Saturday, February 16, 2013

IT News Head Lines (ComputerWorld) 17/02/2013

How to browse the Kindle Lending Library on your PC As an avid reader, and an especially big fan of ebooks, I thought subscribing to Amazon Prime seemed like a good idea. Read More ...
Facebook targeted by hackers, says no user data compromised Facebook said Friday it had been the target of a sophisticated hacking attack but that it had no evidence any user data had been compromised. Read More ...
Predicting the Tech Future For my recent column of predictions for 2013 I polled a huge number of IT people to see what they are expecting, and ended up getting more than 400 responses. Read More ...
Facebook defends Graph Search's privacy controls for teens Facebook is working hard to assure users that Graph Search, its new search engine designed to uncover all sorts of information buried within the site, does not compromise the privacy rights of minors. Read More ...
Intel works toward integration as it aims for exascale Intel's aim is to lead the way in creating the first exaflop supercomputer, so it is making architectural improvements to its processors with the hope to reach that goal between 2018 and 2020. Read More ...
Wall Street Beat: Shareholder pushback puts Dell on defensive for privatization deal The growing number of shareholders voicing opposition to Dell's US$24.4 billion plan to go private appears to be putting the company increasingly on the defensive, raising questions about the terms of the deal. Read More ...
SAP looks to score points for its HANA database with NBA statisics site SAP is hoping to nail a slam dunk for its HANA in-memory platform through a partnership with the National Basketball Association on a new HANA-powered statistics website. Read More ...
Obama talks about math, online privacy and an open Internet in Google+ hangout During a Google+ 'Fireside Hangout' on Thursday, President Barack Obama talked about his daughters' math and science studies, the benefits of making computer programming a required high school class and the need to keep the Internet open. Read More ...
Skype launches limited video messaging trial Skype soft-launched a video messaging service on Friday that allows its subscribers to deliver recorded clips to Skype contacts for playback when they come online. Read More ...
FCC: U.S. broadband providers deliver close to advertised speeds U.S. broadband providers deliver nearly the residential broadband speeds they advertise, with a handful of large providers exceeding the promised service, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission said in a new report. Read More ...
Available Tags:Kindle , Facebook , Intel , Dell , SAP , Google+ , Skype ,

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