Monday, August 17, 2015

IT News Head Lines (HardOCP) 18/08/2015

App Shows You When Traffic Lights Will Change
This kind of thing seems like it'd be useful for a street race. Although I'd just use it to avoid getting honked at when the light turns green and I'm still looking down at my phone and scrolling through my music playlist.

To get this information to you, Connected Signals has produced a phone app that looks at your location and direction of travel, figures out when you're likely to hit the next light, and tells you what that light is doing right now and when it's likely to change.


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Can Computer Algorithms Exhibit Bias?
Computer scientists believe that machine-learning algorithms can actually learn bias as they mimic human thought behavior. Such algorithms are frequently used in applications such as hiring and loans, so we don't want that kind of thing.

The researchers, led by Suresh Venkatasubramanian, an associate professor in the University of Utah's School of Computing, have discovered a technique to determine if such software programs discriminate unintentionally and violate the legal standards for fair access to employment, housing and other opportunities. The team also has determined a method to fix these potentially troubled algorithms.


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Apollo Astronaut Says UFOs Prevented Nuclear War
Did aliens prevent a nuclear holocaust and save mankind? It's just something to think about when you go to bed tonight.

"I have spoken to many Air Force officers who worked at these silos during the Cold War. They told me UFOs were frequently seen overhead and often disabled their missiles. Other officers from bases on the Pacific coast told me their [test]missiles were frequently shot down by alien spacecraft. There was a lot of activity in those days."


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Send Your Cremated Remains To The Moon
You know, I may actually do this. Why get buried on earth like everyone else? Maybe moon aliens will find my remains and clone me.

This week, the company Elysium Space announced that they can send a portion of your cremated remains to the moon for prices starting at $11,950. But — act now! The first 50 people to sign up will get a lunar burial for the low, low price of $9,950!


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Giant LEGO Hyrule Castle Took Two Years To Build
I don't like LEGOS nor Zelda as much as this guy, so I don't understand how you could spend two years doing this. But it's huge, intricate, and faithful to the Twilight Princess version, so he has earned my praise.


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Humanity Has Consumed All Of Earth's Resources In Eight Months
On August 13, the human population overshot the environment, which means that we exceeded the Earth's capacity to regenerate the resources spent this year. Mother nature hates us.

Calculated by the Global Footprint Network (GFN) sustainability think-tank, the landmark is a relatively recent concept. Humanity lived within the Earth's means up until 1970 but, driven largely by carbon emissions, it has been in steadily increasing debt ever since.


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Study Finds That Bears Hate Drones
Wait a second. What if they weren't stressed? What if they were excited? I mean, the drone could be carrying some delicious honey from Amazon. Or it could even be a carton of weed.

In all 17 drone encounters for which the researchers had heart-monitor data, the bears' heart rates soared – one by as much as 46 beats per minute, another by 56 beats per minute, and a third (a mother bear with two cubs) by more than 120 beats per minute, from 41 to 162. While their heart rates returned to a more normal resting rate within 10 minutes after the encounter, the drone's presence clearly caused the animals at least some significant physiological stress.


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Humans, Not Robots, Are The Real Reason Artificial Intelligence Is Scary
Well, we kind of know that humans like killing and will make a weapon out of anything. What is really scary is how an engineer and a professor don't think robots are, in fact, going to kill us all.

Imagine a GoPro-bearing quadcopter drone, the kind of thing anyone can buy. Now imagine a simple piece of software that allows it to fly automatically. The same nefarious crime syndicate that can weaponize a driverless car is just inches away from attaching a gun and programming it to kill people in a crowded public place.


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Darth Vader Limited Edition PlayStation 4 Console
Okay, I know I already made a Star Wars post today, but this is a pretty cool looking console. I wonder if they will sell the controller separately.


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Cool Pictures From An American Backyard
I for one am a fan of old style photography, and this guy has done a great job of capturing the feel of those scientific catalogs from long ago. Interestingly enough, these were all taken with a smartphone.

Though Charles Darwin traveled great distances to observe and sketch plants and animals that existed in nearly inaccessible locations, White documents the plants and animals that are abundant in everyday life but are rarely considered noteworthy.


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Radiation-Proof Underpants Protect Your Male Fertility
Does smartphone radiation harm your swimmers? I don't even know. But if you're freaking out about that possibility, someone made underpants that block radiation from reaching your jewels.

Described by Sir Richard Branson as "underpants for superheroes", the pants use a mesh of pure silver woven into fabric, which disrupts the flow of electromagnetic radiation due to silver being a conductor of electricity – a bit like a Faraday cage.


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Star Wars Is Coming To Disney World and Disneyland Resorts
Did anyone not see this coming? I figure that in a couple of years, the IP will be so exhausted by Disney that casual Star Wars fans won't be able to walk away fast enough. But on a more positive note, being able to take control of the Millennium Falcon seems like an awesome idea. I just don't want to see the line for it.

Ambitious plans to bring Star Wars to life in the two parks include creating Disney's largest single-themed land expansions ever at 14-acres each, transporting guests to a never-before-seen planet, a remote trading port and one of the last stops before wild space where Star Wars characters and their stories come to life.


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Solitaire And Minesweeper Weren't Just Games
they were also learning experiences! Or so claims Microsoft. Did any of you actually learn how to use a mouse by playing games?

…Microsoft product manager Libby Duzan told the Washington Post back in 1994 that the company "put Solitaire into Windows to soothe people intimidated by the operating system." Recall that for many users, Windows 3.0 represented an entirely new user interface environment, with no command prompt in sight.


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Firefox Gets Truly Private Browsing Mode
Mozilla is beta testing a new Private Browsing feature in Firefox that blocks non-local methods of tracking your behavior online. Traditional "incognito" modes merely prevent things like history or cookies from being recorded, but you are still tracked by website analytics, which Mozilla's new feature will try to block.

Firefox's current system, for instance, does not save any evidence of what sites you looked at on your local machine, but there's still a third-party record on the sites themselves. The new Private Browsing feature Mozilla is testing, however, actively blocks various components of those sites that could track behavior.


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Iron Maiden's New Music Video Takes Inspiration From Video Games
The video for Iron Maiden's new single (their first in five years) virtualizes the band's mascot and has him battling his way through a bunch of scenes inspired by titles such as Mortal Kombat and Donkey Kong. Fans can get the single on September 4.

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ASUS Z170 Deluxe LGA 1151 Motherboard Review
Today we review ASUS' new Z170-Deluxe which is based on the new Intel Z170 Chipset supporting Skylake processors. We overclock Skylake and push the Z170-Deluxe to its limits. We find out about this solid new motherboard platform and we have to say we come away impressed.

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Intel Z170 Chipset Summary
The Intel Z170 Chipset will be seen on most motherboard reviews that we publish here at HardOCP for the coming months. Before you dig through those however, what does the Z170 Chipset actually bring to desktop PC users? We give you a quick write up in hopes of covering what will be most important to you.

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Available Tags:Firefox , ASUS , Intel

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