-core processor that's likely the Snapdragon S4 Pro. LG expects the larger G Pro to launch in late February, although it didn't say whether or not this is limited to South Korea; based on the timing, though, we might get a peek at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. Filed under: , , Comments Source: LG Electronics (Facebook), Korea Newswire (translated) Read More ...
Microsoft pushing Surface RT update to tackle WiFi and performance issues
Microsoft pushing Surface RT update to tackle WiFi, performance issues
If you've had any sustained glitches with your Surface RT, check for a software update -- Microsoft might just have sorted it out. A February refresh pushing out today should mend problems with WiFi reliability that have led to the tablet showing "Limited" access. It also eliminates sluggishness in the power and volume controls, as well as Windows as a whole. Is your Surface snappier after the update? Let fellow owners know in the comments. Filed under: , Comments Source: Microsoft Read More ...
Ted Sarandos, Mitch Hurwitz and Will Arnett wax poetic about creating content for the internet
Ted Sarandos, Mitch Hurwitz and Will Arnett wax poetic about creating content for the internet
Look, Will Arnett is hilarious. His gravely tones are also just as romantic in person as they are on television. And he took the stage here at D:Dive Into Media 2013 alongside Mitch Hurwitz (creator of Arrested Development) and Ted Sarandos (Chief Content Officer & VP of Content at Netflix) in order to talk about the changing world of original content production. Outside of making jokes about premiums paid for getting props back in order to create a new generation of Arrested Development (seriously, they sold the Aztec Tomb "immediately," per Arnett), Hurwitz and Arnett both agreed that it's a completely different dynamic in creating television for the internet. Filed under: , Comments Read More ...
Under Armour launches Armour39 performance tracking system, we go hands-on
Armour39 hands-on
Under Armour has always touted the scientific underpinnings of its sports apparel. From moisture wicking to heat trapping and everything in between, the company is quick to assert that it isn't just another athletic clothing company. But, performance enhancing shirts and pants have their limitations and, arguably, performance monitoring is a far more interesting and burgeoning field. In 2011 it dabbled with E39, a compression shirt with a space to insert a "bug" that included and accelerometer and heart rate monitor. Today, at an event in beautiful, chilly New York City, it officially unveiled the next evolution of that toe-dipping, Armour39. While there may be a shirt in the future, for now the system consists of a traditional chest strap, an iPhone app and an optional watch for those that don't like to carry their expensive smartphone with them on runs. Filed under: , Comments Read More ...
W3C to explore a proposal bringing DRM hooks to HTML
W3C open to a proposal bringing DRM hooks to HTML
The web is defined by the free, open exchange of information, right? Not necessarily. The W3C has decided that it's "in scope" for its HTML Working Group to explore a specification for the Encrypted Media Extensions framework, which would allow companies to plug in their own copy protection for web content. In other words, the effort would add support for DRM extensions to the web itself, rather than leave it to content plugins like Flash. The W3C's Philippe Le Hegaret is careful to note that this isn't an explicit endorsement of EME as it's suggested, or even the call for consensus on the proposal -- there are already concerns that the spec would lead to an abundance of DRM plugins that wouldn't work in certain browsers or operating systems. However, there's a chance it may become reality when EME's backers include content hosts or producers like the BBC, Google, Microsoft and Netflix. Filed under: , , Comments Via: Wired, Slashdot Source: W3C Read More ...
Comcast grows in Q4, buys the rest of NBCUniversal and rolls out more new DVRs
It's been a busy day for Comcast, so we'll catch you up on the key points. First, it announced today that it's buying the 49 percent of NBCUniversal that it didn't already own from General Electric in a deal worth about $16.7 billion, plus 30 Rockefeller Plaza and CNBC's New Jersey headquarters for an additional $1.4 billion. That's an acceleration of the original schedule, which gave Comcast the option to expand its ownership starting in 2014. In other news, Comcast reported its Q4 earnings, noting that while it still lost around 7,000 cable TV customers in Q4, the total number of video, internet and phone subscribers rose by 503,000 to a total of 51.3 million, up 3 percent from last year. In other news, Comcast announced expansions in its rollout of the new X1 DVR platform. Already live in areas of Georgia, New Jersey, Boston, Tennessee, San Francisco and Philadelphia, it's recently launched in Colorado Springs, CO with more promised in the coming months. It also locked down a deal with Fox that covers local broadcasts, cable TV networks and brings a number of the network's shows to Xfinity streaming apps and services on other platforms. That deal also reveals that Fox will soon add TV Everywhere authenticated streaming to its Fox Now apps, which Comcast customers will be able to access. There's an earnings call tomorrow where we may find out more details, for now you can look after the break and at the links below for the full press releases. Filed under: , Comments Source: Comcast Voices, Comcast, Q4 Results Read More ...
10 reasons you really need to be at Expand this March 10 reasons you really need to be at Expand this March In case you haven't noticed, we really, really want you at our inaugural Expand extravaganza this March 16-17! We wanted to take a moment and recap the highlights of the show we have planned so you have it all in one place (and because, let's be real, everyone loves a list):

1) Even more reasonable ticket prices!

We want to make sure Expand is as accessible to as many of you as possible so we're knocking the ticket prices for all of the above back to $50 if you buy them in advance. We're also instituting day pass pricing for those of you unable to attend the show both days. A $35 ticket gets you into Saturday's show plus our after-party from 8 to midnight, and only $25 gets you in for Sunday. Parents, kids under 13 get in absolutely free so please bring the family for a day of hands-on technology fun! Of course, we know many of you have variable schedules and aren't sure if you'll be able to make the show ahead of time. We'll also be selling tickets at the door for $60 for the full weekend or $40 for just Saturday and $30 for just Sunday. And if you've already purchased Expand tickets, check the email you used to register for info about a refund (we won't leave you hanging!). If you didn't receive the email or have other questions about your tickets, please hit us up at tickets at engadget dot com and we'll help you out. Read on for nine more reasons... Filed under: , Comments Read More ...
Dropbox for Teams adds an admin console for cloud storage overlords
Dropbox for Teams adds an admin console for cloud storage overlords
Although Dropbox made a concerted push into pro-grade cloud storage with Dropbox for Teams more than a year ago, it didn't have a truly centralized place for a team's overseers to keep tabs on everyone involved. An update today brings in a console to make sense of it all. Along with providing a much simpler at-a-glance view of goings on across an entire group, the console lets administrators tighten access limits from user to user: they can prevent people from using their personal smartphones and tablets with the corporate account, for example, and can ask certain people to sign in with two-factor authentication if there's more of a risk. The refresh might rain on the parades of those who want to use their Teams accounts for both work and play, but it's good news for companies that would rather not risk malware or other rude surprises. Filed under: , Comments Via: TechCrunch Source: Dropbox for Teams Read More ...
Eric Kessler announces AirPlay support for HBO Go and Max Go apps, says à la carte HBO access still isn't economically viable
Eric Kessler announces AirPlay support for HBO Go and Max Go apps, says  la carte HBO access still isn't economically viable
Eric Kessler, President & COO at HBO, just announced that a long-awaited feature will be going live today during his interview at D:Dive Into Media 2013. HBO Go and Max Go users with Apple products filling the home will now be able to enjoy AirPlay beaming. Straight from the man himself:
"Our long-term goal for Go is to be on all platforms and all devices. Effective today, we will be enabling AirPlay -- any device that allows users to watch on the big screen is great. You can play HBO Go on your iPhone or iPad, and then beam that to your HDTV via an Apple TV using AirPlay."
It appears that neither app has seen an update in Apple's App Store just yet, but we're guessing it's only a matter of time before both are refreshed. [Update: Looks as if both updates are now live!] Unfortunately, it doesn't seem that HBO will be on Apple TV for some time yet. Host Kara Swisher asked Kessler what the problem was in getting 'em on there. His reply? "We will get on Apple TV -- there is no problem. These things take time." We spoke firsthand with Kessler following his interview, and he affirmed that there's no 30 percent revenue cut to worry about with Apple TV like there is for conventional apps on the App Store. It seemed that HBO simply viewed this as a lower priority now that AirPlay is a reality, and it may go a long way to explaining why so many other video apps are opting for AirPlay inclusion rather than focusing efforts on a dedicated Apple TV app. Filed under: , , Comments Source: iTunes (HBO Go), (Max Go) Read More ...
Fitbit updates Android app with wireless syncing over Bluetooth 4.0
Fitbit updates Android app with wireless syncing over Bluetooth 40
Fitbit promised wireless syncing and, as of today, it's finally delivered. An Android-only app update, currently live in Google Play, will now allow Galaxy S III and Galaxy Note II users to transfer data wirelessly from their Zip or One Activity Trackers to the Fitbit application. The new feature, which works over Bluetooth 4.0, was previously announced at this past CES alongside news of the Flex band, and initially targeted for an end-of-January release. But that's not all this update heralds -- it also packs the ability to manage silent alarms, adds push notifications, a distance tile and additional tap-to-pair NFC functionality for use with the Flex. Unfortunately, you'll still have to wait a bit for that lifestyle band to launch, as Fitbit's only committed to a vague spring launch. For now, though, a small segment of existing users can enjoy this enhanced feature set. Filed under: , , , , Comments Via: The Verge Source: Google Play Read More ...
Sony Entertainment's Michael Lynton praises the DVR for enabling an 'explosion in creativity'
Sony Entertainment's Michael Lynton praises the DVR for enabling an 'explosion in creativity'
Michael Lynton, CEO of Sony Entertainment, has taken the stage here in Dana Point, California for this year's D:Dive Into Media, speaking candidly about his outfit's use of social media to advertise, and more importantly, how modern technology is impacting meaningful change on the creative side of things. Citing shows like Sons of Anarchy, Mad Men and Breaking Bad -- ones that he's obviously a fan of -- he noted that the proliferation of DVR technology has enabled a lot of it.
"I personally believe that this explosion in creativity you're seeing right now is due to the fact that you can create 13 episode, long-form narratives and then watch it whenever you want. It even brings better directors and writers who don't think that they can tell their stories in the two-hour frame of a major motion picture. I think this is a direct effect of technology. It's the first time I've seen it -- there was always talk about how technology would impact creative, and this is it."
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Netflix and DreamWorks to launch original show for kids in December
Netflix and DreamWorks launch original show for kids
While Netflix is trying to lure in the grown-ups with the launch of House of Cards, it's not leaving kids without their own choice of original material. DreamWorks plans to follow up the July release of its animated movie Turbo with a Netflix-only series, Turbo FAST, in December. The episodes will arrive on the service roughly in line with DreamWorks' 2013 slate of movies, including Turbo. Young viewers may well be happy, but Turbo FAST and the larger DreamWorks deal could be that much more satisfying for Netflix itself -- they're potential foils to Amazon's multi-show plans that could keep some subscribing families from jumping ship. Filed under: , , Comments Read More ...
Vuzix's Wrap 1200AR glasses do 3D augmented reality for $1,499
Vuzix Wrap 1200AR glasses
We saw Vuzix shift to a more Google Glass-esque set of smart glasses at CES in January, but it looks like it's not about to abandon the more traditional wrap-around headsets it's been churning out year after year. The company's latest is the Wrap 1200AR, which is a lot like its Wrap 1200VR headset, but with a focus on augmented reality instead of virtual reality. That means you'll get two (VGA) cameras mounted on the front to capture stereoscopic video of your surroundings, along with a pair of displays (852 x 480 each) to view that video -- augmented or otherwise -- in 3D. As with the Wrap 1200VR, the glasses also come equipped with head-tracking technology, but they don't come cheap. These will set you back a hefty $1,499, and are available to order now. Filed under: , Comments Via: Electronista Source: Vuzix Read More ...
Intel confirms new internet-based television streaming product, 'working with entire industry' to launch this year
Intel confirms new internetbased television streaming product, 'working with entire industry' to launch this year
Welp, the rumors are true. Erik Huggers, Corporate VP & GM for Intel Media, just sat down here at D:Dive Into Media 2013 in order to confirm that Intel's getting into the set-top / TV provider business, and everything will be delivered to your home using your existing broadband internet connection. Straight from the man's mouth:
"We have been working for around a year now to setup Intel Media -- it's a new division that includes a lot of people from outside of the company. We've hired people from Apple, Netflix, Google, BBC, etc. We're aiming to develop an internet television platform. My opinion is that not many of those rivals have cracked it -- have truly delivered. For the first time, we'll deliver a few things to consumers. We'll deliver a new consumer electronics product under a new brand. It's associated with Intel, but you'll have to wait to hear what exactly that is. It'll be an Intel-powered device with beautiful industrial design. Where it really gets interesting is here -- we're working with the entire industry. It's an over-the-top service, delivering network channels, pay-TV channels, catch-up television, on-demand, and a host of applications."
He also affirmed that the box (and service) would launch "this year," and while the box won't provide Intel's "entire vision" at launch, a fair amount will be. That should include live television, on-demand, and catch-up. We're guessing it's the app ecosystem that'll take some time to truly develop. Filed under: , , , Comments Read More ...
Nintendo's Wii U gets first free-to-play game as TANK! TANK! TANK! gets divided on eShop
Nintendo's Wii U gets first freetoplay game as TANK! TANK! TANK! gets divided on eShop
Namco's TANK! TANK! TANK! may have a great title, but it looks like its sales trajectory wasn't too far off from its name. The bizarre Wii U tank battle game is going free-to-play as of this week's eShop update -- at least in Europe -- dividing the game into three pieces based on game modes, each costing £1.59 (€1.99). Should you choose to not pay Namco's light toll, you can play each of the game's modes for free three times per day -- that toll raises to £7.99 (€9.99) apiece after February 28th, so you may want to act quickly. The new pricing and division of the game goes into effect this Thursday, when the EU's Wii U eShop updates. Filed under: , , Comments Source: Edge Online Read More ...
Dan Rose talks about Facebook's ecosystem evolution, path to go 'mobile best' in 2013
Dan Rose talks about Facebook's ecosystem evolution, path to go 'mobile best' in 2013
Dan Rose, vice president of Partnerships at Facebook, just took the stage with host Mike Issac here at D:Dive Into Media 2013. In a nutshell, Rose is responsible for relationships with the myriad developers that end up in News Feeds in some way -- regardless of whether the program is built for Facebook, or simply a program that shows interactions on Facebook. Right out of the gate, Issac asked about the ever-changing News Feed, and what users can expect from that in the future. Rose noted that Facebook is constantly "trying to find that perfect equilibrium between a great user experience, while still being enticing to developers. We listen to users on Feedback who tell us if something is valuable. Hiding a post is negative, while Liking or commenting on a post would be positive -- sometimes our algorithms don't hear the user signal fast enough. In those cases, we work closely with our partners so that they understand why we're making those changes. We want people to continue using Facebook, and the only way we do that is if we keep things interesting and we respond to user input." In other words, it's a constant battle between users who don't want to be spammed by pitches in their feeds, and developers who want to get as much visibility as possible by getting into those very feeds. He continued: "If a developer says 'What's the one thing I should focus on?', the answer is simple: create great content. We're spending a lot more time focusing on that, particularly on media content. Recently, we increased the size of photos for news sites -- that's a much better experience. That image needs to be large so that it captures the essence of the brand, rather than a thumbnail. With those larger images, people click more often (around 15 percent more). It does a better job of honoring their content." Filed under: , , , Comments Read More ...
Tesco experiments with free movie and TV streaming for Clubcard members
Tesco experiments with free movie and TV streaming for Clubcard members
Brits who shop enough at Tesco to be on a first name basis with the clerks may soon have a reward that doesn't require leaving home. The UK retail chain is currently testing Clubcard TV, a web-based movie and TV streaming hub that would be a free perk of Clubcard membership. As it exists in beta form, the Blinkbox-derived service won't have Lovefilm or Netflix quaking in their boots: there's a limited slate of mostly family-oriented fare, and Tesco's notion of TV streaming involves the video output on a laptop. While neither is an issue as long as the trial is limited to staff, we hope there's a richer platform by the time Clubcard TV is open to anyone with a lot of grocery shopping in mind. Filed under: , , Comments Via: The Telegraph Source: Clubcard TV Read More ...
Hearst president David Carey: Apple taught people 'how to buy digital content'
Hearst president David Carey Apple taught people 'how to buy digital content'
David Carey, president of Hearst Magazines, sat down with AllThingsD's Peter Kafka to kick off Day 2 of D:Dive Into Media here in Dana Point, California, with the interview centering on Carey's take on how digital magazines are working out in a world that seems less and less intrigued by physical books. Carey confirmed that 40 percent of its total unique views [on magazine websites] are mobile, with the majority of those coming from smartphones, and presently, it has around 900,000 paid magazine subscribers (on the digital front) here in America. That's around 100,000 short of the company's goal to hit a million by the end of 2012, but it's now gunning to secure 3 million paid subscribers by 2016. Moving on to the topic of Apple, Carey noted that Steve Jobs doesn't get nearly the credit he deserves for accomplishing one thing in particular -- "teaching consumers how to buy digital content." He continued: "It used to be something that people would steal, but if you make it easy for them, they'll buy it. More than 70 percent [of Hearst's customers] renew because it's easy. On the traditional side, the most frustrating thing is how difficult it is to get people to resubscribe through mailers." Filed under: , Comments Read More ...
Back to BlackBerry: a whole new UI world
DNP Back to BlackBerry week one
Editor's note: This is not a review. If you haven't taken the opportunity to read through our review of the BlackBerry Z10 and the BB10 operating system, now is the perfect time to do so. As I progress through my 30-day BlackBerry trial, I'm writing most of my thoughts with the assumption that you have a basic understanding of BlackBerry's new devices and platform. If you were to ask me what the most significant changes are in BlackBerry 10, I'd likely go into detail about the user interface, gestures, the Hub and the ecosystem. It's an amazing improvement over previous BlackBerry devices in most cases. It's not too difficult to learn, either: just three days into my 30-day trial, I found myself unsuccessfully swiping up on a friend's Android phone to turn it on. But now that I've had the chance to set up all of my accounts, do some hardcore messaging and play around with the device, what are some of my thoughts about those major differences? Join me after the break and learn some of the best and worst things I discovered so far. Filed under: , , Comments Read More ...
NASA launches Landsat 8 satellite to better study the skies above, water below
NASA launches Landsat 8 satellite to improve our coverage of the skies above and water below
NASA's Landsat program recently turned the big four-oh, and what better way to deal with the mid-life crisis by getting a new satellite as a present? Accordingly, the space agency has just launched Landsat 8 into orbit to give its Earth Science program a new injection of youth. The new vehicle improves the accuracy of existing light and thermal sensors while widening the scope to better reflect modern climate studies -- number 8 now tracks aerosols in the atmosphere, high cirrus clouds and the telltale signs of water quality and consumption levels. We won't get the first USGS-derived results from the new satellite until after a 100-day shakedown period, but we're sure the deeper understanding of our planet will help the Landsat program forget all about those first few gray hairs. Filed under: Comments Source: NASA Read More ...
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