Corsair A50 and A70 Review
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Cooler Master NotePal U3 Review
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Sony Executive Shares Expectations of the PlayStation Move
The PlayStation Move is now less than a month away and an executive at Sony has shared his opinion on the device. Sony Computer Entertainment senior vice president Ray Maguire likens the PlayStation Move to the original EyeToy that launched for the PS2. He said that like the original EyeToy, the Move needs to be sampled and demoed in order to get a true grasp of what it can do. Once someone gets their hand on the device and sees all that it can do and bring to gaming, he expects people will start to understand it more. However, Maguire did say that he does not expect huge day one sales of the Move but rather sales will grow over time as early adopters tell their friends and more people get to try it out. I am still a little up in the air about what all the Move can do but perhaps a demo will change that perspective. In other PlayStation news, Sony's Kaz Hirai talked down speculation that the PlayStation 4 will be a download-only device stating problems with certain areas PlayStations are sold not having fast access to the Internet to get the titles. He expects the PS4, whenever it launches, to use discs since that is usually the easiest way for thousands of people to get a game.
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Xbox 360 Headset Sound Quality to Improve in Fall Update
Microsoft is getting set to improve the sound quality on the Xbox 360 when you use headsets to communicate. The improvement will be included with the fall update to coincide with the launch of Kinect. Now when you communicate with your buddies via Xbox Live, everything should be much clearer. This improvement will be possible because Microsoft is going to boost the codec being used to one of much higher quality. When Xbox Live first launched in 2002, all Microsoft required was a broadband connection of 64k which seems mighty slow by today's standards but back then, it was the norm. Now with much better connections available, Microsoft is going to improve the audio codec to deliver much higher quality sound through the headsets to help eliminate all that crackling. This should help to appease the many gamers who complain of the poor audio quality during multiplayer games and help to make the Xbox 360 seem more on the cutting edge of technology.
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Netflix Comes to iPhone and iPod Touch
Netflix is now available on the iPhone and iPod Touch, as long as the device has iOS 3.13 or better. These devices now join the stable that offers Netflix instant streaming, including the PS3, Xbox 360, and iPad. The app is available for free, but requires a monthly subscription to Netflix. Users can stream video over 3G and Wi-Fi, though the experience on 3G will be dependent on signal strength. Users will only have the option to add to their instant view queue, and will only be able to add to the front or end of the queue. Queue re-ordering and DVD queue management are unavailable. The Netflix app will automatically pause the movie for any incoming calls or text messages, and will take you right back to the movie when finished.
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