Friday, March 13, 2009

IT News HeadLines (CNET) 13/03/2009

Webware Radar: Diddit brings life experiences to Twitter, Facebook
Also: Search Cloudlet has added tag clouds to Twitter; StumbleUpon is poised to launch a URL-shortening service; has a 50/50 advertising revenue split; and MySpace has launched its second Bracket Challenge.
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Big, bad Intel up to no good again?
Intel is accused of monopolistic business practices pretty much all of the time. How much is too much?
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Yahoo counters Google Latitude: Friends on Fire
Yahoo begins making something useful out of its Fire Eagle service: a Facebook application that lets friends share their location. Also: a Firefox plug-in for Fire Eagle.
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Does OpenOffice have 11 million active U.S. users?
The open-source productivity suite hasn't made much of a dent in Microsoft's Office business, but it's finding serious penetration in the States, according to a ClickStream study.
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IBM dives into water tech
IBM details its strategy for conserving fresh water, including cloud computing services to analyze water meter data and a new energy-efficient water filter.
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Sirius XM tunes into iPhone application
Sirius XM gears up to launch an iPhone application in the second quarter, as it seeks to expand its satellite service amid a bleak economy, according to reports.
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Adium gets its Twitter on in version 1.4
The open-source multiprotocol instant-messaging client for the Mac operating system is getting better, as it integrates new functions for the popular Twitter microblogging service.
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What's inside the new Apple Shuffle?
iFixit has done a teardown of the third-generation Shuffle. As one might expect, the diminutive device is tiny on the inside, too--and pretty simple.
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Cisco's expected server splash raises data center ruckus
As we move to converged boxes--switches and storage meet servers and virtualization--the architecture of the data center will get much-needed change.
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Why Google Maps blurring would set us back
Robotics researcher Keith Sevcik says censoring detailed images of sensitive areas, as proposed by a California assemblyman, would stunt search-and-rescue efforts.
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Plastiki: Message in a bottle raft
British adventurer David de Rothschild plans to sail from San Francisco to Australia in a 60-foot vessel made from recycled plastic bottles--and to teach the world a few lessons about recycling along the way.
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Teen Muziic founder: Shawn Fanning is my hero
Odds are long that 15-year-old David Nelson can navigate past bigger competitors and a tangle of copyright laws. But he's betting YouTube will recognize a good thing when it sees one.
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A 'post-x86 world'? Preposterous!
GigaOM makes some bizarre assertions. Intel and the x86 architecture are not seriously threatened by ARM processors and new kinds of computing devices.
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It was 20 years ago today: The Web
Tim Berners-Lee and others are gathering at CERN on Friday to fete the document that laid the intellectual groundwork for the World Wide Web.
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In-browser P2P LittleShoot now supports torrents
LittleShoot brings torrents and file publishing to your browser with a cross-program browser plug-in that looks simple enough for almost anybody to use.
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Mobile OS wars: Symbian leads globally; Mac OS X surges
A new report from Gartner shows Symbian still holds nearly half the market in mobile operating systems, but other OSes are quickly rising in market share and developer attention.
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SaaS has a future; just don't call it green
Attendees at a big software-as-a-service conference turn a cold shoulder to sessions devoted to green aspects of cloud computing.
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Photos: Scenes on the eve of SXSW
The night before South by Southwest Interactive kicks off, the Austin Convention Center is already bustling with people, Legos, and a whole lotta bags.
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SXSWi 2009: Tech fest in Texas
roundup South by Southwest Interactive in Austin is the ultimate petri dish for tech enthusiasts eager to try out innovative ways to meet up, socialize, and consume media.
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What to expect at SXSWi, part 4: The big picture
Will there be a breakout hit like Twitter this year? Of course not.
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Cloud computing: Value is assumed, cost matters
In a down economy, customers expect value. Disaster recovery, compliance, and enterprisey features are where the growth is in the near term. And cost still weighs heavily.
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