Thursday, February 14, 2013

IT News Head Lines (TechWeb) 15/02/2013

One Backup App For Enterprise: Not Here Yet Patchwork backup systems for virtual and non-virtual parts of the enterprise, with no centralized view, make protecting data more time consuming and more expensive than it should be. Read More ...
Microsoft Revises Privacy Rules, Users Shrug Why hasn't Microsoft faced a firestorm, as Google did, for consolidating user information across products and services? Read More ...
Apple Preps More Than Mini | XP To Windows 8? Best To Wait Apple Preps More Than Mini | XP To Windows 8? Best To Wait Read More ...
Microsoft Surface Tablets On Back Order Windows 8 RT tablets won't be available for up to two weeks or more, according to Microsoft's online store. Read More ...
Consumer Confusion Coming As Retailers Mislabel Windows RT Retailers are doing a lousy job of teaching customers the difference between Windows RT tablets and Windows 8 tablets. This sloppiness will come back to bite them when customers discover RT tablets' limitations and return them to the store. Read More ...
Office 365 Boasts HIPAA-Compliant Messaging System Several universities adopt Microsoft's cloud-based, HIPAA-compliant system in an effort to keep personal health data safer. Read More ...
Will CMOs Outspend CIOs? Wrong Question Instead of focusing on who controls those tech dollars, IT pros should focus on why companies need more tech in marketing and where they can fill those needs. Read More ...
Big Data App Store Opens For Business Datameer analytic applications market lets data scientists, subject matter experts sell analytic apps directly to end users. Read More ...
XP To Windows 8? Why It's Best To Wait As Microsoft launches its highly-anticipated new OS this week, experts say IT pros should focus on Windows 7 upgrades--and watch for Windows 8 tablets to walk through the enterprise front door. Read More ...
Motorola's Wearable PC: More Than A Headset The HC1 crams full-fledged computing power into a hands-free design. Is wearable tech coming of age? Read More ...
Big Data Chases Election 2012 Undecided Voters Here's a look inside how campaigns use online advertising agencies that apply advanced analytics to reach undecided voters. Read More ...
Apple iPad Mini Launch: What Else On Deck? Apple is expected to debut the iPad Mini Tuesday, but that's not all. Here's a look at the other gear that may be coming our way. Read More ...
Samsung Chromebook: Hands-On Review Samsung's latest Chromebook benefits from rapid improvements in Google's Chrome OS. Is this cloud computing vehicle right for you? Read More ...
Windows 8 An Enterprise Dud:'s Benioff's CEO says 'there will be no Windows 8 upgrade cycle' as enterprises embrace social, mobile, and device diversity. Read More ...
Verizon Data Collection Doesn't Bother Me There is a deep, dark, secret on the Web: Advertisers are trying to sell you products and services. To do this they will stop at nothing, even paying ISPs to show you advertisements designed to match your interests! Naturally we are helpless against these wiles and will buy whatever we are told to. The latest privacy Nazi? Verizon, who (gasp!) aggregates user data. Read More ...
Study: Cardiology IT Systems Need Better Data Integration McKesson, Merge, Philips, and Siemens top cardiology IT space, but no one vendor fully meets providers' needs, says Health IT research firm KLAS. Read More ...
Application Monitoring Beyond The Web Most IT teams have synthetic monitoring of their sites down. Now it's time to extend that vigilance to client-server applications. Read More ...
Video: Microsoft Surface Drop Tests One of Microsoft's key marketing points for Surface is the tablet's durability. A couple of Microsoft videos demonstrate the point. Read More ...
Health 2.0 Showcases More Clinician-Friendly Apps Software developers show products that are more useful and relevant than ever at this year's Health 2.0 Conference. Read More ...
Apple Vs. The Swiss Railways Patent Apple's not been convicted of anything by a jury, even if a clever Swiss attorney could make up a color graphic that makes the two clock faces look exactly the same. Read More ...
iPad Mini, Or iPad? 4 Deciding Factors Want to buy the soon-to-be-revealed Apple iPad Mini? Think about these four factors before choosing it over the full-size iPad. Read More ...
Just Joking: An Irreverent Look At Tech News Don't let anyone tell you IT isn't funny. Check out these videos from Valley View and InformationWeek 500. Read More ...
Blinking Bluetooth Bobble Reduces Missed Mobile Calls Are you missing calls because you don't hear your phone ring? DrBlinky, clipped to your bag, could alert you to that message you would otherwise miss. Read More ...
Silent Circle's Military-Grade Encryption: BYOD Tool? Silent Circle's encryption tools for smartphones and tablets are a boon for privacy enthusiasts--but enterprises could find them useful too. Read More ...
VA Computers Remain Unencrypted, Years After Breach Report faults IT managers for 6-year delay in adopting security measures. Read More ...
Available Tags:Microsoft , Windows 8 , Apple , Windows , Windows 8 , iPad , Samsung , Windows 8 ,

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