Wednesday, February 13, 2013

IT News Head Lines (AustralianIT) 14/02/2013 Kinghorn funds back-pain venture RAMS home loans founder John Kinghorn has emerged as the prime investor for National ICT Australia spin-off Saluda Medical. Read More ...
NICTA to predict water pipe failures NICTA will use IT to predict the decay of underground water pipes in NSW, a project that could potentially save $700 million a year in Australia. Read More ...
Adobe cuts cloud pricing ADOBE Systems has cut the local price of its cloud software a day after it was summonsed to appear at the IT pricing inquiry. Read More ...
Intel to sell set top boxes INTEL says it will sell a set-top box that brings internet-delivered movies and shows to a TV set this year. Read More ...
'We know it's not the Depression' APPLE CEO Tim Cook has dismissed a proxy fight with prominent investor David Einhorn over the firm's cash pile as a "silly sideshow". Read More ...
NBN contractor on track to miss goals ONE of the contractors delivering the National Broadband Network will not meet earlier construction estimates. Read More ...
Logistics needs mobility techs THE demand for skills around supply chain systems management is expected to rise as the use of mobile devices gathers pace, says an hiring expert. Read More ...
Available Tags:Adobe , Intel , NBN ,

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