Tuesday, February 12, 2013

IT News Head Lines (ComputerWeekly) 13/02/2013

Intel and F5 invest into SDN Software defined networking has secured new interest this week with Intel investing into Big Switch Networks and F5 acquiring LineRate Systems Read More ...
Intel adds flash cache for Linux, with multi-node write planned Intel adds Linux capability to CAS flash cache software product acquired from Nevex last year and plans multiple-node write cache functionality later in 2013 Read More ...
SDN adoption plans still stalling in Europe TechTarget and Computer Weekly surveys find that less than 10% of organisations looking to implement software defined networking (SDN) Read More ...
IBM integrates Emerson Trellis platform for DCIM IBM has combined its IT service management with Emerson Network Power’s Trellis platform for datacentre infrastructure management (DCIM) Read More ...
Australia to quiz tech giants on pricing The Australian parliament has summoned Microsoft, Apple and Adobe to appear before a committee investigating pricing Read More ...
Haymarket dumps Exchange 2003 for Google Publisher Haymarket, is deploying Google Apps for Business and Google Apps Vault in the UK and US. Read More ...
SaaS remains most popular form of cloud computing for UK IT SaaS is the top cloud service that UK IT professionals plan to use in 2013 Read More ...
Security Think Tank: Web-based app security needs data-centric, risk-based approach What are the security pitfalls of web-based applications and how are they best avoided? Read More ...
UK accountancy watchdog FRC investigates Autonomy Financial Reporting Council (FRC) in the UK is latest organisation to examine Autonomy accounts, which is accused of inflating its value Read More ...
Security Zone: A three-dimensional approach to BYOD (part 2) Employees are the first line of defence and crucial to BYOD success, but process and technology are equally important Read More ...
UK government to crack down on tax-avoiding suppliers IT suppliers could lose out on multi-billion-pound contracts as the government introduces methods to exclude tax avoiders from bidding process Read More ...
Storage struggles to keep up with data growth explosion Big data analysis needs a split from the traditional approach of matching back-end infrastructure to application requirements. Read More ...
Military-grade social media spying technology revealed Software that can map people’s lives by mining data from social media sites has already been developed Read More ...
Gartner: analytics will be more transparent, real-time and automated Analyst firm Gartner has identified three trends for analytics and BI: transparency, real-time and automation Read More ...
CIO interview: David Matthewman, CIO, Open University Three years after joining the Open University, CIO David Matthewman continues to push a strategic programme to deliver value and innovation Read More ...
Apple seeks to improve iOS security with image recognition Apple is planning to improve the security of iOS on iPhones and iPads by using image recognition or response, according to a patent application Read More ...
Available Tags:Intel , IBM , Google , UK , Security , security , CIO , Apple , iOS ,

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