Friday, February 27, 2009

IT News HeadLines (TechWeb) 27/02/2009

Obama Plans To Retire Space Shuttle
NASA budget increase does not include continued funding for the vehicle.
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NASA Succeeds With Social Networking
The space agency is mulling widespread adoption of Web 2.0 tools.
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Cloud Computing Aligns Zimory With VMware
A significant advantage of Zimory's management software is that it makes server resources available to cost-conscious IT shops that many would otherwise not be able to afford.
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VMware CTO Cites Virtues Of Virtual Machines
"There's no excuse not to run your database system in a virtual machine," VMware CTO Stephen Herrod said in his keynote at VMworld Europe.
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Citi and Federal Govt. Reach Agreement Over Ownership Question
The federal government and Citigroup have made way for the possibility of a greater government stake in the bank.
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Analysis: The Battle Over Next-gen Telecom Networks
The economic downturn has pushed the next-generation WiMax wireless system to the sidetrack of the mobile world and set up a battle between network gear makers for a share of future technology upgrades.
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Poll: Half of Bankers Would Leave UK If Bonuses Capped
Half of British bankers would consider leaving the country if a cap were put on their cash bonuses, a survey showed on Friday.
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Windows 7 Gets Pre-Release Makeover
Microsoft has tweaked three dozen features in the beta version of its new operating system.
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Battle Joined Over Next-Generation Telecom Networks
Mobile telecom operators are looking at WiMax and LTE to cope with surging data traffic from smartphones and laptops with mobile data cards.
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Dolphin Launches Low Latency Networking Solution
New solution said to combine 10 gigabits-per-second networking with 1.2-microsecond latency, using reflective memory.
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Wall Street Rates Poorly for Ethics, Honesty in U.S. Poll
Americans hold a dim view of business executives, giving them poor grades for honesty and ethics and blaming them for business failures, according to a survey released Thursday.
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Blu-Ray Partners To Launch 'One-Stop' Licensing
If the partners can get approval from all patent holders, than all Blu-ray products would be charged a flat fee, which would go into a pool and divided among patent holders.
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Citi, U.S. in Equity Deal; Economies Weaken
The federal government could take a 30% to 40% stake in Citi in an effort to help stabalize the banking giant and the financial services system at large.
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NY Regulator Subpoenas BofA for List of Who Got Bonuses
New York AG's office is demanding the names of Bank of America employees who received bonuses and the amount each was paid.
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Supreme Court Rules For AT&T In Antitrust Case
The lawsuit claimed AT&T was anti-competitive because it was charging high wholesale prices to ISPs while offering low-cost DSL to consumers.
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Hack An iPhone, Win $10,000
In TippingPoint's DVLabs contest, hackers also have the option of trying to execute a successful exploit against a Web browser.
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Dell Cost Cutting $1 Billion As Profits Fall 48%
Like other PC companies, Dell is suffering from the effects of the worldwide recession.
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UBS Replaces CEO Rohner with Former Credit Suisse Exec
In a surprise move, UBS replaced its chief executive with the former chief executive of Credit Suisse, Oswald Grubel.
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Facebook Opens Site Rules To User Voting
"The Facebook Principles" and "Statement of Rights and Responsibilities" may signal a shift in social networking best practices.
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Google Blocks Paid-App Access For Developer G1s
The search giant said it doesn't want Dev Phone owners to be able to use the root access capabilities to pirate applications.
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Pioneer State Mutual Chooses Guidewire for Billing
Pioneer State Mutual Insurance Company has selected Guidewire BillingCenter as its new billing system.
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Intel Joins Dell In Challenging Netbook Trademark
Psion Teklogix has held the trademark for the term "netbook" since 2000, but PC makers say the word is now generic.
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