Tuesday, February 12, 2013

IT News Head Lines (Ars Technica) 13/02/2013

Bill Gates talks polio, WinFS, and cheeseburgers in Reddit interview Polio could be gone within six years, and even the rich love cheeseburgers. Read More ...
Judge hints at jail time for porn troll Prenda Law over identity theft "Court will not idle while Plaintiff defrauds this institution," judge writes. Read More ...
Report: Next Xbox to require Kinect connection, game installs Rumors point to increased multitasking, no compatibility with Xbox 360 controls. Read More ...
Latest trial of a virus engineered to kill cancer shows promise Virus kills tumor cells, triggers an immune response to cancer. Read More ...
Home Depot drops 10,000 BlackBerrys from employee belts Construction retail giant gives the nod to iPhones—BlackBerry stock falls 5 percent. Read More ...
128GB Surface Pro sells out: High demand, short supply, or both? 64GB units apparently abundant. 128GB can't even be pre-ordered currently. Read More ...
Obama nominates one insider, one outsider for top patent court A longtime PTO lawyer and an openly gay DOJ litigator may join appeals court. Read More ...
Google wireless charging orb finally available for Nexus 4 devices Get yours for $59.99 but be prepared to wait on Google for shipping info. Read More ...
Apple releases iOS 6.1.1 for iPhone 4S users with 3G issues (Updated) Users have also complained of battery life problems under iOS 6.1. Read More ...
FCC invests $10M in new network security but leaves backdoor unlocked GAO finds job was rushed, sloppy—some problems too severe to share with public. Read More ...
EU data law draft uses language—word-for-word—from US, EU corporations LobbyPlag shows bill language copied from models by Amazon, eBay, and more. Read More ...
Fourth time’s the charm: Nintendo eases Wii U transfer issue with store credit Apparently, you just have to keep harassing customer service. Read More ...
Tim Cook and Steve Jobs reportedly disagreed on going after Samsung Apple expected Samsung to change designs, and sued when it didn't. Read More ...
Internet-shy CBS joins with Amazon for in-season airing of new TV show Under the Dome a first for the network. Read More ...
The Dealmaster has a cheap Nexus 7 32GB tablet for you If that doesn't do it for you, how about $90 off a Dell Ultrasharp U2413? Read More ...
Cretaceous meteor arrived just in time to wipe out the dinosaurs New dates on the impact shows it finished off what volcanic eruptions started. Read More ...
Get it done: Reader-recommended Android apps for staying on task Last week Ars asked; now you've suggested apps that are actually useful. Read More ...
Available Tags:Xbox , Kinect , Google , wireless , Apple , iOS , iPhone , security , Nintendo , Samsung , Amazon , TV , tablet , Android ,

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