Intel springs another leak, mobile Ivy Bridge CPUs abound
Just yesterday, we caught a glimpse of what Intel has in store for Ivy Bridge, and it seems those details were but a prelude to a bevy of details that leaked out today. It seems the folks over at VR Zone got their hands on some of Chipzilla's internal documents showing a host of changes for its post-Sandy Bridge mobile CPUs. Apparently, we can expect quite a few new full-power models, including a 2.9GHz Core i7-3920XM -- clocked at 200MHz faster than the Core i7-2960XM that's Intel's presiding mobile chipset champion -- along with two other quad-core Core i7s and a couple of Core i5 chips as well. For those who cherish battery life above all else, there's a dual-core Core i7-3667U clocked at 2.0 GHz and a 1.8GHz Core i5-3427U coming down the pipe. All the speedy new silicon comes with upgraded Intel HD 4000 graphics, and is slated for release in April and May of next year. If you can't wait until then for your next-gen CPU fix, head on over to the source for a heaping helping of Ivy Bridge charts and specs.
Intel springs another leak, mobile Ivy Bridge CPUs abound originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 00:03:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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RIM loses BBX trademark battle, next OS is named BlackBerry 10
Die-hard fans of RIM's mobile efforts should put those BBX tattoo plans on hold, as the US Federal Court has blocked the company from using the BBX trademark, favoring the existing use by BASIS International for its software. As a result, the boys from Waterloo just announced at BlackBerry DevCon Asia that the new name for its next phone OS is BlackBerry 10 (and the Roman numeral for 10 is... ah, we see what you did there.) Let's hope RIM's plans for pulling its tablets and phones into a single unified platform are better executed than its naming process -- next time, they should probably just leave it up to the machines.
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RIM loses BBX trademark battle, next OS is named BlackBerry 10 originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 23:02:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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T-Mobile G2x gets its Gingerbread on (again), hopes it sticks
The G2x just can't seem to quit Gingerbread. After a series of upgrade starts and stops, LG is once again offering an OTA software upgrade for this pure Google experience device. The update started rolling out to handsets yesterday, but those impatient to part with FroYo can always opt for a manual install via the company's site. If you'll recall, the one-time T-Mobile flagship's woes began shortly after its launch, when complaints of random reboots, overheating and poor battery life overtook dedicated forums. Yet despite promises that Android 2.3 would hit "soon" to address these issues, frustrated owners were instead treated to an on again / off again melodrama of scheduled releases. Now, as we totter on the brink of 2012 and an Ice Cream Sandwich future, this drawn-out saga appears to be reaching some form of closure.
T-Mobile G2x gets its Gingerbread on (again), hopes it sticks originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 22:31:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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India's cracking down on 'offensive' social media, Desi teens click 'dislike'
Oh dear. India's technology minister Kapil Sibal won't be too popular with the anti-censorship crowd after demanding social networking sites screen out "offensive" material. After spotting a group criticizing Sonia Gandhi (widow of the assassinated former Prime Minister, Rajiv Ghandi) on Facebook, Sibal dragged reps from the Haus of Zuckerberg, Yahoo, Google and Microsoft -- demanding they ban material that could incite tensions on the subcontinent. No agreement was reached at the time, but Sibal isn't letting this one rest -- he's planning a series of guidelines that would become punishments for sites that don't play along in the future.
India's cracking down on 'offensive' social media, Desi teens click 'dislike' originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 21:42:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Bridgestone rolls with air-free tire concept (video)
The days of flat tires and spares are numbered. Sure, self-inflating tires are all well and good, but don't protect from the darn puncture itself. Similar to Michelin's tweels, Bridgestone has cooked up some air-free concept tires that use a use a tough but flexible thermoplastic structure that behaves like a normal tire with nary any horizontal force produced. Each wheel is able to support around 150kg, although on a typical electric mobility scooter the load is more likely to approach 50kg. Bridgestone is looking to show off those curved, hypnotic spokes on the retail model, but is still researching how to protect against objects getting lodged inside. Roll over the break to see those spokes in action and imagine a future without puncture repair kits.
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Bridgestone rolls with air-free tire concept (video) originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 21:12:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Xbox 360 fall dashboard update 'slightly' delayed (update: its live!)
Still haven't received that fresh new Xbox 360 dashboard update? Don't worry, no one else has either. Major Nelson tweeted "The timing for Xbox 360 update has been slightly delayed" from the planned 10AM ET launch, and promised a status update later today, but for the time being there's no other word on why, or when it will arrive. In the meantime, feel free to read our review again, make sure your Kinect sensor is tuned, or maybe take a swing Geometry Wars for old times sake. We'll let you know when there's more information available.
Update: Looks like it's rolled out for a bunch of you. A screenshot from a tipster awaits after the break and let us know how you fared in comments! Major Nelson just tweeted it's rolling out to all users now, so go ahead and log in and you should have an upgrade waiting.
[Thanks Andy]
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Xbox 360 fall dashboard update 'slightly' delayed (update: its live!) originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 20:53:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Logitech Revue Android 3.1 upgrade starts rolling out
It appears owners of the Logitech Revue will finally be able to get their taste of Honeycomb starting tonight, as a few lucky users have already received an upgrade to Android 3.1 and support techs have informed them a wider rollout is beginning this evening. That puts it about a month behind Sony's Google TV boxes in receiving the upgrade, but will finally bring owners a whole new UI, and access to the Android Market -- and live up to those stickers on the outside of the box. The usual considerations apply about it being a rolling update so while your $99 box may not see the new software right away, it's definitely coming.
[Thanks, Brian]
Logitech Revue Android 3.1 upgrade starts rolling out originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 20:32:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Microsoft demos Windows Store, coming to Windows 8 beta in February
Well well, we knew Microsoft had something in store for us at its Windows Store Preview event tonight, and it just revealed the look for its Windows 8 app-selling portal. It sports a new Metro-like UI, and comes with some new content from Disney, digital books and magazines, plus games like Cut the Rope are on tap, too. Bing's on board to index the whole store catalog and make all the fresh content easy to find, and the setup allows company websites to deep link to app descriptions in the store. There's also a mechanism for integrating app purchases from company websites built directly into the store infrastructure as well.
Of course, the new Windows Store isn't just for consumers, enterprise apps will also be available to fulfill your every business need. IT admins can deploy apps in a local version of the store, so that everything stays nice and secure on the internal networks. Not only that, but some secret sauce ensures that both enterprise and personal apps can be managed seamlessly on that slick new Windows 8 slate of yours. As for developers, Microsoft takes the now standard 30 percent cut of every app you sell in its store, but once you've sold $25,000 worth of software, that drops to 20 percent. For those interested in the full rundown of Microsoft's new app outlet, there's a video explaining its features and PR below and a Windows Store Blog will be hitting the web soon. The Windows Store is set to open its digital doors in late February of next year, with the Redmond crew only accepting free apps submitted by invitation only. So, if you're one of the chosen would-be Windows 8 devs, you better get cracking.
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Microsoft demos Windows Store, coming to Windows 8 beta in February originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 19:49:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Verizon pushes for quick Windows Phone / LTE integration, tugs at Microsoft's pant leg

Verizon pushes for quick Windows Phone / LTE integration, tugs at Microsoft's pant leg originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 19:37:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Kodak's Document Print app means never visiting the girl from the Xerox place
Printing on the road usually leaves you at the mercy of your local Kinkos FedEx Office, but as long as you've got one of Kodak's cloud-print enabled Hero printers, you can avoid getting gouged. The company's just released an Android app that lets you print nearly everything, even webpages as long as they're accessed from the baked-in browser -- provided that you've left your home printer switched on. You can pull it down for free from the Android market from today and if you're interested, head on past the break for an unusually terse press release from the company.
Continue reading Kodak's Document Print app means never visiting the girl from the Xerox placeKodak's Document Print app means never visiting the girl from the Xerox place originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 19:01:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Android Phone Name Generator launches HTC Bionic Plus 3D E, Motorola Vigor Optimus Prime+
Checking the front porch every few minutes for your Sony Ericsson Charge Vibrant G2? Or perhaps you've fallen for the HTC Mesmerize Vivid Prime (you know, that Super HAMOLED++ 4K tablet running Android 9.3 Snickerdoodle). Sure, those game-changing Android devices may not exist in physical form, but they did become a reality in Yinzcam's brilliant Android Phone Name Generator -- created for your amusement, and perhaps the industry's top marketing geniuses. Want to try your hand at creating the world's next week-long smartphone fad? Hit up the source link again and again and again, then share your results in the comments. The Acer Rezound Vivid One G1 X2 launches in 3, 2...
Android Phone Name Generator launches HTC Bionic Plus 3D E, Motorola Vigor Optimus Prime+ originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 18:18:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Grand Theft Auto III anniversary edition for iOS and Android exalts a decade of metropolitan mayhem
Before Niko Bellic, there was a man who was known as Claude, who was just as willing to terrorize Liberty City back in Grand Theft Auto III. If fond memories of carjackings and Flashback 95.6 are starting to rush back, know that Rockstar plans to sell you a fresh copy for your iOS or Android devices come December 15th. And just so we're clear, the $4.99 redux is a full re-release -- not some watered-down version with an alternate story line. Already counting the days? Peep the list of compatible devices after the break so it's not all for naught. Go on, we've left you a surprise.
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Grand Theft Auto III anniversary edition for iOS and Android exalts a decade of metropolitan mayhem originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 17:47:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Art Lebedev details Optimus Popularis keyboard, puts Mini Six up for pre-order
We haven't heard too much out of Art Lebedev since its last major update on the Optimus Popularis and Mini Six back in June, but the Russian design studio is now finally providing a few more details on the premium peripherals. That includes our best look at the LCD-laden Optimus Popularis keyboard to date, along with a price for the smaller Mini Six (pictured after the break), the latter of which will set you back $376 and is available for pre-order right now. As for the Optimus Popularis, its price now stands at $1086 with the current exchange rate, and Art Lebedev is promising that the first shipment will arrive by June 1st, 2012. Hit the source links below for a closer look at both devices.
[Thanks, Basil1992]
Continue reading Art Lebedev details Optimus Popularis keyboard, puts Mini Six up for pre-order[Thanks, Basil1992]
Art Lebedev details Optimus Popularis keyboard, puts Mini Six up for pre-order originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 17:32:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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LG Nitro HD review
And then there were three. AT&T's lonesome LTE duo -- the Samsung GS II Skyrocket and HTC Vivid -- just gained a new member with the recent launch of LG's Nitro HD. You may recognize this particular handset from its former life as the Optimus LTE, except here the phone's been rebranded with a moniker that more astutely conveys its blazing 4G purpose. There may be tough times ahead for the handset, considering the current crop of high-end devices hogging the spotlight. But if three's company, the Galaxy Nexus, HTC Rezound and Droid RAZR are sure to make this a standing room-only crowd -- an especially haughty bunch given their heavyweight specs. Which is why this sudden end-of-year release for the Nitro HD has us questioning the company's timing. Sure, it's no slouch when stacked up against the competition, with a 4.5-inch 1280 x 720 AH-IPS display, dual-core 1.5GHz Qualcomm APQ8060 processor and 1.3 front-facing / 8 megapixel rear cameras. Yet at $250 on contract, the Nitro HD needs to outshine the legacy set by its best-in-class Sammy stablemate or, at least, offer a performance boost over the cheaper Vivid. So can LG's last second contender rise above the fray to win your holiday dollars? Will it succeed in outclassing its LTE compadres? Or is it a case of too little, too late for this me
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LG Nitro HD review originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 16:30:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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LG DoublePlay review
It's no secret that Android's dominance of the smartphone world is due in part to the sheer number of models available running the OS. This abundance of choice, while undoubtedly good for consumers, presents a challenge for OEMs as they design and build handsets: how to craft a device that stands out from the crowd? At this point, we've seen slabs of all sizes, a legion of landscape sliders, and a dual-screen oddity join the Android family. Now, LG has created the DoublePlay, giving users both a hint of the Echo's dual screen experience along with a split physical keyboard for tactile typing. In doing so, the company has accomplished something we weren't sure was possible by building a unique Android phone. The question is, does this unusual form factor provide an improved user experience, or is it destined to go down in gadget history as a gimmick?
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LG DoublePlay review originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 16:00:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Verizon planning streaming video service, gets ready to take on Netflix

Verizon planning streaming video service, gets ready to take on Netflix originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 15:45:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Jawbone Up review
Back in July, Jawbone did something surprising. The company, best known for its Bluetooth headsets, announced it was cooking up a wristband called "Up" -- a wearable device that would track the wearer's sleeping, eating and exercise habits. At the time, we didn't know much more than that, but given the company's expertise in wearable tech, we assumed it would at least have a Bluetooth radio, tying it together with all the other products Jawbone sells.
As it turns out, the wristband doesn't sync your vitals wirelessly and for better or worse, it doesn't work quite the way we thought it would. To use the wristband, you'll need an iDevice -- no other platform is supported, and there isn't even a mobile website to which you can upload all your data. Then again, it does things other fitness trackers don't: it monitors when you're in deep or light sleep, so that it can wake you when you're just dozing. And because it's waterproof up to one meter and promises up to 10 days of battery life, it's low-maintenance enough that you can wear it every day, which could be key to making some healthy lifestyle changes. So how did Jawbone do, stepping so far outside its comfort zone? And should you consider this over identically priced fitness trackers such as the new Fitbit Ultra? Let's see.
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Jawbone Up review originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 15:00:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Android Market reaches ten billionth download, sells Minecraft, Swiftkey X, others for a dime
Happy milestone, Android Market! It's a busy place, full of hustle and bustle -- so much so, in fact, that the applications plaza for Google's mobile OS just had its ten billionth app downloaded. In honor of hitting this mark, it's passing the savings on to you, placing (at least) ten apps on sale for ten cents. The sale will last for ten days (notice a theme?), so procrastinators will have a little extra time to decide which ones are worth a dime. There's a few classics on the list, such as SwiftKey X, Minecraft, Asphalt 6 and SoundHound. Check the source link (or glance at the screenshot above) to see what else is available, as well as a press release straight from SwiftKey below the break.
[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]
Continue reading Android Market reaches ten billionth download, sells Minecraft, Swiftkey X, others for a dime[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]
Android Market reaches ten billionth download, sells Minecraft, Swiftkey X, others for a dime originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 14:39:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Cubic Telecom's Maxroam data SIM card lets you roam the globe without breaking the bank
It's never easy to travel the globe on a tight budget, but Cubic Telecom is doing its best to ease the financial burden a bit, with its new Maxroam card -- a global data SIM card that allows American travelers to access the web for just 65 cents per MB. The card, available without any subscription or contract, works within a total of 43 countries, including India, Australia, South Africa and Europe. All you have to do is purchase the card, insert it in your unlocked handset and activate it online. From there, you'll be able to use Maxroam until you reach the data limit, without worrying about expiration dates or time constraints. It's available now at the source link below, though as Cubic Telecom points out, final data rates may vary with the euro/dollar exchange rate.
Continue reading Cubic Telecom's Maxroam data SIM card lets you roam the globe without breaking the bankCubic Telecom's Maxroam data SIM card lets you roam the globe without breaking the bank originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 14:17:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Global BBC iPlayer app gets squeezed down to iPhone / iPod Touch size
While US viewers continue to wait for the expat-edition Global BBC iPlayer app, BBC Worldwide has announced a new version launching December 8th specifically for iPhones and iPod Touches. Like its big brother app for the iPad, this free download lets subscribers stream or download shows for offline viewing, as well as stream video to the Apple TV via AirPlay. Whole new categories of programming are coming online soon including music, arts and culture, and radio, and now it can all fit in one's pocket. Check the gallery for a couple more screenshots, or after the break for a press release with all the applicable pricing and regional information that's available.
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Global BBC iPlayer app gets squeezed down to iPhone / iPod Touch size originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 13:53:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Google brings graphing calculator functionality to search, still can't play 'Snake'
Well, Google's gone an done it, turning the Internet into one giant graphing calculator. The software behemoth has brought graphing capabilities to search, letting users input a mathematical function into the engine -- or multiple functions, separated by commas. And, this being Google, users can explore the graphs more closely by zooming in and out and panning across. According to the company, it "covers an extensive range of single variable functions including trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic and their compositions." If you know what all of that means, we're guessing you're pretty psyched about this news.
Google brings graphing calculator functionality to search, still can't play 'Snake' originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 13:29:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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ICS-based CyanogenMod 9: it's on track, but not for everybody
The CM9 customization for Android 4.0 has only been in the works since mid-November and already its canny creators claim to have it running on a number of devices. They say they're making the quickest progress with OMAP4, MSM8660/7x30 and Exynos-based handsets, so if you own of those you should find yourself at the top of the queue. Despite difficulties with totally new camera and graphics drivers in ICS, there should eventually be support for all CM7-compatible models going back to phones like the Nexus One, as well as the Tegra 2-powered Galaxy Tab 10.1 and Asus Transformer. There's no mention of Tegra 3, though, and bad news for owners of the original Droid: if you want a taste of ICS you'll have to leave your muddy perch and head out for an upgrade.
ICS-based CyanogenMod 9: it's on track, but not for everybody originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 13:04:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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First molybdenite IC delivers silicon-crushing, chip-shrinking, graphene-blasting action
Never heard of molybdenite? We're not shocked. Its not nearly as hyped as graphene or quantum dots, but it could be the key to smaller, bendable microchips. The problem with silicon is that, in layers less than two nanometers thick, it can become unstable, oxidize and quickly deteriorate. Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2), on the other hand, can be laid down in sheets just three atoms thick. The semiconductor also earns bonus points for being an abundant, naturally occurring mineral. Earlier this year researchers at the Laboratory of Nanoscale Electronics and Structures (LANES) demoed the first molybdenite transistor, but the team is moving fast and has already whipped up the first prototype of a complete integrated circuit (we assume with the aid of an all girl army of Kung Fu engineers). Things are looking good for this potential silicon usurper. And best of all, molybdenite is flexible. So, hello bendable computers!
First molybdenite IC delivers silicon-crushing, chip-shrinking, graphene-blasting action originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 12:41:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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7digital music store app headed to Windows Phone in January, North American expansion planned

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7digital music store app headed to Windows Phone in January, North American expansion planned originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 12:16:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Archos CEO wants to create a child-sized robot for less than 300 euros, apparently
Forget all of Archos' tablet and e-reader nonsense. They're just stepping stones on the way to a grander vision -- one rife with home automation and, apparently, bite-sized, budget-friendly robots. That's what CEO Henri Crohas revealed in a recent interview with French daily La Libération, while describing his company's aspirations to create thinner tablets, as well as a "child-sized robot, sold for less than €300." Crohas didn't elaborate upon this remark, transcribed as an "oh by the way" aside, though he did go on to describe Archos as a "genetic anomaly" among European manufacturers, and cited Charles Darwin as one of his most admired thinkers. Infer at your own discretion.
[Thanks, Thocan]
Archos CEO wants to create a child-sized robot for less than 300 euros, apparently originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 12:01:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Galaxy Nexus lands in Verizon stores December 9th, Droid 4 on the 8th
We know you've been impatiently awaiting its arrival, but fear not Android fans -- the Verizon version of the Galaxy Nexus is almost here... we think. A tipster sent in a shot of an internal VZW email outlining the next few weeks of launches and in-store displays. Chief amongst those is the December 8th arrival of banners, signs and other marketing materials for the world's first ICS handset. Our source reports that posters and all the relevant merch will be rolled out after close of business and the Nexus will officially go on sale December 9th. As a bonus, this also seems to confirm that the Droid 4 will be launching this Thursday. So, if you're fine with Gingerbread and have a thing for QWERTY keyboards December 8th could still be the day all your dreams come true. The rest of us will just have to wait just an extra 24 hours.
[Thanks, anonymous]
Galaxy Nexus lands in Verizon stores December 9th, Droid 4 on the 8th originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 11:36:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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White Droid RAZR, Xyboard 10.1 and 8.2 tablets to hit Verizon stores this month
Verizon has confirmed that it will begin selling a "flashy new white" version of the Droid RAZR just in time to make an appearance under the tree, with a pair of Xboard tablets shipping this month as well. The Xyboard (Xoom 2) will be available in five flavors -- the 10.1-incher will come in 16GB, 32GB and 64GB capacities for $530, $630 and $730, respectively, while the 8.2-inch model will ship with 16GB of storage for $430, or 32 gigs for $530. All models require a two-year customer agreement, and include a stylus in the box. And Verizon will help soften the damage if you opt for a complete Droid makeover -- customers who pick up both a $300 RAZR and one of five Honeycomb Xboards will be eligible for a $100 discount when buying the phone with a two-year contract. Thinking about picking up an ICS-ready Droid? Jump past the break for the full feature rundown from VZW.
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White Droid RAZR, Xyboard 10.1 and 8.2 tablets to hit Verizon stores this month originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 11:16:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Triggertrap automatic shutter release hits production, links your camera to most things
Want your camera to take a shot whenever the phone rings or someone loads your blog page? Triggertrap can arrange that for you. This Arduino-powered box has managed to cross the funding finish-line and will be bringing its multi-source automatic release to camera creatives early next year. The former Insert Coin project can communicate with cameras through either a wired connection or its own IR transmitter. It can initiate shutter release from a multitude of sensors, with the built-in light, laser and sound sensors backed up by an auxiliary port, meaning it can be hooked up to anything capable of generating an electronic signal. With prototype testing complete, the Triggertrap looks set to ship in early February next year, with a special build-your-own version appearing soon after that. The ready-made options will set you back $125, while the customizable 'shield' version is pegged at $75. Interested? Well, hold on after the break for a full video tour of the cherry red hardware.
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Triggertrap automatic shutter release hits production, links your camera to most things originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 11:10:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Yahoo Hub offers free messaging to anyone, locks horns with RIM and Google
Yahoo, evidently tired of being passed up by hundreds of free messaging apps floating around the various smartphone application stores, has launched a service of its own to take on the likes of BBM and Google Messenger. The new app, called Hub, is only available for Android devices at the moment, but there's a brightside here: you can send a message to anyone, not just other folks who've downloaded the same app. The recipient -- or multiple recipients, since group chat is allowed -- can easily reply to the thread using their own standard SMS service. Curiously, Hub is only offered if you have a US SIM card and a text plan, even though the messages are transmitted using your data connection or WiFi. If you do a lot of international travel, Hub is supported in nine other countries besides the US, a rather small number we hope will grow as the service graduates from its beta status. While Yahoo can use all the help it can get right now, is this going to endear very many users?
[Thanks, Ashish]
Continue reading Yahoo Hub offers free messaging to anyone, locks horns with RIM and Google[Thanks, Ashish]
Yahoo Hub offers free messaging to anyone, locks horns with RIM and Google originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 10:46:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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T-Mobile, Vodafone and KPN raided in Dutch price-fixing probe
Details are pretty slim at the moment, but it appears that Vodafone, KPN and T-Mobile are among the companies that have been raided by Dutch regulators in a price-fixing investigation. The country's competition authorities, NMa, swept through the carriers' offices as part of a probe into alleged "cartel agreements" exposed by whistleblowers. All three of the companies have agreed to cooperate with the investigation and have denied wrong doing but, they're starting with a dark cloud of suspicion hanging over their heads already. It was only ten years ago that the same three mobile operators were fined for illegally coordinating on pricing and fees. Obviously, it's wrong to jump to conclusions, but what are the chances these huge corporations just haven't learned from their past mistakes?
T-Mobile, Vodafone and KPN raided in Dutch price-fixing probe originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 10:23:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Engadget HD Podcast 277 - 12.06.2011

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Hosts: Ben Drawbaugh (@bjdraw), Richard Lawler (@rjcc)
Producer: Trent Wolbe
00:03:09 - Xbox 360 Dashboard update review (fall 2011)
00:03:50 - Xbox 360's new video services won't all launch right away; Comcast, Verizon, and HBO Go delayed
00:12:15 - Xbox Companion app for WP7 will launch alongside the new dashboard December 6th
00:39:00 - DirecTV's new five tuner HR34 Home Media Center DVR ready to launch December 8th?
00:45:29 - Hands-on with Dijit's universal remote app for iPad
00:51:07 - Cox TV Connect app brings more live cable TV streaming to iPads
00:55:00 - Time Warner Cable's tablet app available for Android, live TV streaming still iPad only
00:53:56 - BBC brings global iPlayer iPad app to Canada, one step closer to the US
00:55:09 - Lovefilm's movie streaming will switch from Flash to Silverlight on PCs in 2012
00:57:53 - Verizon scores new spectrum from Comcast, Time Warner and Bright House for $3.6 billion (update)
01:00:29 - Kogan advertises Samsung LCDs in its HDTVs, Samsung would rather not take credit
01:02:09 - Lenovo trudging into the smart TV arena, plans LeTV launch in Q1 2012 (update: aka IdeaTV)
01:04:39 - Must See HDTV (December 5th - 11th)
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Engadget HD Podcast 277 - 12.06.2011 originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 10:00:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Samsung Skyrocket gets too literal, lights up man's pocket
We know, we know -- it could never happen to you, right? We imagine that's exactly what one gentleman thought before his two-week-old Samsung Galaxy S II I727 (Skyrocket) -- unlocked, we believe, given the Rogers SIM card -- decided to melt in his pocket. According to the XDA-Dev thread, the idling phone's owner suddenly heard a sound, followed by a burning sensation; smoke started billowing out of his pocket and the phone, and the result is what you see in the images above and below. Fortunately, Samsung has responded to the situation, as reported by MobileSyrup:
Samsung takes all allegations involving product safety seriously. We invite the consumer to contact Samsung directly so that we can examine the phone to determine the cause of this incident.
Indeed, this has been a rather odd week for combustible handsets, as an iPhone 4 suffered a very similar fate on a Qantas flight. Is this the beginning of a global smartphone uprising?
Continue reading Samsung Skyrocket gets too literal, lights up man's pocketSamsung Skyrocket gets too literal, lights up man's pocket originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 09:23:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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The big memory cube gamble: IBM and Micron stack their chips
Manufacturers have been murmuring about 3D memory chips for years, but an escalation in recent radio chatter suggests the technology is on the cusp of becoming commercial. Intel unveiled a Hybrid Memory Cube (HMC) at IDF, which promises seven times the energy efficiency of today's DDR3, and now IBM and Micron have shown their hand too. The pair just struck up a partnership to produce cubes using layers of DRAM connected by vertical conduits known as through-silicon vias (TSVs). These pillars allow a 90 percent reduction in a memory chip's physical footprint, a 70 percent cut in its appetite for energy, and -- best of all -- a radical increase in bandwidth: HMC prototypes have already scored 128Gb/s, which makes 6Gb/s SATA III look like a bottleneck. It certainly sounds like a game-changer, unless of course some rival technology like ferroelectric memory gets there first.
[Thanks, Maximilian]
The big memory cube gamble: IBM and Micron stack their chips originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 08:57:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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NEC Medias PP N-01D knows what boys like: watch-based notifications
NTT DoCoMo's pantheon of remarkably similar smartphones is expanding again, with the release of NEC's Medias PP N-01D. The chunky 10.9mm blower packs a whopping 1,700 mAh battery that promises 630 hours of standby. Beneath the water-and-dust-proof shell is a Gingerbread phone with the usual array of features: 8.1 megapixel camera, mobile wallet, One-Seg TV reception, and cable-free sync. It's also squeezed in wireless charging and the ability to pair the phone via Bluetooth to the forthcoming Casio G-Shock GB-9600 watch, which will notify you of your incoming calls and emails. Ladyphone users who aren't interested in playing Dick Tracy can fire up the Medias Beauty App, which will offer "professional beauty advice" -- handy for those of us who can't find the time to keep our makeup all nice.
NEC Medias PP N-01D knows what boys like: watch-based notifications originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 08:32:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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PS Vita shuns multiple accounts and in-game web browsing, disappoints FAQ lovers everywhere
Have a tendency to get stuck in games? Keep your laptop handy, the PlayStation Vita isn't going to make getting tips any easier -- an interview from AV Watch has revealed that Sony's next generation handheld is a little stingy when multitasking. The console's friends list, music and Twitter clients are in, but web browsing is out, blocked to ensure the Vita has more resources available for running games. This limitation could be off-putting to gamers who are used to mid-game internet FAQ checks to guide them through difficult bits of gameplay, a trick Nintendo's 3DS handles smoothly. Family members hoping to share a console might run into a roadblock as well, as the Vita appears to be fairly conservative about its relationships -- allowing only one PSN account per console. Sony's Brad Douglas recently mentioned on Twitter that swapping accounts was possible, but that switching required a factory reset. Potential deal breaker? For some, maybe. For others? Just another item to the growing list of things we hope to see in a future update.
PS Vita shuns multiple accounts and in-game web browsing, disappoints FAQ lovers everywhere originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 08:04:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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White House releases early test code for Data.gov platform, moves closer to open source reality
The White House's Open Government Partnership inched closer to maturity last week, with the release of a new open data platform, designed to help other governments set up their own Data.gov portals. On Wednesday, Data.gov developer Chris Musialek posted the first pieces of early test code for the unfortunately named "Data.gov-in-a-box" -- an open source version of the US and Indian governments' respective data portals. Both countries, in fact, have been working on the platform since August, with the Obama administration pledging some $1 million to the effort. The idea, according to federal CIO Steve VanRoekel and federal CTO Aneesh Chopra, is to encourage "governments around the word to stand up open data sites that promote transparency, improve citizen engagement, and engage application developers," using Data.gov (and its 400,000 datasets) as a blueprint. Wednesday's release is just the first step in that plan, with the finalized Open Government Platform (OGPL) slated for launch by early next year.
White House releases early test code for Data.gov platform, moves closer to open source reality originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 07:33:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Apple and major publishers investigated for e-book price fixing in Europe

Apple and major publishers investigated for e-book price fixing in Europe originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 07:03:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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DirecTV's TiVo ready to return December 8th in a few markets
It's been over three years since we first heard a new TiVo was coming to DirecTV, but the satellite broadcaster has finally revealed it will be available -- in select markets -- starting December 8th, the same day its own HR34 multiroom solution becomes available. Both the HR34 and the TiVo HD DVR from DirecTV (THR22-100) got the official nod in DirecTV's installer forums, informing techs the $199 TiVo box would be available for an extra $5 / month service fee, in addition to the $10 / month HD Access and $7 / month DVR tariffs. What does that extra scratch buy you? The new box can access all of DirecTV's live, on demand and pay-per-view video, downloading updates via satellite, and supports remote DVR scheduling through the website. On the downside however, there's no mention of the new TiVo Premiere UI or internet streaming, and it does not support other add-ons like 3D, whole home DVR, apps, or DirecTV's iPad app. One way or another, starting Thursday customers will have their choice of HD DVR satellite boxes, so hit the source link for a few more details and a PDF spec sheet (also pictured in the gallery).
Update: Official details from TiVo are included after the break, mentioning a nationwide rollout will occur next year.
[Thanks, @TechWzrd]
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DirecTV's TiVo ready to return December 8th in a few markets originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 07:02:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Sprint LTE phones to arrive 'in the second half' of 2012

The company also added that it will be paying $350million to ClearWire spread over two years, "if they meet targets in delivering LTE to sites where traffic is heaviest." But what does the future hold for those less fortunate WiMAX users? Stay calm: the Sprint CFO reiterated that the other 4G network will continue to be supported until 2015.
Sprint LTE phones to arrive 'in the second half' of 2012 originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 06:15:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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After strong Q3 showing, HTC sees nearly 20 percent drop in November revenue
All was looking rosy for HTC at the end of October, when the company released yet another stellar Q3 earnings report. Since then, however, things have apparently gone downhill in a pretty drastic way, as evidenced by an unaudited revenue report for the month of November. In an announcement issued today, the manufacturer confirmed that it saw about 31 billion Taiwanese dollars ($1.03 billion) in consolidated revenue last month, down 19.6 percent from November 2010, when it raked in some 38.5 billion Taiwanese dollars (about $1.27 billion). HTC didn't offer an explanation for the drop, though an earlier Q4 earnings forecast predicted that the company's impressive streak of robust earnings reports would soon come to an end. It remains to be seen whether December treats the company more gently, but for now, you can check out the full financial breakdown at the source link, below.
After strong Q3 showing, HTC sees nearly 20 percent drop in November revenue originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 05:39:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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