Sunday, March 1, 2009

IT News HeadLines (CNET) 01/03/2009

Can tony Apple Store survive a down economy?
Are Apple stores elitist? You bet--and that's not a bad thing. Unless the U.S. economy keeps going south.
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The case against enterprise micro-blogging
Twitter and its clones seem like a good idea for the enterprise-until you realize that the short message format is just no good for business.
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Suddenly, Twitter's the rage with D.C. politicos
Missouri's U.S. senator becomes the latest to make waves with the microblogging site--this time suggesting when Obama would announce his choice for Health and Human Services head.
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Data on Obama's helicopter breached via P2P?
Security company Tiversa says the country has obtained engineering and communications information about Marine One, likely via a compromised file swap on a peer-to-peer service.
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Sony: PS3 is hard to develop for--on purpose
The Japanese electronics powerhouse is making it hard on developers to create games for the PlayStation 3, and believe it or not, the company is fine with that.
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Guilty pleasures: 5 celebrity gossip sites revealed
We might not want to admit it, but celebrity gossip is one of our favorite guilty pleasures. Find out which sites are the best, from Defamer to TMZ. (And no, we don't forget Perez Hilton.)
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Mozilla Bespin: Cloud code editing via browser
Mozilla Labs is pushing into the cloud with an experiment called Bespin, a browser-based editor. While still a Mozilla Labs project, Bespin looks like an excellent "cloud editor."
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Investigative journalism: First casualty of the Net?
The debate over the impact of technology on media and the potential impact on political governance takes center stage at a weekend colloquium on IT and society.
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Why it's good that Facebook makes us infantile
Lady Greenfield, a professor of synaptic pharmacology, this week declared that Facebook and other social-networking sites are infantilizing the human brain. Why is that so bad?
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Portable unit kicks in when GPS fades
The high-tech dead-reckoning unit NaviSeer, from Seer Technology, supports GPS navigation. Coordinates accurate to within less than a yard, according to Seer.
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Mufin Player organizes songs by sound
The Mufin Player recommends similar songs based on an audio analysis, but the first beta version has a litle trouble identifying song information from iTunes.
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Without APIs, there is no cloud computing
If APIs enable cloud computing, what happens when it comes to portability? Will anyone voluntarily let me off of their cloud? We need standards to support functions such as portability.
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The world's most expensive (and tasteless) iPhone
Austrian designer Peter Aloisson makes extremely expensive bejeweled cell phones. We're talking Apple smartphones with price tags of $2.5 million. All they lack is taste.
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Yahoo's Microsoft tab totaled $79 million
Yahoo ran up a double-digit multimillion dollar tab last year, paying outside advisers $79 million in its efforts to fend off Microsoft, according to an SEC filing.
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Cloud fever: What will it take for a breakout?
At a roundtable discussion on Microsoft's campus, of all places, some of the tech industry's best and brightest gather to offer a snapshot of cloud computing's progress--and lack thereof.
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Amazon retreats on Kindle's text-to-speech issue
Retailer denies the feature violates any copyright but says publishers will decide whether to enable text-to-speech function for their books.
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Facebook halts rogue app, MySpace plugs hole
The social networks are tackling new security issues that could make personal information and private communications accessible to strangers.
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How to monitor Demo 09 live
The Twitter back channel will be buzzing. Here are the feeds to watch.
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U.K. operators may strip Skype from Nokia devices
Two U.K. wireless operators may refuse to carry Nokia phones that have the Skype VoIP calling feature built-in.
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Apple's mobile-app review system needs overhaul
The company's very basic user review system for iPhone and iPod Touch applications is in need of some help. We look at what could be done to fix it. Start with a great iTunes feature.
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