Tuesday, February 12, 2013

IT News Head Lines (CNET) 13/02/2013

Dish Chairman Charlie Ergen: 'I don't want to kill ads' Ergen says he wants to change the way ads are delivered to consumers, giving viewers a choice of ads so they can be better targeted. [Read more] Read More ...
Google Reader goes haywire for many users A number of the Web giant's RSS feed reader devotees notice disappearing subscriptions, feed issues, and other problems with their accounts over the past couple of days. [Read more] Read More ...
LG updates Optimus L-Series handsets for MWC 2013 LG spruces up its line of mid-range handsets, known as the L-Series, just in time for Mobile World Congress 2013 later this month. [Read more] Read More ...
Microsoft's Xbox Entertainment Studio working on interactive TV Studio chief Nancy Tellem wants to deliver "hit" programming, including live events, reality shows and scripted programs with an interactive twist. [Read more] Read More ...
Tesla's Elon Musk lambasts New York Times article After the newspaper publishes a story critical of the all-electric sedan's battery life, Tesla's CEO alleges that the article is inaccurate and that he has the car logs to prove it. [Read more] Read More ...
How we test: Monitors Everything you've always wanted to know about monitor testing, but were afraid to ask. [Read more] Read More ...
Zuckerbergs second-most generous donors of 2012 The Facebook chief executive and his wife of nine months made one giant donation at the end of 2012. The gift was big enough to put them atop the list of most generous donors. [Read more] Read More ...
Help name some Plutonian moons A contest gives the public a chance to help rename two small moons orbiting Pluto, but it might help to brush up on your knowledge of the mythological Greek underworld. [Read more] Read More ...
BlackBerry's Alicia Keys tweets from iPhone, claims a hack It's not easy being the new creative director of BlackBerry. One thing you must remember is to always use it for public communication systems. Like Twitter. [Read more] Read More ...
TV hackers announce dead are rising The emergency broadcast system of a television station in Montana is hacked to broadcast the announcement that the undead are coming. [Read more] Read More ...
Judge accelerates hedge fund's lawsuit against Apple Apple had requested an expedited hearing schedule over a lawsuit that seeks to get the company to share more of its cash reserves with investors. [Read more] Read More ...
Twitter, Amex enabling shopping, 140 characters at a time A partnership between the credit card giant and the social network is designed to let Amex users make purchases just by tweeting. [Read more] Read More ...
Barbie gets digital makeover at Toy Fair The tech toys of 2013 are unveiled at Toy Fair in New York. CNET's Bridget Carey checks out what's in store for Barbie and Hot Wheels, gets a look at Toby's BattroBorg boxing robots, and finds out how toy guns are incorporating smartphones. [Read more] Read More ...
How the humble light projector supercharges your tech Forget classroom projectors. Companies like DLP are shining a light on exciting ways to affect cars, medicine, smartphones, and more. [Read more] Read More ...
Dish declares the death of commercials -- in a commercial The satellite TV provider rolls out its ad-skipping Hopper DVR nationally with a campaign that includes a grim message for TV commercials. [Read more] Read More ...
Maker of Chromebook Pixel video: It's real. But is he? Exclusive: Slinky.me founder Victor Koch says his company's Chromebook video is legit -- but doubts about him are mounting. [Read more] Read More ...
TomTom for iOS now syncs with iCloud A smallish version 1.13 update to the navigation app makes your data as mobile as you are. [Read more] Read More ...
Xbox 720 requires Kinect? Documents suggest a future Microsoft platform will mandate motion-sensing peripheral and game installs and will allow multiple titles to be played at once. [Read more] Read More ...
Help! My program is truncating my numbers! If you use large numbers or very long decimal values in some programs, you may see them get truncated. Why? [Read more] Read More ...
Awesome Antarctic research station can crawl out of the snow Hydraulic legs and ski feet elevate the new Halley VI Antarctic research station above the ongoing accumulation of snow that has overcome so many other research stations before it. [Read more] Read More ...
Facebook rolls out 'Buy Tickets' button for Event Pages The social network is helping members sell tickets to their events, in a move that hints at its interest in the online ticketing space. [Read more] Read More ...
Charge your smartphone, become a cyberspy It seems that some in the U.S. Army garrison in South Korea charge their smartphones using government computers. This is something of a cybersecurity oopsie. [Read more] Read More ...
Apple CEO to sit with first lady at State of the Union address Chief Executive Tim Cook is getting VIP treatment at the president's annual speech. [Read more] Read More ...
Nike snubs Google: FuelBand sticks to iOS and Web Nike says it's not developing a companion app for its FuelBand fitness-tracking product on Google's Android platform. [Read more] Read More ...
Home Depot iPhone switch short-circuits BlackBerry stock Nationwide retailer decides it's time to make the move to Apple, a decision which will affect 10,000 employees who will have to turn in their BlackBerry devices. [Read more] Read More ...
Available Tags:Google , LG , Xbox , TV , hack , Apple , iOS , Facebook , CEO , iPhone , BlackBerry ,

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