Tuesday, March 10, 2009

IT News HeadLines (CNET) 10/03/2009

Guardian launches open platform for free content and data
As the newspaper industry struggles to survive and looks to their online operations as a potential lifesaver, one European newspaper is taking an additional step in its high-tech transformation.
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Google releases 1.1 Android update for developers
Developers will now get the 1.1 software update for the G1 Google phone.
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Life insurance for your passwords: Legacy Locker
What happens to your blogs and photo pages when you die? Legacy Locker can tell your loved ones your passwords, so they can decide.
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Sony SLR sensor ranks below Nikon, above Canon
A test of the sensors in Sony's midrange SLRs shows the electronics giant to be competitive with rivals.
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No Jive: New move to wed social software and the enterprise
Jive Software's latest social software product is designed to exploit knowledge of social connections inside and outside the corporate firewall.
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Getting it wrong on Amazon's charitable donations
Amazon shouldn't be measured on its giving to charity, just as corporations shouldn't be judged on their open-source contributions.
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Palm boosts stock offering, nets $83.9 million
Company shares rise more than 9 percent in early morning trading after the smartphone maker increases the size of its secondary offering and prices the deal at $6 a share.
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Jive and the battle for the social enterprise
The company launches Social Business Software 3.0, a suite of collaborative apps. Ultimately, though, Jive will face off with Oracle, IBM/Lotus, and Microsoft.
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Drop.io jumps into 'the stream,' goes real-time
File-sharing start-up, which prides itself on simplicity and user privacy, is the latest to jump on the "streaming" craze.
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Apple touch-screen Netbook rumors heat up
Several blogs picked up on a report by DigiTimes that cites a Chinese-language Commercial Times article saying Apple is allegedly prepping a new touch-screen Netbook for a release in Q3 of this year. And now Dow Jones News Services has further updates on
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Plastic Logic: Even the delivery date is flexible
The big, bendable e-book reader is still a year away, but that's not too long to wait. The e-book market is still developing, and it barely exists at all for business users.
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OneRiot adds video to its social search engine
Video is now part of the tool set for OneRiot's social Web search. Users can now search for videos that get indexed by what's buzzing.
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Stem cell order tests science-politics relationship
Democrats charged during the Bush administration that science research became politicized. Obama's presidential memorandum signed this week promises to avoid that pitfall. Will it work?
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Dancing with the Woz: 'A Teletubby going mad'
It's a tough beginning for Steve Wozniak on "Dancing with the Stars," as his cha-cha does not get cha-charitable judgment from the experts.
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Beyond freemium: The Timebridge business model works
The meeting planning service upsells conference calling and screen-sharing services, and it's growing.
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VCs still keen on green tech, thanks to Uncle Sam
A KPMG survey of venture capitalists shows muted expectations on green-tech investing and a recognition for more government involvement in the clean-energy business.
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Nvidia launches graphics chip venture fund
Nvidia launches the GPU Ventures Program, an initiative to identify and invest in early stage graphics companies.
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Another stage for American Idols--the iPhone
A new, official "American Idol" application for the iPhone and iPod Touch brings exclusive Fox videos to your American iPhone.
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Facebook post gets NFL Eagles' worker fired
The Philadelphia Eagles fires a stadium operations worker for a Facebook post that bemoaned the loss of one of the Eagles' better players.
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A Facebook dilemma: When your shrink tries to friend you
By signing up for Facebook, you reveal at least some of yourself to people you know and, sometimes, people you don't. What happens when your psychologist is free to observe too.
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