Monday, February 23, 2009

IT News HeadLines (ComputerWorld) 23/02/2009

Protecting Your Organization's Innovations
Global economic competition, to a large extent, has replaced the Cold War political and military competition. As a result, countries now pursue national economic interests through a myriad of activities, including espionage. Their goal is to maintain and sustain a competitive advantage in the global market place as quickly and affordably as possible, preferably at YOUR expense. This has placed U.S. businesses in an even greater position of risk as countries and companies increase the targeting of innovative U.S. based research, technologies, and products. (Editor's note: See Nation States' Espionage and Counterespionage, by CIA veteran Christopher Burgess.

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Nexsan builds iSCSI storage that sleeps with one eye open
Nexsan introduced a new iSCSI/Fibre Channel appliance that offers higher RAID levels, the ability to mix SAS and SATA disks in the same chassis, and power savings through massive array of idle disk technology.

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Sybase touts momentum as it releases upgraded IQ database for BI
Sybase released IQ 15, the latest version of its column-based database tuned for business intelligence and analytical applications.
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App vendors answering call of the smartphone
Smartphones are increasingly becoming a key development platform for a variety of application vendors.

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Windows Mobile gets more 'finger-friendly'
Looking to become more competitive with the iPhone and other new smartphones, Microsoft announced a more "finger-friendly" upgrade of its Windows Mobile operating system.

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Microsoft denies charging Vista downgrade fee
Microsoft denies charges in a federal lawsuit that it makes money when users buy systems downgraded from Windows Vista to the older XP operating system.

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Hackers shut down travel site for federal workers
Hackers hit, a travel reservations Web site used by several federal agencies, and shunted unsuspecting users to a malicious domain.

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Los Alamos computer thefts prompt DOE security check at nuclear lab
The Los Alamos National Laboratory is reviewing its security policies in the wake of disclosures that dozens of computers taken off-site have been lost or stolen over the past year.

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Global Dispatches: German Mac clone maker girds for showdown with Apple
A German maker of Macintosh clones said it is set to defend its right to make the systems in court, if necessary; Google has bought a Finnish paper mill and has preliminary plans to construct a data center there.
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Asustek to Make Google Android Netbook, Says Report

Google's Android OS continues to extend its tentacles deeper into Microsoft territory. Two weeks ago Archos announced plans to roll out an Android-based tablet phone later this year, and now netbook-pioneer Asustek says it may install Android on an upcoming, low-cost notebook.

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Three Ways Twitter Security Falls Short

The popular micro-blogging platform Twitter continues its explosive growth but it still has a lot to do when it comes to securing the platform. We spoke with two security experts about three areas where Twitter poses some significant risks.

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EBay auction tool Web site infected with malware

A Trojan horse lurking on servers belonging to Auctiva, a Web site offering eBay auction tools, infected people's PCs last week.

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Microsoft researchers' Gazelle aims to secure Web browsing

Microsoft researchers are developing a new Web browser called Gazelle that they say could offer a far greater degree of security than Internet Explorer.

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Avoid rolling with rick: lengthen URLs

Shortened URLs can be convenient, but every time you use one, you're clicking blind.

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Windows 7: Enterprise Features Explained

The lion's share of attention about the Windows 7 beta has been on consumer features. The new taskbar with its jumplists, mouse-hover features, easy navigation and the more controllable user account control are the immediate attention-grabbers. But the under-the-hood, less "sexy" enterprise features of Windows 7 are not as well known.

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Lenovo Service Boosts BlackBerry, ThinkPad Integration

Research In Motion (RIM) and Lenovo on Monday announced a new service for mobile professionals, called Lenovo Constant Connect, that lets ThinkPad laptop computer users with BlackBerry smartphones employ a brand new, Bluetooth-enabled ExpressCard along with their ThinkPads to synchronize corporate e-mail between notebooks and smartphones--even if their computers are turned off.

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IPhone-controlled car to demo at Geneva Motor Show

Swiss automobile design house Rinspeed will unveil at next week's Geneva Motor Show and concept electric car controlled by an iPhone.

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LG, Prada look to continue joint product development

LG Electronics and Prada are looking to continue their handset partnership or develop additional products together, even though no concrete plans yet exist, according to executives from both companies.

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Satyam says it bags new business of $250 million

Satyam bagged $250 million in new business as the board planned to bring in fresh management and funds.

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Yahoo may overhaul top management next week, report says

Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz is ready to reorganize the company's top management this week, a report said.

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