Saturday, September 12, 2009

IT News HeadLines (IT World Canada) 12/09/2009

Get your content under control
What to include in your ECM strategy, what to avoid, and how not to get overwhelmed
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TJX hacker Gonzalez pleads guilty to 20 charges
Miami man faces up to 25 years in prison and will forfeit US$2.7 million
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Don’t confuse Acer’s nettop with the netbook
After a struggle to create a product that matches the viral effect of the netbook, Acer announced the nettop on Wednesday. While the name sounds a lot like netbook, one analyst said it’s still a desktop
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Canada is almost filmless
eHealth adoption may be a slow process, but efforts to digitize radiology departments at hospitals across Canada are nearly complete. Agfa HealthCare replaced film at 51 sites across the RUIS of Universitأ© Laval region after being selected as the preferred PACS vendor for the Quebec Government. Find out what the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Quأ©bec thinks about the deployment.
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Allstream takes broadband access fight public
The Manitoba telco is urging organizations to join its fight to persuade the federal cabinet to overturn a CRTC ruling allowing Bell and Telus to de-regulate high speed services to businesses. Along with ISP and small business allies, it's pushing an online petition to MPs as a way to show politicians it's a hot issue
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