Saturday, February 21, 2009

IT News HeadLines (ComputerWorld) 21/02/2009

Study: U.S. gov't could save billions with cloud computing, open-source
The U.S. government could save billions of dollars by moving to more open-source software, cloud computing and virtualization, a recent study suggests.

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Apple's App Store grows, but apps are seldom used after download
IPhone users rarely use many of the apps they download to their phones, according to Pinch Media, a company that helps developers track the use of their iPhone applications.

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Proposed law might make Wi-Fi users help cops
A proposed U.S. law would require ISPs to store information about every user of their services and keep that data for at least two years in a bid to crack down on Internet-based predators and child pornographers.

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Elgan: Legalize cell phone jammers?
Laws against cell phone jammers in the U.S. apply to everyone except federal government officials. Which raises the question: Is that right?

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How will the $7.2B allotted for broadband stimulus be spent?
The tech community sees the $7.2 billion set aside for broadband in the economic stimulus bill as a clear first step toward establishing a nationwide broadband strategy.

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Conficker spawn, recession smackdown
A new version of Conficker has turned up and could portend even more malevolent uses of that already-nasty malware. Hewlett-Packard, Apple and Sprint Nextel, through either rough earnings reports or market surveys, joined the ranks of big-name tech companies that have been slammed by the recession. And if you use facial recognition to securely log on to your laptop, you may want to reconsider.

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Permanent fix needed for DNS security issues, Kaminsky warns at Black Hat
Dan Kaminsky, the security researcher who discovered a major flaw in the DNS protocol last year, said this week that broad adoption of DNS Security Extensions technology may be needed to protect systems, despite its complexity.

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Vista Capable suit no longer has class
First disclaimer: I am not a lawyer. (For which the American Bar Association should be extremely grateful.)

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Database Crime Scene Prevention
A good detective understands the criminal mind, techniques, and tools of the trade. To protect your database and prevent it from becoming a crime scene, it is crucial to understand the common methods of attack, data theft, and cover up techniques. The suspect line-up can come from outside hackers and from within the ranks of trusted employees, contractors, and partners. Some threats are easily prevented or contained; while others more elusive. Fortunately, many of the security mechanisms and tools required to protect databases are readily available.

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New Web Threats for 2009

Download this White Paper today!

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XBox Live players targeted in DoS attacks

Griefing goes beyond the confines of the games...for a price.

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Microsoft: Online gamers still a top malware target

Microsoft removed nearly 1 million copies of an online game password stealer called Taterf in the first half of February.

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Facebook preps comments widget for data portability service

Facebook has released a comments widget for its Connect data portability service.

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