Monday, February 11, 2013

IT News Head Lines (Ars Technica) 12/02/2013

Weird Science rolls its dung while staring at the stars And mad scientists create a turduck, but using a turtle. Read More ...
About time—Apple now experimenting with a watch-like device Little is known, but NYT, WSJ both report using anonymous sources. Read More ...
At Facebook, zero-day exploits, backdoor code bring war games drill to life How do companies prepare for the worst? By exposing workers to lifelike crises. Read More ...
Re-re-re-thinking the rise of mammals and death of the dinosaurs Placental mammals may have waited for the asteroid to hit after all. Read More ...
Smart TVs have a serious communication problem And it's a major reason why they have yet to catch on. Read More ...
New nanotech promises nothing will ever get wet—so how should it be used? Ultra Ever Dry video demos a "super hydrophobic coating" that repels everything. Read More ...
Get it done: reader-recommended Android apps for staying on task Last week Ars asked; now you've suggested apps that are actually useful. Read More ...
Seven vulnerabilities found through Mega’s security bounty program Site reveals what fixes are—but doesn’t mention payout, individual hacker info. Read More ...
Wind tops US sources of new electricity generation in 2012 42 percent of all new generating capacity came in the form of wind turbines. Read More ...
Available Tags:Android , security ,

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