Tuesday, March 3, 2009

IT News HeadLines (IT World Canada) 03/03/2009

Fortinet strengthens operating system
Adds WAN optimization to improved security features to its unified threat management line. An industry analyst says organizations will approve.
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Laid-off IT workers can contract their skills
IT professionals looking to contract their skills in lieu of full-time employment may like the advantages of being self-employed. The challenges facing full-timers turned entrepreneurs
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Can a few virtual servers save a company?
Find out how an Ontario-based IT hosting provider avoided a costly data centre expansion with server virtualization. Plus, commentary from Burton Group virtualization analyst Chris Wolf
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Canada Revenue Agency invests in IT security
As Canadians start preparing their taxes, the federal organization responsible for NetFile is making progess on a slew of initiatives designed to protect their data. Read the coverage from GovSym
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Microsoft extends direct app hosting to Canada
Microsoft's Business Productivity Online Suite couldn't have come at a better time for cash-strapped Canadian SMBs. But the software-maker's new direct hosting service is not geared for big business needs, according to a Canadian analyst
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PureShare platform translates â€کany-to-any’ data
Business intelligence can mean making use of more than just the traditional data sources, and third-party developers can fill in the gaps by building adaptors, said PureShare Corp.'s CEO. Why the company calls it “future proofâ€‌
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BLOGOSPHERE: In the market for a Dell smart phone?
As rumours of the new device swirl, bloggers don't think much of the idea. "Remember the Axim? Me either," writes one
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OPINION: The Facebook revolt and why it matters
If Facebook can unilaterally change, without notice, what is essentially a licence to use its software and infrastructure, what about your applications — especially those used on a software-as-a-service basis?
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Vancouver hacking contest to pay $10K for smartphone bugs
3Com’s TippingPoint security unit is offering cash and hardware to hackers who can successfully exploit mobile browsers. Contests include Most Interesting Browser Flaw
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More Dell layoffs, plant closures as net income drops 48 per cent
The company now aims to reduce costs by $4 billion by the end of fiscal 2011, a change from the original target of $3 billion announced in May
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