Saturday, February 16, 2013

IT News Head Lines (InfoWorld) 17/02/2013

Intel thinks integration as it moves toward exascale Intel's aim is to lead the way in creating the first exaflop supercomputer, so it is making architectural improvements to its processors with the hope to reach that goal between 2018 and 2020. The chip maker is integrating network and storage controllers into processors so supercomputers can serve up results faster. The integration will speed up communication links between processors and network and storage systems, and create a path to build an exaflop supercomputer, which will be around 50 times faster than today's fastest computer. Read More ...
Facebook defends Graph Search's privacy controls for teens Facebook is working hard to assure users that Graph Search, its new search engine designed to uncover all sorts of information buried within the site, does not compromise the privacy rights of minors. "As with all of our products, we designed Graph Search to take into account the unique needs of teens on Facebook," the site said Thursday in a blog post aiming to clarify how Graph Search displays search results of people between the age of 13-17. Read More ...
Microsoft warns of looming retirement for Windows 7 RTM Microsoft yesterday reminded customers that Windows 7's first edition, which shipped more than three years ago, will be dropped from support in early April. At that time, Windows 7 SP1 (Service Pack 1) will become the only officially-supported version of the popular PC operating system. Read More ...
Google+ suffers outage Google+ suffered a site outage Friday morning, prompting users of the social network to complain on both Google+ and Twitter that the site was down or slow to load. According to Google, the outage was over by late morning, East Coast time.[ Stay ahead of the key tech business news with InfoWorld's Today's Headlines: First Look newsletter. ] Read More ...
Microsoft mangles Office 2013 licensing This week I've faced an avalanche of mail about Office 2013 and, in particular, how it differs from Office 365. Read More ...
Amazon's cloud-based data warehouse Redshift now available Amazon Web Services has made available to all users its cloud-based data warehouse Redshift, which it pitches as a lower-cost alternative to on-premise deployments. Amazon Redshift was first announced as a limited preview at the AWS re:Invent conference, but has now been made generally available from its US East (North Virginia) data center and will be rolled out to other centers in the coming months. Read More ...
Jaspersoft offers BI software by the hour in the cloud Open source business intelligence company Jaspersoft is one of the first to offer its analytics software from the cloud on a pay-by-the-hour rate, according to the company and one independent analyst. Read More ...
Opera acquires Skyfire Labs for faster mobile video delivery Browser developer Opera Software will acquire Skyfire Labs, which develops technology to speed video delivery over mobile networks, the companies said Friday. The deal is valued at $155 million, which includes a mix of cash and stock and expected performance based earn-out payments over the next three years, Opera said in a news release. The deal is expected to close before March 15. Read More ...
Beware! Identity thieves are targeting your tax refund Read More ...
Certificate Authorities form group to push for better certificate-revocation checking Several CAs (Certificate Authorities) have formed an advocacy group called the CASC (Certificate Authority Security Council), which will focus on promoting new security standards, policies and best practices for SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) deployment on the Web. CASC was launched on Thursday and its member list includes representatives from Symantec, Trend Micro, Comodo, DigiCert, Entrust, GlobalSign, and Go Daddy. CAs are organizations that issue digital certificates. Read More ...
Oracle blasts Forrester report on Fusion Applications adoption Oracle is firing back hard at a recently released Forrester Research report that suggested most customers aren't interested in moving up to the vendor's next-generation Fusion Applications, which were released about a year-and-a-half ago following a long and expensive development process. Read More ...
Linux remains a scrappy contender in the smartphone wars IDC revealed today that to the surprise of nobody, Android and iOS dominate the global smartphone market, holding a combined 91.1 percent market share for the final quarter of 2012 and 87.6 percent for the year. While the ongoing battle for first place between Google and Apple wages on, an interesting race for the bronze medal is shaping up among Microsoft, BlackBerry, and, surprisingly, Linux. Read More ...
Apple solves the mystery of debilitating chattiness between Exchange and iPhones Apple has solved the mystery as to why some iPhones and iPads are becoming excessively ch Read More ...
Available Tags:Intel , Facebook , Windows 7 , Microsoft , Windows , Google+ , Opera , Oracle , Fusion , Linux , smartphone , Apple ,

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