Wednesday, February 13, 2013

IT News Head Lines (ComputerWorld) 14/02/2013

Obama signs cybersecurity order U.S. President Barack Obama has signed an executive order requiring federal agencies to share cyberthreat information with private companies and to create a cybersecurity framework focused on reducing risks to companies providing critical infrastructure. Read More ...
Obama live stream unaffected despite Anonymous threats Anonymous failed to disrupt the White House's online video stream of President Barack Obama's State of the Union address on Tuesday night. Read More ...
Anonymous plans to knock State of the Union offline The Anonymous hacking collective Tuesday said it plans to disrupt the live web stream of President Barack Obama's State of the Union address tonight. Read More ...
Yahoo's Mayer says mobile mail is broken Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer thinks there are problems with checking email on a smartphone, but her company is working on a solution. Read More ...
Microsoft monthly patches touch Exchange, Windows, Explorer System administrators overseeing Microsoft Exchange deployments should take a close look at Microsoft's latest round of security patches. In addition to covering Windows and Internet Explorer, Microsoft's latest monthly batch of patches covers the widely used Exchange Server, both the Exchange Server 2007 and Exchange Server 2010 editions. Read More ...
AI found better than doctors at diagnosing, treating patients New research by Indiana University shows using artificial intelligence to understand and predict the outcomes of medical treatment could reduce healthcare costs by more than 50% while also improving patient outcomes by nearly the same amount. Read More ...
Cyberstalking with LinkedIn You just left cocktail hour or a networking event and forgot to grab a business card from the person you'd been chatting with. Don't kick yourself. Instead, log on to LinkedIn to do some cyberstalking. It's a much better resource than Facebook, because with just bits and pieces of information, you're still likely to be able to find your target. Read More ...
For Customers, It's About Applications and Devices, Not Networks: Avaya's SVP As an industry veteran, how do you think the networking business has evolved over the years? Read More ...
Intel to take on Apple, Roku with its own TV box Intel later this year will start offering a TV set-top box and service as the company tries to cash in on the fast-growing TV and home entertainment business. Read More ...
Available Tags:Microsoft , Intel , TV ,

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