Saturday, February 9, 2013

IT News Head Lines (AustralianIT) 10/02/2013 Deal to drive down mobile roaming sting TRANS-TASMAN travellers hit with massive mobile phone bills are in for respite with regulators to be given powers to investigate the high cost of roaming. Read More ...
Sony April-December loss shrinks 75pc SONY has reported its eight straight quarter in the red but says it remains on track to achieve its forecast of a full-year profit. Read More ...
Google chair to sell $2.4bn in shares GOOGLE chairman Eric Schmidt plans to sell 3.2 million "A" shares worth $US2.5 billion ($2.44 billion) over the next year, Google has told the SEC. Read More ...
PCEHR faces patent probe US firm is investigating a possible infringement of patents by the National E-Health Transition Authority. Read More ...
ATO plays down tax agent data breach THE Australian Taxation Office has moved to play down claims that criminals compromised the tax data belonging to all Australians. Read More ...
New data centre to save NAB $22m THE National Australia Bank expects to save around $22 million over seven years by moving to a new data centre in Melbourne. Read More ...
Einhorn sues Apple seeking cash pile APPLE faces a rebellion from an influential investor who wants the company to stop stockpiling cash and give it to shareholders. Read More ...
Customers desert Vodafone VODAFONE Australia's Q3 revenue fell by 16pc as it continued to lose thousands of customers. Read More ...
Fujitsu reports huge $US1bn loss FUJITSU said it had lost almost $US1bn ($973m) in the nine months to December and was looking at slashing 5,000 jobs worldwide. Read More ...
Bogus advertising network smashed MICROSOFT and Symantec say they have smashed a hacker-infected computer network that siphoned online advertising revenue. Read More ...
Available Tags:Sony , Google , Apple , Fujitsu ,

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