Thursday, October 8, 2009

IT News HeadLines (HotHardware) 08/10/2009

A Phishing Reminder, As The FBI Director is Banned From Online Banking
FBI Director Robert Mueller, while speaking at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco on Wednesday, gave an example of why everyone should be wary of cybercrime. He related the story of the head of one of America's domestic agencies. This person, Mueller said, received an email, purportedly from his bank, which looked "perfectly legitimate." It asked him to verify some information, and he began to do so, until he realized that it "might not be such a good idea." "It turned out that he was just a few clicks away
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Amazon Agrees To Sell PlayStation Network Tokens -- A Sign Of Things To Come?
Sony and Amazon have an interesting relationship. On one hand, they're enemies. The Kindle rivals the Sony Reader, and vice-versa. On the other, they're best of friends, with Sony now being able to sell digital downloads codes for its PlayStation wares through the online mega-retailer's website. A newly formed agreement between the two enables it to distribute another 200 videogame downloads for Sony's PS consoles, which is pegged as a move to adjust to demands to get games on-demand and online versus in a store
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Samsung's SH-B083 Internal Optical Drive Reads Blu-ray, Burns CD/DVD
Blu-ray adoption may slowly be growing, but that's not stopping Samsung from trying to hasten the process. Today, the company introduced its first-ever internal Blu-ray Disc combo drive, with the ability to read BD-R and BD-ROM discs at 8x. It'll also read CDs at up to 40x and DVDs at up to 16x. With Samsung’s fast dual layer jumping algorithm, the new SH-B083 COMBO drive features an average access speed of 350ms which is much faster than any other drive on the market. The new drive reads Blu-ray discs and reads
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AT&T CEO Mentions Data Management When Speaking On iPhone - Oh No!
Ugh. It's things like "managing" and "crowded out" that we don't like to hear from CEOs of wireless operators, and that's exactly what was overheard during an AT&T keynote speech at CTIA in San Diego this week. CEO Ralph de la Vega didn't go so far as to introduce some sort of throttling program to the world, but you can tell he has something of the like in mind. It's no secret that iPhone users consume massive amounts of data compared to other smartphone users. The Safari browser is essentially the only
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Dell Bringing Android Smartphone To AT&T Next Year
Well, we guess it's fairly safe to say now that those Dell cellphone prototypes weren't being constructed for no good reason. In a somewhat surprising announcement made today, high-ranking sources have confirmed that Dell will introduce its first-ever smartphone on AT&T's network. With Sprint snagging the Pre, T-Mobile having a wide array of Android phones and Verizon having the so-called biggest 3G network, AT&T is looking to back its one-and-done approach with the iPhone with a few more solid options.
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FLO TV Personal Television Brings Mobile TV To Dedicated Screen
We got a glimpse at FLO TV's future plans at a CES pre-show event in June, and now everything's really coming into focus. FLO TV provides mobile television services for US carriers--you may have heard of it if you have an AT&T smartphone or Sprint TV. But generally speaking, adoption on mobile TV on cellphones has lagged behind in the US, while it's more openly accepted in international destinations. In order to bolster interest in its programming services, the company has now launched a dedicated FLO TV
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Amazon Introduces Global Kindle -- Just $20 More Than US Version To Roam Internationally
Just when you thought Amazon may be falling behind in the e-reader race, this happens. The Kindle, which is widely viewed as the #1 e-book reader here in the USA, is finally making its international debut. If you'll recall, the Kindle has always relied on Sprint's EV-DO network to give owners wireless access to digital content wherever they are, but of course, the CDMA radio won't function in most overseas nations. In order to remedy that, Amazon has teamed with AT&T in order to sell a GSM-ready version
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Samsung's $180 Moment Becomes Sprint's First Android Smartphone
Sprint may have the world's first webOS device in the Palm Pre, and it may have some of the best pricing plans available in America, but you know what it's missing? An Android phone. Er, it was missing that--until today. The long-rumored InstinctQ has today been revealed as the Samsung Moment, an oddly named Android smartphone that's destined to further bolster Sprint's growing smartphone lineup. The phone doesn't look much different than many of Samsung's other recent Android/WinMo handsets, boasting a QWERTY
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myTouch 3G Fender Edition Gives Guitar Players A Smartphone To Love
T-Mobile's myTouch 3G may not be the latest and greatest of the Android bunch, but it definitely falls within the "oldie but goodie" category. If you always loved the design, but never bit on buying one for whatever reason, HTC is providing you another reason to take one more look. In a sweeping announcement of new holiday handsets, the one standout phone is the myTouch 3G Fender Limited Edition. Expected to launch a little later in the year, the new handset has a guitar-inspired wood-grain finish that really
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Gateway Introduces One ZX Series All-in-One PCs
Gateway announced a new line of all-in-one series computers called the Gateway One ZX Series. This new line offers multi-touch screen technology and ranges from entry-level to high-performance systems. At the high-performance end, you'll find the Gateway One ZX6810-01 with a 23-inch 1080p widescreen display priced at $1,399.99. This model comes loaded with an Intel Core 2 Quad processor and ATI HD4670 graphics. Gateway also included a 1TB hard drive and 64GB solid state drive in this model. Some models in the
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Long-Awaited KOTOR II Mod Restores Missing Content, Faith in Humanity
Bioware's original Knight's of the Old Republic (KOTOR) was a smash hit on both the XBox and PC when it launched back in 2003. Anxious to mint fresh cash from its Star Wars IP, LucasArts commissioned the second title: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. Obsidian Entertainment was tapped for the task and given just a year to develop a sequel to what was considered one of the best (if not the best) games of 2003. KOTOR II began promisingly; early stages of the game offered at least as much immersion
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CyberPower Gamer Extreme 3000 Core i7 860 System
The enthusiast scene is filled with consumers with do-it-yourself attitudes who regularly build their own systems from scratch. In fact, some feel that part of the fun associated with a new build is comparing prices online and asking for advice on tech forums in order to configure the ideal system. Although there are obvious benefits of going this route, there are those who may not have the time to find the lowest prices on each individual component or inclination to assemble a rig unassisted. While an abundance
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Foxconn to Manufacture Apple Tablet PC: Report
Foxconn, the company responsible for manufacturing a number of products for Apple, including the iPhone, has been slated to be the manufacturer of the much-hyped and much-rumored Apple tablet PC, according to reports. The Apple tablet PC has previously been rumored to be hitting the market in the first quarter of 2010. According to Digitime's unnamed sources, initial shipments from Foxconn will be in the range of 300,000-400,000. Additionally, the sources indicated the new tablet will have a 10.6" display, the
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WD Launches My Book Studio External Hard Drives With E-Label Display
WD announced its new high-performance My Book Studio desktop external drives. The new drives feature a customizable e-label that is visible even when the unit is unplugged, so users can easily see what's on the drive. The e-label uses e-paper technology similar to that found on the Amazon Kindle. The label shows available storage capacity and drive security status. The customizable label can be changed easily. The new My Book Studio drives come with a FireWire 800 interface and are TimeMachine compatible. For
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CyberPower Gamer Extreme 3000 Core i7 860 System
The enthusiast scene is filled with consumers with do-it-yourself attitudes who regularly build their own systems from scratch. In fact, some feel that part of the fun associated with a new build is comparing prices online and asking for advice on tech forums in order to configure the ideal system. Although there are obvious benefits of going this route, there are those who may not have the time to find the lowest prices on each individual component or inclination to assemble a rig unassisted. While an
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Dell Bringing Android Smartphone To AT&T Next Year
Well, we guess it's fairly safe to say now that those Dell cellphone prototypes weren't being constructed for no good reason. In a somewhatsurprising announcement made today, high-ranking sources have confirmedthat Dell will introduce its first-ever smartphone on AT&T'snetwork. With Sprint snagging the Pre, T-Mobile having a wide array ofAndroid phones and Verizon having the so-called biggest 3G network,AT&T is looking to back its one-and-done approach with the iPhonewith a few more solid options.

While neither Dell nor AT&T have come forward to confirm or denythe reports, the plans are as good as complete. The Wall Street Journalis even passing along the news, which tends to mean the sources areproven. It's expected that Dell would launch the phone in the U.S. asearly as next year, and while details on the device are still scant, wedo know that it would have a touch-screen display, a camera, no QWERTYkeyboard and a design similar to the Mini 3i it showed off in Chinaearlier in the year.

In a move that'll surely prove great for Dell and Google, the phonewill utilize the Android operating system. Dell is currently talking toother carriers with T-Mobile USA mentioned specifically, and givenT-Mobile's wide array of Google phones, we wouldn't be shocked to seeit offered there as well. Are you interested in waiting for a Dellphone? Just imagine the same company making your PC and yoursmartphone--oh wait, Apple already did that. Hmm, maybe it's not socrazy of a thought after all.

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Samsung's SH-B083 Internal Optical Drive Reads Blu-ray, Burns CD/DVD
Blu-ray adoption may slowly be growing, but that's not stopping Samsungfrom trying to hasten the process. Today, the company introduced itsfirst-ever internal Blu-ray Disc combo drive, with the ability to readBD-R and BD-ROM discs at 8x. It'll also read CDs at up to 40x and DVDsat up to 16x.

With Samsung’s fast dual layer jumping algorithm, the new SH-B083 COMBOdrive features an average access speed of 350ms which is much fasterthan any other drive on the market. The new drive reads Blu-ray discsand reads and writes CD/DVDs--in other words, this is the perfect drivefor your bargain HTPC and for those who aren't going to bother payingtop-dollar for BD-R media, anyway.

The drive also features a few unique extras that aren't typically seen.It's an eco-friendly drive that features low power consumption and anaerodynamic frame design to lower acoustic noise by preventing pressureconcentration in several areas of the bezel and door, not to mentionthat it is equipped with two lenses for more stable reading andwriting: one lens for BD read and the other lens for CD/DVD read/write.Spherical aberration compensation technology (SACT) improves readingquality on a BD drive whose protective layer does not have a uniformthickness, and precision step control technology (PSCT) accommodatesthe higher resolution in the optical pickup head unit (OPU) positioncontrol system that the smaller track pitch of BD demands.

It also ships with CyberLink TrueTheater software for upscaling DVDs toFull HD resolution, and it also supports firmware updates to keep upwith those pesky Profile x.x updates. It'll be available starting inNovember for an undisclosed amount.

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Amazon Introduces Global Kindle -- Just $20 More Than US Version To Roam Internationally
Just when you thought Amazon may be falling behind in the e-readerrace, this happens. The Kindle, which is widely viewed as the #1 e-bookreader here in the USA, is finally making its international debut. Ifyou'll recall, the Kindle has always relied on Sprint's EV-DO networkto give owners wireless access to digital content wherever they are,but of course, the CDMA radio won't function in most overseas nations.

In order to remedy that, Amazon has teamed with AT&T in order tosell a GSM-ready version of the device, one that's capable ofdownloading books in over 100 nations. Amazingly, it seems as if theroaming fees are included; if you buy an International Kindle, you candownload books in over 100 supported countries just as you would inyour homeland, all with no extra cost.

The Kindle U.S. & International Wireless version will otherwiseremain exactly the same as the U.S. Wireless version, though pricingtook a nice step down. The U.S. Kindle is now priced at just $259, downfrom $299 earlier in the week; the Global Kindle will sell for $279,which represents a $20 premium over the USA-bound edition. If you eventhink you'll travel overseas, and you're looking to buy a Kindle, theextra $20 is a sound investment. It'll give you the ability to downloadnew material while sitting on a beach in Aruba--who can complain withthat?

“Kindle has revolutionized the way we purchaseand read books, by making it mobile, easy and intuitive,â€‌ said RandallStephenson, chairman and chief executive officer of AT&T.آ “We areexcited to work with Amazon to help readers access books even fasterand from significantly more places than ever before, including morethan 100 countries and territories around the world through AT&T’sglobal wireless coverage.â€‌

The U.S. Kindle Store ( now has more than 350,000 books, including New Releases and 104 of 112 New York Times Bestsellers,which are typically $9.99 or less. آ More than 75,000 books have beenadded to the U.S. Kindle Store in just the last five months. آ Startingtoday, Lonely Planet guides are now available in the Kindle Store,joining existing travel guide selection from publishers Rick Steves,Frommers and Michelin.

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AT&T CEO Mentions Data Management When Speaking On iPhone - Oh No!
Ugh. It's things like "managing" and "crowded out" that we don't liketo hear from CEOs of wireless operators, and that's exactly what wasoverheard during an AT&T keynote speech at CTIA in San Diego thisweek. CEO Ralph de la Vega didn't go so far as to introduce some sortof throttling program to the world, but you can tell he has somethingof the like in mind.

It's no secret that iPhone users consume massive amounts of datacompared to other smartphone users. The Safari browser is essentiallythe only phone web browser that can actually navigate the Internet in away similar to the desktop, so more users bother to try. Then there'sthe App Store. With over 75,000 of them available, quite a few rely onan Internet connection to operate. It doesn't even dawn on users thatthose apps are sucking down large amounts of data, primarily becausethey're already paying an incredibly lofty $30 per month for access toan "unlimited amount" of data.

In a speech at the aforesaid conference however, the CEO mentioned thatif usage continues to grow (and it will), they'll be forced to managedata so that normal smartphone users (as in, not iPhone users) aren't"crowded out" by the small number of users who consumer the vastmajority of data on the network. In the same breath, he also pleadedfor the FCC to keep its net neutrality efforts at bay. That'sfunny--this guy doesn't want the government regulating him, but he'spractically confirming that he's willing to regulate his end-users.Amazing how that works, huh?

Do you think we'll see data management put into practice soon? Ofcourse, we could wish that AT&T would simply expand its network,but Wall Street certainly wouldn't approve of spending billions onsomething like "improved customer service," now would it?

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Gateway Introduces One ZX Series All-in-One PCs
Gateway announced a new line of all-in-one series computerscalled the Gateway One ZX Series. This new line offers multi-touch screentechnology and ranges from entry-level to high-performance systems.

At the high-performance end, you'll find the Gateway OneZX6810-01 with a 23-inch 1080p widescreen display priced at $1,399.99. Thismodel comes loaded with an Intel Core 2 Quad processor and ATI HD4670 graphics.Gateway also included a 1TB hard drive and 64GB solid state drive in thismodel. Some models in the One ZX6800 Series also offer a hybrid TV tuner andmedia center remote control.

For users on a smaller budget, the ZX4800 Series provides alower price tag than the aforementioned One ZX6800 Series, yet still offersmulti-touch capabilities and an Intel Pentium processor. Models in this seriesinclude a 20-inch high-definition widescreen display, integrated graphics, wirelessnetworking, and more.

The Gateway One ZX6800 and ZX4800 all-in-one PCs will beavailable late October/early November. The high-performance FX6810-01 will beavailable later in the fourth quarter.

Gateway Introduces New Gateway One ZX Series All-in-One PCs FeaturingAdvanced Multi-Touch Screen Technology and Windows 7

From an Entry-Level Model to a High-Performance Configuration, GatewayBrings Elegance, Simplicity and Advanced Features to Its New Line ofMulti-Touch All-in-Ones

IRVINE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Ushering in the nextgeneration of desktop computing and leveraging the advanced multi-touchcapabilities of Microsoft Windows 7, Gateway today introduced the Gateway One ZXSeries, all-in-one (AIO) desktop PCs with multi-touch displays.

“While touch screen PCs to date have been cost-prohibitiveand somewhat limited in their capabilities, Gateway is making this new technologymore accessible to average consumers, while using an industry-standard solutionthat isn’t challenging to learn,â€‌ said Ray Sawall, senior manager of productmarketing for Gateway. “The functionality of Windows 7 and multi-touch bringsan entirely new computing experience to consumers, and our affordableall-in-one PCs are the perfect vehicle for showcasing this technology.â€‌

Resembling a sleek flat-panel TV, the glossy jet blackGateway One ZX Series offers an ultra modern, luxurious industrial design,which enhances the look of any room in the home. Small touches add to thesystem’s clean streamlined design, including an adjustable back stand,integrated speakers, silver and clear acrylic accents and illuminated feet andkeyboard – which provide a beautiful ambient glow – and make this PC stand outfrom the rest.

Integrating both a traditional desktop tower and flat-paneldisplay into one, the Gateway One Series gives consumers the best of bothworlds; powerful performance in a stylish, space-saving design, so it can beproudly displayed in any location. In addition to a wireless keyboard andmouse, the One ZX Series includes a seamlessly integrated HD web cam andmicrophone, keeping the PC’s look and feel clean and elegant. In addition, the integratedhigh-definition stereo speaker system eliminates extra components and clutter.

The innovative industrial design is offered at a variety ofprice points and configurations. Both of the Gateway One ZX Series PCs offer asuperior multi-touch screen experience and world class performance without theprice premium typically associated with all-in-one PCs. The affordable 20-inchZX4800 Series is ideal for students, while the powerful One ZX6800 Series is ano-compromise, high-performance configuration entirely suitable for seriousgaming.

“The advanced functionality, ease-of-use and fun thatWindows 7 and multi-touch technology brings to the all-in-one PC category makesit a great time to consider a One ZX Series desktop,â€‌ said Sawall. “Combinedwith the no-compromise performance, advanced features and affordability of ournew line, it’s an ideal solution for students, families and media enthusiasts.â€‌

Advanced Touch ScreenTechnology Ushers in Next Generation Computing

Leveraging the advanced touch capabilities of Windows 7 andmulti-touch, the next generation of touch screen technology, the One ZX Seriesgives consumers a whole new way to interact with their digital data. Deliveringa superior touch screen experience, multi-touch offers more gesture combinationsthan single touch screens; a finer, more accurate way to interface with the PC,and an experience that is fast, intuitive and fun to use. And for those needingto save even more space, the keyboard is now optional.

With multi-touch, consumers simply touch icons on the PC’sscreen with just one or two fingertips to launch applications, movies, music,zoom in and out on photos and websites, resize windows and handwrite notes.

In addition, the unique Gateway TouchPortal, an intuitiveinterface that lies on the top of Windows 7, serves as the starting point formanaging a suite of Gateway one-touch “gadgetsâ€‌ and Microsoft touchapplications. Gateway’s TouchGadgets provide quick access to music, videos,photos, social media networks and more, and include:
  • TouchMusic – create and move music, albums and playlistsbetween multiple devices and applications to enjoy music when and whereconsumers want it.
  • TouchPhoto – view, enjoy and share digital photos simply.
  • TouchMediaShare – enjoy and share digital media such as video,create slideshows and easily store, share and upload it with a single touch.
  • TouchFriends – make social networks easier to access and moreintimate with one-touch access to Facebook and Flikr.
  • TouchMemo – handy notepad lets customers jot down quick notesfor themselves and others and leave on the “desktopâ€‌ as a reminder.
In addition, the TouchPortal includes several third partyapplications optimized for Windows 7 multi-touch, including:
  • Cyberlink YouCam 3.0 – enhances web chats; add flames to thebackground, put on funny hats, or change yourself into an Avatar
  • WildTangent games – a suite of games that are operated by touch
  • WIN 7 Touch Pack – a set of six multi-touch optimized casualgames and applications. Games include: Microsoft Blackboard, Microsoft GardenPond and Microsoft Rebound. Applications include: Microsoft Surface Globe -lets users browse the world and zoom in on any location on a virtual 3D earth;Microsoft Painter - a touch-based drawing tool; Microsoft Surface Collage - atouch-enabled background; and Microsoft Surface Lagoon - a touch interactivescreensaver.
When users want to return to the familiar Windows 7environment, they merely peel back the Gateway TouchPortal interface with aquick swipe of a finger.

Gateway One ZX6800Series

The One ZX6800 Series is ideal for enhanced entertainment,graphic design, productivity applications, gaming, web surfing, digital TV andmore.

Featuring a large 23-inch full high-definition widescreendisplay, powerful Intel processors, massive hard drive, wireless connectivityand high-def audio with 5.1-channel surround sound support, consumers can enjoythe most demanding applications and experience the ultimate in digital media,immersing themselves in online and HD entertainment.

The super-charged One ZX6810-01 comes loaded with an IntelCore 2 Quad processor and ATI HD4670 graphics, making it ideal for power-hungrymedia applications and graphic intensive games - Call of Dutyآ®, World ofWarcraftآ® - play them full-resolution with all the eye candy turned on. Inaddition, Gateway included a 1TB hard drive and 64GB solid state drive (SSD),so consumers can save data on the standard drive and the operating system andapplications on the SSD, significantly improving overall performance. Gamerswill be surprised by the impressive gaming capabilities offered in thislightning fast all-in-one PC.

Some models in the OneZX6800 Series offer a hybrid TV tuner and media center remote control, sofamilies can also use the PC as a TV, watching and recording live televisionfrom any room in the house. When used in a cramped dorm room or kitchen,eliminating a TV from a desk or countertop can be a tremendous benefit. Thewireless keyboard and mouse and a plug-n-boot single power cord furtherstreamline the PC’s work area, keeping it neat and clutter free.

GatewayOne ZX6810-01
  • MSRP: $1,399.99
  • Windowsآ® 7 Home, Premium Edition, 64-bit
  • 23-inch full HD widescreen Ultrabrightâ„¢ LCD
    • Resolution: 1920 x 1080 resolution
    • Brightness: 300 cd/m2
    • Response time: 5 ms
    • Contrast ratio: 1000:1
  • Intelآ® Coreâ„¢ 2 Quad Processor Q8200S (2.33GHz, 4MB L2 cache,1333MHz FSB)
  • Intelآ® GM45 Express Chipset
  • ATI Mobility Radeonâ„¢ HD 4670 Graphics with 1GB DDR3 memory
  • 8GB DDR3 SDRAM (1333MHz)
  • 1TB SATA hard drive (1) (for data)
  • 64GB SSD (Solid State Drive) (for OS and apps)
  • 8x DVD+/-R/RW SuperMulti optical drive (slot load)
  • Multi-in-one digital media card reader
  • Integrated 802.11 b/g/DRAFT-N Wi-Fi CERTIFIEDآ®
  • 10/100/1000 (Gigabit) LAN
  • 6 USB 2.0 ports (2 side / 4 rear)
  • 1 eSATA port
  • Wireless keyboard and mouse
  • Integrated HD webcam
  • Embedded high-definition audio with 5.1 channel audiosupport
  • Built-in 5 watt stereo speakers
  • Hybrid TV tuner with remote control
Gateway One ZX4800Series

Featuring the same design but on a reduced scale, the ZX4800Series is ideal for smaller environments, such as a dorm, home office orkitchen. Priced unbelievably low for an all-in-one with multi-touch, thesemodels deliver all the power and technology needed for general productivityapplications, watching movies and home videos, viewing digital photos, orcasual game playing.

Models include a 20-inch high-definition widescreen display,an Intel Pentium processor, roomy hard drives, integrated graphics, webcam,wireless networking and wireless keyboard and mouse.

GatewayOne ZX4800-02
  • MSRP: $749.99
  • Windowsآ® 7 Home, Premium Edition, 64-bit
  • 20-inch HD widescreen Ultrabrightâ„¢ LCD / 1600 x 900resolution
    • Resolution: 1600 x 900 resolution
    • Brightness: 250 cd/m2
    • Response time: 5 ms
    • Contrast ratio: 1000:1
  • Intelآ® Pentiumآ® Dual Core Processor T4300 (2.1GHz, 1MB L2cache, 800MHz FSB)
  • Intelآ® GL40 Express Chipset
  • Intelآ® GMA X4500HD Graphics
  • 4GB DDR2 dual channel memory (800MHz)
  • 750GB SATA hard drive (1)
  • 8x DVD+/-R/RW SuperMulti optical drive (slot load)
  • Multi-in-one digital media card reader
  • Integrated 802.11 b/g/DRAFT-N Wi-Fi CERTIFIEDآ®
  • 10/100/1000 (Gigabit) LAN
  • 6 USB 2.0 ports (2 side / 4 rear)
  • Wireless keyboard and mouse
  • Integrated HD webcam
  • Embedded high-definition audio with 5.1 channel audiosupport
  • Built-in 5 watt stereo speakers
The Gateway One ZX6800 and ZX4800 all-in-one PCs will beavailable late October/early November at leading online retailers nationwide.The high-performance FX6810-01 will be available later in Q4.

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Amazon Agrees To Sell PlayStation Network Tokens -- A Sign Of Things To Come?
Sony and Amazon have an interesting relationship. On one hand, they'reenemies. The Kindle rivals the Sony Reader, and vice-versa. On theother, they're best of friends, with Sony now being able to selldigital downloads codes for its PlayStation wares through the onlinemega-retailer's website.

A newly formed agreement between the two enables it to distributeanother 200 videogame downloads for Sony's PS consoles, which is peggedas a move to adjust to demands to get games on-demand and online versusin a store on a disc. Furthermore, Sony's newest PSP doesn't evenaccept discs, so the plan makes even more sense for Sony to construct.The deal will allow to offer "tokens" that are redeemable atSony's PlayStation Network store, giving users an easy way to giftothers with game credits and the like. The move is fairlysignificant--it's the first time since the Network opened in '06 inwhich another retailer (brick-and-mortar or Internet-based) has beenable to sell the tokens.

Honestly, we view this as a sign of things to come. Digital downloadsare only going to grow in popularity, and with the new PSP proving thatyou don't have to have support for a physical disc, we get the feelingAmazon could be handling these duties for other console makers in thefuture. As always, only time will tell.

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myTouch 3G Fender Edition Gives Guitar Players A Smartphone To Love
T-Mobile's myTouch 3G may not be the latest and greatest of the Androidbunch, but it definitely falls within the "oldie but goodie" category.If you always loved the design, but never bit on buying one forwhatever reason, HTC is providing you another reason to take one morelook. In a sweeping announcement of new holiday handsets, the onestandout phone is the myTouch 3G Fender Limited Edition.

Expected to launch a little later in the year, the new handset has aguitar-inspired wood-grain finish that really sets it apart. Needlessto say, the axe-slinger in your life is apt to go nuts upon simplyseeing the finish here. Oh, and it gets better. The design change isn'tthe only benefit of buying this model--there's also a 3.5mm headphonejack. Why's that special, you ask? "Standard" myTouch 3G units have aunique USB-esque connector that requires an adapter to use standard3.5mm headphones. With this one, you simply plug in your headphones ofchoice and rock out. It also ships with a 16GB microSD card, clearlyready for a guitar-filled playlist.

The holiday lineup also includes the Samsung Behold II, Motorola CLIQ,T-Mobile Tap and Nokia 3711, all of which are detailed below.

Perfect for the music lover, the T-Mobileآ® myTouchâ„¢ 3G Fenderâ„¢ Limited Edition is the newest in the T-Mobile myTouch franchise. Anticipated for later this year, the myTouch 3G Fender Limited Edition has a guitar-inspired wood-grain finish and provides access to the growing Android Market, which now offers more than 10,000 applications. In addition to offering the vast personalization options and integration of Googleâ„¢ services available on the myTouch 3G, customers can also enjoy a more complete mobile media experience with a 3.5mm headset jack, pre-installed 16GB microSD card, and exclusive pre-loaded video and audio clips by iconic musicians.

The Samsung Beholdآ® II, the first Android-powered phone jointly from Samsung and T-Mobile, boasts an impressive 3.2-inch AMOLED touch-screen display, powerful multimedia features, and a rich Web experience including Google Searchâ„¢. The Behold II is equipped with Samsung’s exclusive cube menu providing quick access to top features including photos, music, videos, Web browser, Amazon MP3, and YouTubeâ„¢. The Samsung TouchWizâ„¢ user interface also allows customers to customize their phone’s home screen to the way they use it. To enhance their mobile experience, customers can download applications from the Android Market using built-in support for T-Mobile’s 3G network or Wi-Fi for fast Web browsing and download speeds. The Behold II is expected to be available later this year.

The Motorola CLIQâ„¢ with MOTOBLURâ„¢ is an Android-powered device with impressive social skills. CLIQ is Motorola’s first Android-powered device and the first to feature the innovative MOTOBLUR solution that manages and integrates communications — from work e-mail to social messaging activity — all to your home screen. Updates to contacts, posts, messages, photos and more are streamed together and synced from sources including Facebookآ®, Twitterâ„¢, MySpaceآ®, Gmailâ„¢, and work and personal e-mail. In addition to the unique software experience, the CLIQ features a premium design with a full slide-out QWERTY keyboard and a 3.1-inch HVGA full touch-screen display. An exclusive pre-sale of the CLIQ is planned for T-Mobile customers beginning Oct. 19, with nationwide sales expected to begin Nov. 2. Two color options will be available, winter white and titanium, for $199.99 with a two-year service agreement.* Customers can visit to register for CLIQ updates, learn more about the phone and check out a demo of MOTOBLUR.

The T-Mobile Tapâ„¢ is a stylish touch-screen phone available in two fashionable finishes, berry and midnight blue, and is ideal for those wanting an attractive and affordable phone. Featuring a compact design, the phone lets customers enjoy fast Web browsing with T-Mobile web2goSM over T-Mobile’s 3G network, a 2 megapixel camera with video capture and playback, music player, GPS for use with location based services powered by TeleNav, and stereo Bluetoothآ® as well as support for personal e-mail, SMS, MMS and IM. It is anticipated that the T-Mobile Tap will be available later this year.

Fast and functional, the Nokia 3711 is a feature-rich phone sporting a flip design with a unique hidden-until-lit external display. With support for T-Mobile’s 3G network, customers may enjoy fast connections browsing the Web with T-Mobile web2go. In addition, the 3711 boasts built-in GPS for use with Nokia Maps, a 2 megapixel camera with video capture, stereo Bluetooth, and the Series 40 operating system. In addition, the 3711 supports instant messaging and e-mail, allowing consumers to connect with friends and family in a number of ways. The phone is expected to be available in a sable finish in the coming weeks.

These new phones all deliver a fast and reliable connection with T-Mobile’s high-speed 3G network, which, due to rapid expansion, now covers more than 165 million people in more than 230 cities nationwide and, by the end of 2009, will be available to approximately 200 million people across the U.S. In addition, T-Mobile is upgrading its 3G network across the majority of the nationwide footprint to the faster HSPA 7.2 standard.

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Xbox 360 Woes: E74 Becoming Big Problem

hi guyz there r lotz of technical problems in xbox360. these problems and issues are greater than junk cars.

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...Help myself! Stick out tongue

Hi Everyone,

I'd like to ask for some help from you guys to win a competition from Computer Lounge (my local PC store). To help all you need to do is:

1. Go to this Facebook Page:

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3. Post "Signing up for Tanka Govender" on the Computer Lounge Wall.

4. Feel happy and congratulate yourself for helping somebody (me). Smile

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CyberPower Gamer Extreme 3000 Core i7 860 System

The enthusiast scene is filled with consumers with do-it-yourself attitudes who regularly build their own systems from scratch. In fact, some feel that part of the fun associated with a new build is comparing prices online and asking for advice on tech forums in order to configure the ideal system. Although there are obvious benefits of going this route, there are those who may not have the time to find the lowest prices on each individual component or inclination to assemble a rig unassisted. While an abundance of options are available for consumers who prefer a pre-built system, they usually come with a few compromises. These compromises consist of the use lower quality components to fill out the system, which might hinder future upgrades, while others charge a substantial premium for putting together custom built rigs.

CyberPowerPC, located in Baldwin Park, CA, aims to eliminate the trade offs associated with customized system builds by providing the latest technology at affordable prices. In addition, they provide the technical support needed by those who aspire to own cutting edge technology but may not have the opportunity to keep up with it. Today we have a brand new gaming system built by CyberPowerPC, called the Gamer Extreme 3000. This P55 based system promises to provide high-end performance at a mainstream price. Since we're just getting our feet wet with the new platform, it will be interesting to see how this rig stacks up against some of the latest systems we've reviewed. Read on to find out if this extreme gaming system lives up to its name.

CyberPower Gamer Extreme 3000 Core i7 860 System

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Long-Awaited KOTOR II Mod Restores Missing Content, Faith in Humanity
Bioware's original Knight's of the Old Republic (KOTOR) was a smash hit on both the XBox and PC when it launched back in 2003. Anxious to mint fresh cash from its Star Wars IP, LucasArts commissioned the second title: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. Obsidian Entertainment was tapped for the task and given just a year to develop a sequel to what was considered one of the best (if not the best) games of 2003. KOTOR II began promisingly; early stages of the game offered at least as much immersion and character development as the original. As players progressed, however, the unfinished nature of the product became increasingly apparent. KOTOR II doesn't reach a climatic finale so much as it just stops.

I'm not happy, Bob. Not. Happy.

That cheesed some Star Wars fans off. Once modders realized that Obsidian had actually shipped a tremendous amount of half-completed content, characters, storylines, and even revisions to the game's ending, the chase was on to bring these goodies back into the game and "restore" KOTOR II to what its designers originally envisioned. Nine times out of 10, these ambitious mod projects go nowhere, but KOTOR II is an exception. As of a week ago, the Restoration Content Mod (maintained and headed by DeadlyStream forum member Stoney) entered open beta.

Ars Technica has details on the mod's full contents, but this is no dialog tree update with a few animations tossed in; the changes introduced into the game are themselves significant. On a related note, the Restoration Content Mod is not the same thing as the Sith Lords Restoration Project that's headquartered over at Team-Gizka. That particular mod is still under development (the team lead has sworn to finish it, though he gives no time frame). Team-Gizka's restoration is rumored to be even more complete than the open beta of RCM that's now available—hopefully gamers will have the chance to download both flavors and compare them. KOTOR II was a good game that could've been great—hopefully the RCM pushes the title over the wall.

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FLO TV Personal Television Brings Mobile TV To Dedicated Screen
We got a glimpse at FLO TV's future plans at a CES pre-show event inJune, and now everything's really coming into focus. FLO TV providesmobile television services for US carriers--you may have heard of it ifyou have an AT&T smartphone or Sprint TV. But generally speaking,adoption on mobile TV on cellphones has lagged behind in the US, whileit's more openly accepted in international destinations.

In order to bolster interest in its programming services, the companyhas now launched a dedicated FLO TV Personal Television that doesexactly what you'd think it would. It's a portable TV that tunes intoFLO TV programming regardless of where you are in America. Having TV onyour person at all times still seems a bit different here in America,but we think it has a fighting chance to take off.

The device itself is small and light--just 5oz. and 4.4" x 3" x 0.5" insize. It has a 3.5" touch-screen and a built-in battery good forwatching 5 hours of television or standing by for over 300 hours. Ifyou want to change the channel, you simply swipe your finger on thescreen. It also includes an integrated stand for sitting it on yourdesk and watching some TV on company time, built-in stereo speakers andeven a reminder service to catch your favorite shows.

It'll be available soon for $249.99, but you'll have to pay at least $8.99 per month for the TV service. Speaking of which, the service is detailed below.

About FLO TV Personal Television
FLO TV Personal Television subscription service starts as low as theequivalent of $8.99 per month* and the device will be offered at amanufacturer’s suggested retail price of $249.99.آ The device has a3.5-inch diagonal screen and measures 4.4 inches by 3 inches by .5inches and weighs just over 5 ounces.آ Its battery supports more than 5hours of active FLO TV viewing or 300 hours standby.آ The FLO TVPersonal Television utilizes a capacitive touch-screen for easy andcomfortable navigation – users can channel surf with just a swipe oftheir finger.آ It also includes several features meant to enhance theTV experience, including a built-in stand allowing the device to bepositioned upright on any flat surface, built-in stereo speakers makingit easy to watch TV with others, and the ability for users to setreminders for their favorite programming.

About the FLO TV Service
Market research firm TeleAnalytics projects that the broadcast mobileTV market will reach $2.8 billion and serve 50 million users in NorthAmerican by 2013.آ FLO TV is poised for this market opportunity withits high-quality mobile TV service that allows subscribers to watch TVon-the-go.آ Whether you’re commuting, waiting for your child to finishpractice, or you are just an on-the-go active person, as a FLO TVsubscriber you’ll have immediate access to news, sports andentertainment content at your fingertips wherever you go.

From live sports and news to full-length dramas, comedies, children’sprogramming and original FLO TV programming, the FLO TV service hassomething everyone can enjoy.آ It carries full–length simulcast andtime–shifted programming from America’s top entertainment brands. آ

The FLO TV service programming line-up may differ depending ondistribution platform. Service not available everywhere.آ Allprogramming subject to change and blackout restrictions.

*Taxes not included.آ Additional fees and charges may apply.آ Pricingand service subject to change at any time.آ Prepaid subscriptionrequired for 1 year / 3 year plans.آ 3-year prepaid subscriptionrequired for $8.99 / mo. package.آ After the expiration of the originalprepaid subscription, your subscription will automatically renew andyour credit card will be charged at the then-current rate.آ Specialintroductory offers and waived activation fee expire 12/31/09.آ Allprepaid annual and monthly subscription payments are non-refundable.

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Samsung's $180 Moment Becomes Sprint's First Android Smartphone
Sprint may have the world's first webOS device in the Palm Pre, and itmay have some of the best pricing plans available in America, but youknow what it's missing? An Android phone. Er, it was missingthat--until today. The long-rumored InstinctQ has today been revealedas the Samsung Moment, an oddly named Android smartphone that'sdestined to further bolster Sprint's growing smartphone lineup.

The phone doesn't look much different than many of Samsung's otherrecent Android/WinMo handsets, boasting a QWERTY slide-out keyboard, an800MHz processor, 3.2" AMOLED touch-screen and lots of Googleapplications including Google Search, Google Maps, Gmail and YouTube.Starting on November 1st, interested consumers can purchase the Momentthrough all of Sprint's channels, with the price being set at $179.99after a $100 mail-in rebate with a two-year agreement.

“Sprint is thrilled to add the powerful and sophisticated Samsung Moment to our growing portfolio of Android devices,â€‌ said Kevin Packingham, senior vice president of product development for Sprint.آ "This is the second Android product that will be available from Sprint this holiday season. With a full QWERTY keyboard, Samsung Moment allows customers to easily access the thousands of applications available in the Android Market. The excitement around Android products confirms Sprint’s decision several years ago to be a charter member of the Open Handset Alliance and lead the Open revolution.â€‌

“The launch of Samsung Moment is an exciting realization of our commitment to providing consumers open, powerful and versatile devices,â€‌ said Omar Khan, senior vice president of strategy and product management for Samsung Mobile. “With the combination of the Android platform, applications, Web browser and a powerful 800 MHz processor, the user experience options are unlimited.â€‌

Leveraging a library of applications

As charter members of the Open Handset Allianceâ„¢, Sprint and Samsung are closely aligned with the Android community. Through Android Market, Samsung Moment users can download thousands of applications, widgets and games on their phone. Pandoraآ®, ShopSavvyTM, TwitterTM, ShazamTM, amazon.comآ®, USA Todayآ®, Flixsterآ®, PacManTM, CraigslistCheckerTM, and MySpaceTM Mobile are among the countless well-liked applications already available on Android Market. Additionally, customers canآ accessآ Sprint Navigation andآ Sprint exclusive applicationsآ NFL Mobile Live and NASCAR Sprint Cup MobileSM already preinstalled onآ the device. Samsung Moment is a perfect solution for anyone who wants the freedom to stay connected on-the-go and enjoy a PC-like experience.

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WD Launches My Book Studio External Hard Drives With E-Label Display
WDannounced its new high-performance My Book Studio desktop external drives. Thenew drives feature a customizable e-label that is visible even when the unit isunplugged, so users can easily see what's on the drive. The e-label uses e-papertechnology similar to that found on the Amazon Kindle. The label shows availablestorage capacity and drive security status. The customizable label can bechanged easily.

The new My Book Studio drives come with a FireWire 800interface and are TimeMachine compatible. For security, 256-bit hardware-basedencryption is included. The new My Book Studio drives are formatted forMac and come in capacitiesof 500 GB, 1 TB, 1.5 TB, and 2 TB for $149.99 to $299.99 depending on capacity.

WD Introduces High-Performance My Book Studio External Hard Drives
With Innovative E-Label Display

Creative Professionals Now Have a Better Way to Tell Their Drives Apart

LAKE FOREST, Calif., Oct. 6 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- WDآ®(NYSE: WDC), the world's leader in external storage solutions, today introducedits new high-performance My Bookآ® Studio(TM) desktop external drives with acustomizable e-label that is always visible, even when unplugged, so it's easyto know the contents of the drive. Designed for Macآ® users and creativeprofessionals, the new My Book Studio drives are equipped with a FireWireآ® 800interface to give users the speed they need for demanding tasks like photo andvideo editing and graphic design.

The new My Book Studio drives are TimeMachineآ® compatible,offer automatic, continuous backup with WD SmartWare(TM) software, and include256-bit hardware-based encryption to provide a high level of security.Available now at select retailers and the WD online store (, the newMy Book Studio drives are formatted for Mac and offered in capacities of 500GB, 1 TB, 1.5 TB and 2 TB.

Creative professionals generate, store and back up massiveamounts of digital content. During in-home and in-studio interviews withconsumers, WD team members observed that many were taping notes or otherhand-made labels on their many drives to tell them apart. For these customers,WD developed the e-label high-contrast smart display which reads like ink onpaper, and lets the user create a customized label to describe the drive'scontents.

Utilizing e-paper technology similar to that found on theAmazon Kindle(TM), the information on the display remains clearly visible evenwhen the drive is unplugged, and can be changed easily and as often as desired.The e-label also shows available storage capacity and drive security status.

"Storing and backing up is a huge part of my workflowas a professional photographer," said Bruce Dorn. "I have been usingWD hard drives for quite a while now and my experience has been exceptionalwith reliability and ease-of-use, and I love the design. The new e-label smartdisplay will help me organize my projects while password protection andencryption will keep it more secure. The new drives deliver backup not only forprofessionals, but for anyone who is taking pictures, collecting music or whoneeds to back up their digital life."

My Book Studio drives also feature user-selected passwordprotection combined with 256-bit hardware-based encryption, which scramblesfiles before they are stored. Typically found only on much more expensive drivesystems, the encryption acts as a virtual padlock to keep users' data safe.

The new My Book Studio drives come equipped with WDSmartWare software, an integrated application which provides automatic andcontinuous backup, as well as control of the e-label display, password andother settings. When the My Book Studio drive is plugged in for the first time,the simple and intuitive first backup process launches automatically. Thereal-time visual interface of WD SmartWare software gives users a reassuringview of their backup as it happens. After the first backup, users' files arebacked up automatically every time they change or add a file.

WD SmartWare software is compatible with the Appleآ®TimeMachine. Users with older versions of Mac OS (not equipped withTimeMachine) or those who wish to use the drive for both backup and extrastorage have the option to use WD SmartWare software backup capability.

"Photographers, videographers and other Mac computerenthusiasts require fast performance for their complex projects," saidDale Pistilli, vice president of marketing for WD's branded products group."They also have a very large number of projects and files which they needto keep organized across multiple hard drives. With a FireWire 800 interfaceand customizable e-label, the new My Book Studio drives offer an elegant,high-speed solution for these creative professionals to interact with, organizeand securely archive their media."

Price andAvailability
The new My Book Studio drives are offered in capacities of500 GB, 1 TB, 1.5 TB and 2 TB and have a 3-year limited warranty. My BookStudio drives are available now at select retailers and online at ranges from $149.99 to $299.99 USD depending on model.

The new WD My BookStudio drives feature:
  • Smart display with a customizable e-label that reminds usersof what is stored on the drive, available capacity and security statusat-a-glance, even when the drive is unplugged;
  • High-performance FireWire 800 interface to access data attop speeds and USB 2.0 interface;
  • Plug-and-play ready for Mac users and compatible with Apple TimeMachine;
  • WD SmartWare software that visually presents consumers' datain a software control center, providing them peace of mind that their preciousphotos, videos and files are securely protected;
  • 256-bit hardware-based encryption and password protectionfor peace of mind knowing that data is protected from unauthorized access;
  • Smaller, sleeker, more streamlined design and elegantbook-like shape that takes up minimal space and allows two or more My Bookdrives to nestle together neatly like volumes on a shelf;
  • WD GreenPower Technology(TM) lowers internal drive powerconsumption by up to 30 percent, a sleep mode reduces power during idle times,and a power-saving feature turns the drive on and off with your computer;
  • Planet-friendly packaging derived from recycled materials tominimize waste;
  • HFS + Journaled(1) formatting and are compatible with Mac OSX Tigerآ®,Leopardآ® and Snow Leopard(TM);
  • 3-year limited warranty.
WD SmartWare software features:
  • Visual backup displays that show content in categories andshows the progress of backup;
  • Automatic, continuous data backup will instantly make asecond copy whenever you add or change a file;
  • Retrieve valuable data to its original location whether it'slost data or the file has been overwritten; and,
  • Customizable data backup that allows users to set drivesecurity, run diagnostics, manage the power settings, and more from the WDSmartWare control center.

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