Wednesday, February 13, 2013

IT News Head Lines (CNET) 14/02/2013

Obama commends Apple and Intel for U.S. manufacturing In his State of the Union speech, the president gives a shout-out to the two tech companies for creating jobs in the U.S. [Read more] Read More ...
Obama signs long-awaited cybersecurity executive order Announcement may reduce pressure on Congress to move ahead with CISPA, a controversial privacy bill that's loathed by privacy groups and is scheduled to reappear tomorrow. [Read more] Read More ...
Canada nixes online spying bill designed to stop child predators Despite "Protecting Children from Internet Predators Act" sounding like a well-intentioned bill, it was opposed by civil liberty groups because it sanctioned warrantless wiretapping. [Read more] Read More ...
Apple reportedly has 100-person team working on 'iWatch' Unnamed sources tell Bloomberg that the team has grown over the past year and includes marketing, software, and hardware employees. [Read more] Read More ...
White House debuts 'enhanced' streaming for SOTU speech Besides showing the president's State of the Union speech in real time, the government is also displaying various policy charts, stats, and data on its augmented live stream. [Read more] Read More ...
Tip: Use OS X services to reveal or open file paths There are several ways to open a typed file path in OS X so you can manage the resources contained within them. [Read more] Read More ...
Bazooka shoots ping-pong balls at Mach speed A professor who once worked as an aeronautical engineer creates the ultimate ping-pong ball cannon to help students learn about dynamics. [Read more] Read More ...
Microsoft search deal hasn't worked out as Mayer hoped Yahoo's CEO says the partnership has yet to deliver the increased revenue or market share that was expected. [Read more] Read More ...
How to make a video game console patch bay With this simple guide, you can wire your old and new video game systems into one television and have all your classic games ready to play in the blink of a patch. [Read more] Read More ...
Yahoo buys maker of mobile app for recommendations Boosting its mobile unit, the Web giant acquires Alike, a maker of a location-based app that lets users recommend nearby restaurants, shops, and other venues. [Read more] Read More ...
Shatner: J.J. Abrams a 'pig' for taking on 'Star Wars' Captain Kirk weighs in on J.J. Abrams taking on the new "Star Wars" movie, and he doesn't sound too happy about it. [Read more] Read More ...
Language 'time machine' a Rosetta stone for lost tongues In an attempt to preserve endangered languages, UC Berkeley scientists create a computer program that reconstructs ancient tongues using their modern descendants. [Read more] Read More ...
BlueStacks brings a boatload of Android apps to the Surface Pro The startup's app "player" brings hundreds of thousands of Android apps to the Windows 8 environment. [Read more] Read More ...
Netflix viewers feast on 'House of Cards' To deliver the profits, Netflix is counting on Internet scale, reaching masses of people around the world, and keeping production costs stable. [Read more] Read More ...
New petition calls for OpenGL 4.3 and ZFS in OS X If you've wanted ZFS and OpenGL 4.3 support in OS X, now may be your chance to request it from Apple. [Read more] Read More ...
Intel's TV service will be on mobile devices too, exec says Erik Huggers, head of Intel's TV business, tells CNET that the company is staying away from the Intel brand with its new service so people don't automatically think of "Intel Inside." [Read more] Read More ...
Comcast to buy GE's stake in NBC for $16.7 billion The cable giant will now own all of NBCUniversal. [Read more] Read More ...
Mayer: Yahoo's future is personalization for content, ads Yahoo CEO outlines that the company's mobile strategy will be centered on "daily habits." [Read more] Read More ...
Under Armour targets hardcore athletes with Armour 39 The newly unveiled system is less a lifestyle product and more a performance measurement tool for serious athletes. Unlike the FuelBand, it will come to Android. [Read more] Read More ...
Anonymous intends to block Webcasts of State of the Union Hacktivist group says it is unhappy that the president will not be addressing issues such as Aaron Swartz, Bradley Manning, and wireless wiretaps. [Read more] Read More ...
Another close asteroid encounter for Earth coming Friday We've never seen an object this big get so close to Earth. Get ready for Friday's rendezvous with asteroid 2012 DA14. [Read more] Read More ...
I'm Dong Ngo, and these are my personal Wi-Fi routers CNET networking editor Dong Ngo reveals the Wi-Fi routers he has used at his home over the years. [Read more] Read More ...
Sonic Wallets scream, moo, hurl insults when opened The humble wallet gets an audio upgrade with a sound chip that makes noises ranging from obnoxious screams to choruses of angelic voices. [Read more] Read More ...
Shop on Twitter with a hashtag Facebook and Twitter explore new ways to shop on social media, Apple's CEO thinks OLED is awful, and a new app wants to be Twitter for voice messages. [Read more] Read More ...
Microsoft delivers fixes for Windows 8, Windows RT There are several non-security-specific updates for Windows RT, the operating system for ARM-based tablets and PCS including the Surface RT, as part of this month's Patch Tuesday. [Read more] Read More ...
Available Tags:Apple , Intel , Microsoft , Yahoo , Android , TV , Twitter , Windows 8 , Windows , Windows ,

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