Thursday, February 14, 2013

IT News Head Lines (InfoWorld) 15/02/2013

Opera moves to the WebKit rendering engine Creating some consternation in the Web development community, Opera Software is switching from a home-built rendering engine to the more widely used open-source WebKit, now employed in the Apple Safari and Google Chrome browsers. Read More ...
Companies think they're prepared for APT cyber attacks, but they aren't IT security professionals around the globe overwhelmingly appreciate the threats posed by APTs (advanced persistent threats). Read More ...
Smartphone sales skyrocket amid decline for feature phones Global smartphone sales skyrocketed by 38 percent in the fourth quarter year over year. Meanwhile, Samsung ended 2012 in the top position for both smartphone sales and overall mobile phone sales, Gartner reported Wednesday. Even with the dramatic increase in smartphone sales in the fourth quarter, for the full year both smartphone and feature phone sales fell 1.7 percent from 2011 sales. Feature phone demand was weak, but record smartphone sales in the fourth quarter reached 207.7 million, up 38 percent from the fourth quarter of 2011. Read More ...
iOS 6.1 devices hobble Exchange 2010 servers when they sync Microsoft and Apple recommend that businesses deny certain iPhones, iPads, and iPods access to calendar items until the companies can clear up a problem that slows Exchange servers to a crawl when the devices try to synch. Read More ...
Zero-day PDF exploit affects Adobe Reader 11 and earlier versions, researchers say Researchers from security firm FireEye claim that attackers are actively using a remote code execution exploit that works against the latest versions of Adobe Reader 9, 10 and 11. "Today, we identified that a PDF zero-day [vulnerability] is being exploited in the wild, and we observed successful exploitation on the latest Adobe PDF Reader 9.5.3, 10.1.5, and 11.0.1," the FireEye researchers said late Tuesday in a blog post. Read More ...
Obama cyber security order lacks bite, security experts say President Barack Obama's cyber security executive order, announced during his State of the Union address Tuesday night, elicited guarded praise from several quarters even as it revived calls for more comprehensive bipartisan legislation to address long-term security threats.As expected, Obama last night signed a Presidential Policy Directive requiring federal agencies and critical infrastructure owners and operators to work cooperatively to minimize cyber risks and strengthen resilience to attacks. Read More ...
Yahoo lambasted for using SiteBuilder with outdated Java Yahoo has come under severe criticism by security experts decrying its practice of steering small businesses to a website-building tool that uses an insecure 2008 version of Java. Businesses signing up for Yahoo's Web hosting service are directed to SiteBuilder, a free Web-based tool for building basic sites for e-commerce. SiteBuilder provides a simple point-and-click development environment that requires Java. Read More ...
Yahoo's Mayer says mobile mail is broken Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer thinks there are problems with checking email on a smartphone, but her company is working on a solution. "Mail isn't done. There are a lot of things about it that can be improved," she said Tuesday during Goldman Sachs' Technology and Internet Conference in San Francisco. Read More ...
Microsoft patches Exchange, Windows, Internet Explorer System administrators overseeing Microsoft Exchange deployments should take a close look at Microsoft's latest round of security patches. In addition to covering Windows and Internet Explorer, Microsoft's latest monthly batch of patches covers the widely used Exchange Server, both the Exchange Server 2007 and Exchange Server 2010 editions. "Microsoft delivered a monster sized patch this month ... It's enough to make your head spin," wrote Andrew Storms, director of security operations for security firm nCircle, in an email. Read More ...
Mozilla delivers 'Metro-ized' Firefox to testers Mozilla yesterday took another step toward delivering a "Metro" version of Firefox to Windows 8 users. Late Tuesday, Firefox desktop product manager Asa Dotzler announced that a preliminary Metro browser had reached "mozilla-central," the source code repository that feeds into what Mozilla calls the "Nightly" build channel. Read More ...
Oracle contests Google's 'fair use' of Java code in appeal An appeals court should rule, as a matter of law, that Google's commercial use of Java in a market where Oracle already competed was not fair use, the software company said in a filing. "This Court should not stop at finding that Google infringed Oracle's copyrighted work. A remand to decide fair use is pointless," Oracle said in a filing on Monday to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. Read More ...
Dropbox woos enterprise IT with new admin and security tools Several file-sharing companies have been billed as "Dropbox for the enterprise." Turns out Dropbox wants that title as well. Read More ...
Oracle faces 'dilemma' with its Fusion Applications Oracle spent years developing its next-generation Fusion Applications and finally put them into general availability nearly a year-and-a-half ago, but some new evidence suggests that it's been less than successful at enticing customers to move up. Read More ...
Available Tags:Opera , Smartphone , iOS , Adobe , security , security , Yahoo , Java , Microsoft , Mozilla , Firefox , Oracle , Fusion ,

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