Saturday, February 9, 2013

IT News Head Lines (ComputerWorld) 10/02/2013

Google's Schmidt gains option to sell 42% of his stock Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt may end up selling 42 percent of his shares in the company under a new stock trading plan designed to diversify his investment portfolio. Read More ...
iOS 6.1 upgraders reporting big drop in battery life Multiple users on Apple's iPhone support forum are reporting big drops in battery life after upgrading their handsets to version 6.1 of the iOS operating system. Read More ...
LinkedIn pulls the plug on 'Bang With Professionals' site LinkedIn has shut off its API access to "Bang With Professionals," a Web service that was intended to facilitate more, say, intimate connections among users of the business-oriented social networking site. Read More ...
Customers seek details on Dell's direction under private ownership Dell's decision to go private has led to mixed reaction from the company's customers, who are watching developments closely as they consider the next steps in their product procurement plans. Read More ...
California ends contract with SAP over troubled IT project California has terminated its contract with SAP in connection with a $371 million software system that was supposed to overhaul the state's payroll system but instead ended up mired in major delays and cost overruns. Read More ...
PassLocker helps iOS remember your passwords Like its desktop cousin, Innovationbox's PassLocker for iOS offers a simple and streamlined interface for managing your logins and passwords. Instead of going for lots of features like its many competitors, the app focuses solely on storing your credentials and helping you retrieve them quickly. Read More ...
Appeals court considers software patents U.S. companies shouldn't be able to get patents on abstract ideas when they combine those ideas with a computer process, a lawyer argued in an appeals court Friday. Read More ...
Google offers tips on reducing latency on large scale systems Running the world's most popular website, Google engineers know a thing or two about keeping a site responsive under very high demand. In the latest issue of the Association for Computer Machinery monthly magazine, Google reveals a few secrets to maintaining speedy operations on large-scale systems. Read More ...
If the PC dies, Windows 8 will be its killer, says analyst In another illustration of the diminishing importance of the PC, a research firm today said that more than a third of surveyed consumers who once used personal computers to access content have switched to tablets and smartphones. Read More ...
Microsoft's SkyDrive now stores 1B documents Microsoft today announced its cloud storage service now has one billion documents stored and said it has added new features to quickly save documents and get a link to share with others. Read More ...
Available Tags:his , iOS , SAP , Google , Windows 8 , Windows ,

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